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Everything posted by Bleitten04

  1. Well I went down to High Tor today. Its a really nice place. When driving through right when I first got there about 20+ turkeys crossed the road. Then I saw 5 more on the other side where they had came from. Found a parking spot and went for a walk. Came across what looked like a pretty fresh set of tracks and decided to follow them. A few hundred yards and I came across a fresh pile of droppings. I went probably about another hundred yards and was coming up on a set of pines. I was thinking to myself that there might be a deer or two in there because the tracks were going straight into them. Right on the edge of the pines it was pretty thick and I broke a couple of branches. I hear a snort and look up and two deer are running away. They were only about 50 yards away : . I waited about 15 or 20 minutes to let them go where they were going and then started on there tracks again. I followed them until I could tell that they were walking and not running any more. At this point in time the tracks led to a spot where there were many tracks spread around and about 4 places where deer were bedded down. I lost the tracks in this area but when I exited this spot I did see another set of tracks that seemed prettey fresh. I followed them for a few hundred yards and they were going down a hill that was pretty steep and just kept going. I thought about what the heck I was going to do if I got a deer down there so I decided to turn around and grab some lunch. Saw another hunter up by the road and I talked to him for a while and he was telling me the area was very good and he has had pretty good luck this year. He told me a spot to go for the evening where something will probably come by. I sat there for about 3 1/2 hours until dark but didn't see anything. O well its how things go. Very nice place though and I will def. be making another trip there either next bow season or again for ML. Maybe even for some spring gobblers.
  2. I noticed a few new rubs today while out hunting. I've never seen fresh rubs this late and it kind of took me by surprise. They were nothing special but were def. fresh which was cool I thought.
  3. Yea I don't like the crowds for deer season because you never know who is pushing what or where. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go check it out though hoping that there will not be to many people there now for ML.
  4. Did any of these neighbors ask the farmer for permission to hunt there? If this is all true and the farmer was letting everybody hunt I'm sure he would have let these guys in to.
  5. Wow thats amazing I though the Hanson buck was the largest typical? Do you have a link to the story or a link to where all the records are?
  6. Wow what a deer. Could you imagine if this was 3 years later and if it was a world record lol. I know I'm getting off topic but man it would be so cool if the World Record was from NY. All those southerners would be in awww lol. Congrats to the hunter.
  7. I agree they do fall apart though if you don't add fat. But I don't really care lol its all the same to me !!!!
  8. I'm with you on this one, live a little guys, you can allways do an extra excersize to make up for it. The reason I don't add fat is not because of health issues. We just happened to be a bit lazy this year and not add it. I think it is very delicious without the fat IMO and will not be putting it in for the future.
  9. Doc, I checked that out before and some other places also. I can't find a real good map of the area. Do you know where I might be able to find this or if there is a better map on the DEC site?
  10. Thanks guys Ill post how I make out. I'm gonna try to put my tracking skills together and see if I cant cut a track or two. Never been succussfull with this but have never had a ton of property to try it on.
  11. My buddy let me borrow one of his this year. I used it kind of as an experiment just to see how it works and what might be out there. It is infared and did not spook any deer but did spook the fox's lol. Kind of funny there will be 3 pics usually the fox coming in then looking at the camera then running away lol. I believe this one is made by Bushnell.
  12. Me and my dad always used to add pork fat to our ground beef. This year we got a little lazy and didn't. Although it was good with the pork fat I also really like it without and enjoy the taste of just the plain venison. Not adding the pork fat is probably how we will do it in the future.
  13. Alright thank you and yea it is High Tor I think.
  14. Anyone ever hear of it? Good or bad or any results would be appreciated. I'm thinking of heading there Friday for a little hunt/scout session.
  15. I bet the taxidermist would be really happy when you brought him in !!
  16. Awesome deer!!!! Do you have any idea why there wasn't any blood for such a long period of time?
  17. I use Winchester's. They have always worked for me but I have had some accuracy problems with the 3in. shells shooting much higher then where I'm aiming at 50 yards where the 2 3/4 are just about right on (this is with open sights). Also I have heard that lightfield makes the best there is according to some people at B Pro. My buddy shoots them and likes them but they run him $15 for a box of 5. LOL I pay $5 for a box of 5 !!!!
  18. That is a tough one. If the deer are really causing that much damage then yes they should be taken out because there is to many in that area. However it sounds like they might be going a little overboard. The DEC should step in and modify it and see how bad the damage really is.
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