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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. I like the shells. They only come in #6 and #7 though. So I want to try a few other brands and see the results. I also want to test some 3" shells the next time out. For this shotgun and that ammo, if spring turkey started tomorrow, I am confident I could kill a tom out to about 45 yds. The whole thing about a site like this is getting other people views.
  2. Today marks 6 years me and my lady been together. Was almost a bad day...LOL I got her a card that fits us and after she went to bed I put in her laptop. When she's not at work the first thing she does in the morning if fire up her laptop and make her breakfast. I thought putting the card there would be a good surprise. I even moved the the darn thing where she would see it first thing. What does she do, uses her Kindle and phone to check email & FB. She heads in the shower and around 11AM on the way out the door to go shopping she gives me guff and sort of leaves the house in a huff telling me I suck and I forgot. I just sort of sat there in a mute anger myself. The one day she breaks her norm and I am the bad guy. Then I just shook it off and laughed. Now, I have decided I am not telling her the card is in her laptop. I also planned on making her a nice dinner ( spent all my spare money on my new guns ). She comes home, I help bring the groceries in and put them away, I can tell she seems a bit irritated at me. I am just going about things and letting her think I forgot and just don't feel like fighting about it right now. I get my pasta sauce going, walk into the living room and again she is on her Kindle. That battery dies and she goes back to the phone. Now I was like "WTF!". LOL I let my sauce simmer for two hours, I am just about ready to tell her to look when she makes a reminder of the gift she bought me. Now, I am in but head sarcastic mode! So I ask her if she an email me the screwed up bore hunting vid her bro sent. Thinking, she will use her laptop. NOPE! Back to the phone! So I come into my office, and do what I do. About 4:30PM she finally opens the laptop! What a change in her demeanor! Now it's all "Oh baby! I Love you! You are the best!". LOL I laughed and called her a jackass and that had she followed her routine she wouldn't have been mad in the first place. When everything was done for dinner, I made her a plate and took it to her. While she was on her damn laptop telling everyone how great I am. LMAO! Later tonight, I will be doing things I cannot discuss in here! Over a card and a home cooked meal.
  3. Yeah, I didn't buy the non toxic shells. Not for a first run. I am pretty happy with both. I had my concerns with both being basically lower end guns. I went back and forth a lot. Buy a shotgun and set it up with a bird barrel and a slug barrel, buy a package deal and put a scope on the shotgun. Buy just a rifle, or buy a new bow. It took a week for me to decide. In the end, I just wanted something I could use to hunt everything I always enjoyed hunting. So this is the result. There is a huge reason when I got back into hunting I went archery. I am like everyone else, I will have guns I never shoot, just have it because I wanted it. LOL
  4. I didn't know it was already posted. Sorry about that. I the the last few seconds, bow hung and the dude looking pretty pale.
  5. Someone sent me this link in an email. I would have had to leave my underwear in the woods after this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jRTrRxamxQ
  6. The heat and rain are starting to turn leaves here too. My hot pepper plants are suffering.
  7. Here's a pic of the ammo & a pic of both guns. Sorry about the bad pic of the ammo, the camera in my phone is touchy.
  8. I have nothing against it either, but I feel the same way NFA-ADK feels. It's just not for me. Would you hunt a zoo if they let you? Maybe the Adirondack Animal Park? They have exotics! Wait, don't answer that!..I forgot where I was for a second! I like the planning and scouting, I like just heading off into the woods looking for deer and deer sign. I enjoy putting in the work for my hunting. I even like the fact that deer can move from my hunting areas. Well, I don't actually like it, but I accept it as part of hunting. I like being able to go to our camp, or a state forest ( that allows it ) and set up a tent and camp for a weekend of hunting. :"The Chase" is part of hunting. I also enjoy 'still' hunting. Slowly walking through the woods, three steps stop and look, two steps stop and look...... What, how, and where people hunt is up to them. As long as they do it legal, I really don't care. I prefer to work for my deer/turkey/small game...If I eat tag soup, that's OK with me. Just means I have to think and work harder the next year. But, if they ever take the freedom to hunt where I want, when I want, and with whom I want away... Yes, I would quit hunting.
