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Everything posted by Bleitten04

  1. IMO opinon a lot of work is done. However you have to realize where the work is being done. The people that own the ranches do the work. It takes a lot of hard work to make good food plots that will grow big deer. It also takes a lot of work to maintian a good QDM program. High fenced or not it takes a lot of hard work to make a succussful ranch. High fences may make it easier but still alot of work is needed. The people who make the shows only have to shoot good. The people off camera are the people who put in all the work so that the people on camera can make a show that will sell. This is just my opinion but you can't have huge bucks without having some hard work somewhere. Its just a matter of who is doing the work.
  2. Doc You really made a good decision though I taking it out of its misery. I hope that you can try and find some good meat on it!!!!
  3. Thanks for the support guys!!!!
  4. sitting on the ground this evening in a differnt location then usual. this spot is a little more off the beaten trail. wind has finally slowed down and i think there is a cold front moving in. hopefully will have some action soon.
  5. Stay positive. I'm pretty sure there is a cold front coming through this evening. The next few days might be pretty good!!!
  6. I agree with everything you guys are saying. My buddy got a doe, we got more land to hunt, and the deer did not go to waste (all positives). I really wish we gave it more time though. Probably would have found it dead where we first spooked it if we gave it another half hour or so. O well we are both young and living and learning!!! If you count bow season we have both learned a life time of lesson's this season!!!!
  7. I know what you mean. You would think an animal that is so "smart" would realize that roads are bad. However have you ever noticed that a deer never really just walks across a road like they would walk through the woods. (Atleast with my encounters) They are always in some what a hurry like they do know it is bad. Must be something good on the other side!!!
  8. I saw a tv show about this. If you worked at Remington is was a don't ask don't tell situation just so you could keep your job. Not sure on all the details though. If all of this is true Remington needs to do something about it. But people shooting other because of accidental discharge is pretty ridciulous. DON'T POINT YOUR GUN AT ANOTHER PERSON UNLESS YOUR IN WAR!!!!!
  9. I'm pretty sure I knocked my scope on my muzzeloader. Had a doe at 60 to 65 yards and had a clean miss. I had the scope right on her vitals and didn't flinch or nothing. I sighted it in before bow season and then about a week before gun shot it again to make sure it was still on and it was. I even have a gun case for it. O well I guess I don't have a range I can shoot at here at school so Ill just bring my shotgun the rest of the season which I use iron sights with.
  10. Nice pics. You could def. earn so extra dough I think. But you would have to make more then what you would spend on equipment. I'm pretty sure there is a small disc sold a Bass Pro that can be pulled with a 4 wheeler. I believe its under a 1000 dollars. I'm not positive on this though but its what my buddy told me.
  11. Quiet an intersting opening day for me. Well it started out with me hitting a deer on the way to my uncles. I posted a topic on that below. When I finally get to my stand I'm in it for about 10 - 15 minutes and I hear my buddy shoot. I scared a 4 point to him when getting in my stand. He shot twice and hit it the first time and missed the second when it was running. We wait 45 minutes and then go after it. It left a decent blood trail but not bubbles and its pretty dark. We get about 30 yards from where it is laying down and can't see it but can hear it get up and move. We go up and see where it was bedded and see it went out into a field. We look in the field and see nothing. We try to find where it went into the woods after leaving the field. It took us a good half hour to follow the blood trail across this field. We get about 10 yards from the edge of the woods and see the deer laying there and it looks dead. Start high fiving and walk up to it. Well it gets up and runs away. Now we know we gotta give this deer some time. Also where it ran to isn't property we can hunt. We see the landowner over to the right and a couple hundred yards back. We tell him the situation and he says go find your deer. We sit and wait for an hour. We go back pick up the trail and crawled crouched and rolled lol for a good 300 hundred yards in a big half circle. Well the deer hasn't died yet and we chase it to the landowner's son who shoots it and puts it down. We shoot the bull for a few minutes and his dad shows up. They take the deer and really had no intentions of having us take it. Still don't know where my buddy really hit it because the only side we saw was where the bullet exited. I think he hit the liver though. The owner appreciated the way we went about business so he granted us permission to hunt his property and use his stands as long as we call him in advance. His property is quite big and borders my unlces property. There is also a pond in the center of his land. A little disapointed but also a little happy we go back and my buddy shot a doe later in the day. He hit a bullseye on the heart and the deer went 30 to 40 yards.
  12. Very sorry for your loss. I agree with Doc. He passed doing something he loved. God Bless you and your family!!!!
  13. Well opening day wasn't a very good one for me. On my way to my hunting spot I hit a 6 point buck with my truck. I struck it pretty good and it layed in the middle of the road. To make it even worse me and my buddy were both pulled over with our 4 ways going trying to alert traffic about the deer in the road. Well one truck didn't seem to interested and ran the poor thing over again. I called the cops and they were on there way. I told my buddy to go meet my dad and just get on with your day. Even after the second truck the deer still wasn't dead. Another guy pulled over and helped me get it out of the road. I figured it was paralyzed and wasn't able to move. It was pretty torn apart especially after the second truck. It took an hour for the cop to get there and ten minutes before he did the deer got up and walked away. I told the cop everything and he said he would go up and see if it was near where it went back into the woods and then he would call me to come back and get it. I never recieved a call though. Really discouraging situation. This is the first deer I ever hit. I could have easily slit its throat but I think its illegal and that the cop has to kill. Not sure though but does anyone know what the law is?
  14. I suppose most people are either in bed, at camp, or travelling. But good luck to all and be safe. Hope everyone has a blast tomorrow. Literally LOL !!!!
  15. Yep I would shoot. No superstitions here!!!
  16. Buck Commander I love that show!!! Chipper Jones is my favorite baseball player LOL!!! Another good one is Jim Shockey the Proffesionals. Most of the time they are successfull in their hunts. But they show everything. If someting goes wrong they show it. The show is suppose to show how much work is really needed to be a big time hunter and how hard it really actually is.
  17. Now I'm nowhere near the "good ol days" generation lol. But my grandpa used to be a part of it. I've seen some pictures of the red jackets with blue jeans and such things. He used to be apart of a camp where all they did was push deer. When they day was over they went back and just enjoyed life and everyones company. I wish that is what it was like today. I really envy you guys who still have camps. The sport has changed a lot though. If you watch hunting tv shows for a few years and then if you really compare the shows you will see a difference in hunting. Everything gets "better". I dont really see this as a bad thing though. Everything evolves at some point in time!!!!! I just wish I was apart of a sweet camp LOL!!!
  18. Ive never hunted them. But in Auburn NY which is near by me there is a crow shoot every year. Not sure if they still do it. But the crows were a big problem for the city so they actually had a little contest with it!!!!
  19. I usually just spit the shells on the ground. Don't really know if thats good or bad? Ive never had a deer come by when I was chewing seeds!!!
  20. I really hope they are!!! Good Luck to all!!!
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