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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Anyone watch that animated series Archer? They work for an organization called ISIS. Now, ISIS is a group of radicals doing really bad As Arsenio Hall would say..."Hmmmmmmm".
  2. Rolling Stones? No! At this time in life they are at minimum 'Sagging' Stones, maybe Dragging...OK, maybe Rolling if they bring their wheel chairs. Just kidding...Kinda.. I still go to concerts, heavy metal concerts. I see a lot of people older then me there. I'm almost 44. Two years ago the g/f and I went to the Mayhem Fest ( two years before that Uproar Fest ), the main bands for Mayhem were Asking Alexandria, Slayer, Motorhead, and Slipknot headlined. There were people there in their 60's to see Moterhead if nothing else. Other stages had Anthrax, White Chapel and at least 15 more. We are actually going to see Slipknot this Summer as well. If you love the music you go. We only live once so make the best of the time you have here. Live life because you never know what can happen!
  3. I don't see any issue with this. But I can't find anything in news or on DEC site about this one. I would be interested in any other areas that might be effected. Edit: Still looking, NYODN stands for New York Organ Doners Network.
  4. DirtTime


    Sorry for your loss.
  5. First, read the siggy! Second, I changed it again to try and be a better person around here. The "Just" seemed off putting, over the top. I guess trying being nice here is like sticking your foot in a blender and wondering why your toes are gone! Third? WTFF does that have to do with a football thread? FFS! It's a ****'in thread about football! Grow up! If I want to change my user name to "IJstDidUrWife", who cares! It's a damn user name on a forum! Not like I hide it or make 200 accounts like many of you! Have an issue? Take it up with me in private! Don't disrupt a thread! Ugh......Shurggs..... Again, I don't think coaching is the sole issue.
  6. I have a post similar to this somewhere. But the scat was like a deer would normally do. Little piles all over an area. Not deer "pellets" scattered like a hurricane dropped them there. Deer don't get the "beer squirts" and shoot **** out of their *****. The amount of yellow snow is not even close to as far as age to the scat. The pellets would have soaked in making the area around them brownish as well. Like I said, most of those pellets are on top of crusted snow. As for your comment about "No Human Tracks", I guess you have no idea who Mr. Sherlock Holmes is. He takes the most off the wall clue possibilities, deduces them to be false, and then traces back. He then would say; "While this was intriguing, I must say, the notation by the conspirator of there being no "human foot prints" was the demise. HAHA! There in lies the mystery Watson!! Why no prints? Did they indeed move the scat? Many the man has done far more to make a statement, Watson! This image is an illusion! A want for notoriety! For attention!".
  7. Well, how bad can it get? I don't blame it all on coaches, I think players that don't get the job done are worse. The coach isn't on the field making the plays. Benching Manuel was a good decision! Orton took the Bills to 9/7 and # 2 in our division. That's not to shabby when you consider the past. I think Orton might do well, at least he isn't blind to jersey color like *****patrick and throws the ball to the wrong team 68% of the time. The Bills beat some of the top ranked teams this year. They have some momentum going into next season! We had a ton of rookies on O! They kicked ass! Let 'em play and see what happens next year! Except Manuel, he's gotta go! He did nothing in his rookie year, and less this year. The hype didn't live up to the reality!
  8. Never known a deer to treat a tree like a dog does. This looks more like the scat was tossed around that tree, deer poop in little piles, they don't spray it like in this pic. If it was all urine, I might believe it. Most of the the tracks look old, yet the scat is sitting on top of most of the tracks... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........................................................... Cough!
  9. You must be near Plotter Kill. As for fishing, yeah, you need to know someone to fish. Even on the ice.
  10. We use EVOO. The lil woman also gets this stuff that's EVO based, but tastes like butter. I think it's called Olivia or something like that. She gets it from the gourmet shop in the mall she works by.
  11. Where is the shop in EGB? Is that the shop on 9/20 next to the Dunkin?
  12. ...............................................................
  13. Sabretooth buck! Photoshop is cool!
  14. Anyone can take the course on line now. No need to go anywhere. So all the places that used to hold the classes are more or less becoming obsolete. It is what it is. With all the hunters who openly admit they would break the regulations/laws, it's better that they pass the "Hunter Education Course" on line, for archery and firearm. Why would any store keep allowing it?
  15. OK, where's a link to the actual article? Not Photo Shopped image, a real link to the article.. I want an actual link to a legitimate web site.
  16. Dallas? Isn't there an old saying about Texas? I will be nice! Irvin? Don't Darryl Strawberry and Michael Irvin have a cartel these days? Buffalo fan through and through here! The Bills, the Sabres, and you don't want to get me started on how irritated I am that every time MLB does an expansion, the Bison's get skipped.
  17. Wouldn't change a thing for me. I would rather take a few does and get meat in the freezer then horns on my wall. Rack on the wall is pretty, but a full belly of deer and some ice cold beer is better then any rack on the wall in my book.
  18. My g/f works with a member of the same church the wife of this man belongs too. This is sad. Please send you prayers to the family. http://www.cbs6albany.com/news/features/top-story/stories/waterford-father-10-killed-atv-accident-21960.shtml
  19. Does it really matter where knives were made? Your smart smart phone wasn't made in the USA. Got a late gift, two new finger releases.
  20. Well, if you see the bear you can get inside. Unless it tries to break the door down there really is no reason to shoot at it. Even with rubber bullets. Now is there? To shoot at a bear when in bear country because it was rummaging your trash can seems a bit extreme. Even with rubber bullets. You know the possibilities, you know how to keep a bear out of your area or at least keep trash and food up and away. You take the risk. Plenty of hikers using tents encounter black bears all the time. They see no need to kill that bear unless it attacks. How many bear attacks have you heard about in NYS? Not many. Not many at all.
  21. True. But, the most he might get is a slap on the hand. There are no laws saying you can't ride your own ATV on your own land anytime you choose. Not like he's slashing tires or vandalizing. He's doin' his own thing on his own land. He might be acting like a doink, but, in reality, he's not breaking any real laws.
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