  9. I am love with my Howa! ( Shotgun discussed in another thread so no need to discuss that here ) I have had my share of .30-06, .270, one .308, and a .222. Before this morning, the only rifle I had shooting inside a quarter in less then 10 rounds was a Remington 7400 in .270. This Howa took 6 shots. Three at a turkey target at appx 40yds, just to make sure the bore sighting was done right and I was on paper. 3 shots and I was dead on and two inches low. Paced off 130 yds, so more like 110 in reality. 3 more shots, and 1st shot was 3 inches high and a bit right. Adjustment. Next two shots were inside a nickel center and 1 inch high. I left it like that as I should still be in heart shot at 200 yds. Shooting Hornady American Whitetail 139gr Inter Lock. I was really shocked.
  10. I wanted that Ithaca! But, I also really wanted the rifle. So I made the compromise. Rifle, scope, and the shotgun were around $800. Man I hope nothing happens to my truck anytime soon. LOL Every review I read and info I could find said exactly what Pygmy said, it needs to be well broken in. Especially the tactical version. Shot it this morning, not much, 5 rounds and the shells I bought worked fine. Roughly paced off 45 yds, so more like 40, and it patterned well with the 2 3/4" #6's. As good as any Rem 870, or Mossy 500 I have owned. Here is one of the many reviews I looked at for this gun: http://www.gunblast.com/TriStar.htm I might have stayed longer but, man it was hot and after sighting the rifle and shooting the shotgun I was sweating like a stuck pig so I called it a day. So far I am pleased. I want to get a box of #5's and I will grab a box of low brass for the next outing and see how it goes. But I really like those Hevi Shots. They aren't that expensive, $11 for a box of 25. A few years ago when the lil woman had her 20ga she spent over $20 on a box of basic low brass Remington #4's. Considering It will be a turkey gun and maybe some tree rats in the winter I really don't mind $11 a box. I will shoot at the very most 3 boxes in a years time. When I used to hunt with a shotgun I almost always stuck with #6 for rabbit and squirrel. 3" #4 for turkey. #6 was the most universal for me. Now, many people seem to like the #5's for all around. Just been a long time since I hunted with a shotgun, so asking people what they like is the best way for me to get knowledge on the new ammo available.
  11. I was on a very tight budget. But I went over that because I bought 2 guns. ( http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/28213-did-some-browsing-yesterday/ ). The shotgun doesn't just shoot heavy round high brass, it will shoot low brass after the full breaking in. I bought it used, so I am not really sure of anything yet. For all I know it will shoot cheap Federal ammo just fine. I was asking to see what ammo people would suggest for the high brass. Practice? Yes, but I am not a clay shooter. I will not be shooting hundreds of rounds a year.
  12. Yes law, I still have the receipt. I know I will regret this, like I do so many posts around here........Why do I need the receipt law?
  13. What if you are not hunting over food plots you planted, or, say a farmers orchard or crop fields? What if you are hunting woods where the only food is natural wild food? As First-light said, how do you know for a fact the does you are feeding from other does? Or bucks for that matter! It seems people forget that not everyone is hunting the burbs or woods with food plots and apple trees abound. Some hunters still get up at 2 am, then after breakfast and gear check drive for two hours and hunt in the woods where acorns and pine cones are the top food source. How many does to kill? I guess that depends on the latest survey.
  14. Yes it's semi auto. The high brass heavier loads are what they recommend to keep the cycle clean with out a lot of jams. I still have to pattern the gun, and see for myself what works best. I am just curious what other hunters use and why. I bought the Heavy Shot on a recommendation. The place I bought the gun said they were a great shell for the gun and also a great hunting load. I am not concerned with slugs, I won't use this for deer. Mainly turkey. I always stood by #4 and #6 shot. Been reading up and see many turkey hunters like the #5 as a universal shot.
  15. The new shotgun ( new to me anyway ) is said to like only the high brass shells. I picked up a box of Heavy Shot #6 2 3/4 to test tomorrow. I don't have an issue using the high brass, so I am not concerned about that at all. Just wondering what brands members here have used and the results you have gotten. I know some guns will shoot certain ammo better, like some might shoot Federal, and others shoot Winchester better.
  16. I feel bad for the pet owner, but......... Like this quote says, when a predator comes a calling in your yard, that threat needs to be dealt with in a stern fashion.
  17. Most of the funnels are small stream and crick beds meeting, and a few nice valleys that open to a small swamp. No open fields near the areas I have permission to hunt right now. Most of it's dense and shots would never be past 125 yds. Seeing I will be using a rifle and not a bow, I have a few more options. I really want to set up where a small stream enters a swamp. I have looked at satellite maps before. The thick canopy doesn't allow a good view of what's in the woods. So posting a pic would only show tree tops, not the swamp, the streams or the creek. You can't even see my buddies parents house or driveway from a sat map. I wish I was able to get a few more stands, but not this year. One ladder stand is all that's in the cards right now. I am going to get a few camo tarps for my natural ground blinds, and throw some burlap ( or even some cheap camo fabric ) over that to help quiet the rain hitting the tarp. I appreciate the advice you all have given. I know it's hard with only one stand and not being able to see the layout.
  18. Well, I went over my budget. But I am happy with my choices. Picked up a used Howa Rancher in 7mm-08 and put a Bushnell Trophy XLT on it. The smaller rifle shoulders better for me Also picked up a TriStar Raptor 12. I know these are not top of the line, but after asking a lot of questions I think I will be happy with both. The shotgun cycles better with high brass rounds, and from what I read I can use a couple of choke brands. The rifle is based on Weatherby specs. Sighting in and pattering tomorrow. I will miss the bow this season, but it's fine. I am set for deer season and ready for some squirrel hunting this winter and gobblers in the spring.
  19. No, I have never hunted the Seneca Army Depot. Doesn't depot mean a place to sell/buy things? I do not live in WNY! Yes I have hunted state land with far more acreage then 1200. What's your point? If it came down to paying to hunt land or giving up hunting? I would give up hunting. I most certainly would not hunt inside a fence! EVER!
  20. Getting ready for tent camp for deer hunting in September and October! The lil woman wanted to take a drive today and do some shopping. I didn't know she wanted to hit the outlet stores around Lake George when I agreed. But for being a trooper and walking through stores I have no interest in being in, she bought me a new sleeping bag! Rated to 20 degrees, and fits perfect on my cot! Can't wait to test in a couple weeks. Will be to warm to be in that bag this time of year in reality, but, who cares. Testing new gear is always fun!
  21. An expert hunter to me is someone who is in the woods everyday, or almost everyday watching, learning, striving, and always adapting. They know every inch of the land they hunt. They can tell when a flea left poop on a leaf on a tree just over that ridge. They take that knowledge and apply it on other land, and are usually successful. But not every expert tags out every year. You can scout your backside off, put up 300 trail cams, have great stand placement, perfect wind, and see nodda! Hunting is as much a little luck as it is skill. You can't shoot what doesn't show up. As for skill level, to really get great skills to hunt and even try to understand ( always a learning experience ) white tail deer you have to be in the woods. Learn to use and read a topo map and a compass. Head into the ADK or CTSK mountains. The big big bucks are in the big big woods! You have a better chance at a huge buck in the middle of where no one hunts then where everyone hunts! I really don't get why most people don't understand that one. Hunting 300 feet from your garage over looking WalMart might get you a dandy, but if that buck walks in front of another hunter guess what................... Does, those of us who hunt for meat have no issue killing a doe! So, I guess that's a mute discussion........ As for all this hoorah about surveys and results, it will never be right! Even if the DEC could give honest and true factual numbers, they wouldn't be right. Those numbers would not include the people who don't tag or report deer, or the poachers who don't even buy a license. So, please explain to me how all these surveys are really going to help anyway?
  22. I am flattered! That would be me! Now on to a site issue, the "View New Content" seems to be acting wonky for me. I click on it one time and shows like 2 pages of new posts, the next time it will show like 5 posts on 1 page, then a minute later it shows 2 or 3 pages again. I thought it might have been my browser, so I cleared everything in FireFox, IE, and Opera. Same results. Been doing this for about a week.
  23. He posted that pic in another thread........ OK! I expected to see a bunch of drunk hunters in camo watching a hooker riding a recurve! Enough with the bad titles for the damn posts! C'mon dude! LOL Great pics wooly.
  24. You are right WNY. Just looked for the first time. I wonder who uses them. Seen shows about fishing in NY, never one about hunting in NY. We do have some big deer here, but I don't think it's enough to make someone spend a large amount of money to hunt here. I just cant see a man or woman sitting in WY, AK, or CO sitting around planning a trip here to hunt. But, people are strange. If they ever made it so we had to hunt inside a fence in NY, I would move or stop hunting. The day ever comes where I am herded in like at a concert or a fair, or given a ticket that says "You are assigned stand #17" will be all she wrote! Image them stamping your hand like in a bar. Nope, not for me.
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