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  1. First time I got myself in this situation. Shot a small buck, and tracked it for way longer than it should have been. Bits of lung, bubbly blood. The shot was quartering away. Tracked for 650 yards, with copious blood, ending with the deer tumbling into the creek, which was very high because of recent rains. I had to wade downstream - super sketchy- for another 150 yards to find him beached up on a shallow gravel bench. A one-lung hit.
  2. Two people here now have publicly announced they violated the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Nice work boys.
  3. Oh, I so wish we could freeze this thread in time before someone comes to muck it up with common sense and intelligence. This is one beautiful collection of nonsense nuggets.
  4. I went through the same questions a few years ago. I eventually bought, 5 years ago, a cheap 4x8 (or 5x8?) from Tractor Supply. I haul dead deer & firewood, stands, plus syruping supplies, and it works really well. It has sides but no ramp. The wheels are definitely not off-road types but they work just fine, they'll track behind wherever the ATV is pulling them. I promptly smashed to bits all the lights by hitting branches & trees, but that was to be expected. Sometimes I wish for something narrower for ease of navigation, but it's not a big deal.
  5. Another big fan of Barnes TSX here (in .30-06 for me). Over the years I've found 3 of them post-shot, and they all looked exactly like the images above, mushroom-like.
  6. A second recommendation for Cummins Nursery. In addition to disease-resistant cultivars, pay attention to rootstock. Get on the phone with them and tell them about your soil - they'll have good recommendations. I have moved away from dwarf rootstocks, and now favor standard size ones as they grow out of the reach of deer. It makes my fencing work lighter.
  7. On the ground, Tyvek suit! https://www.amazon.com/Individually-Disposable-Protective-Coverall-Attached/dp/B00FU68QW8/ref=asc_df_B00FU68QW8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198071691282&hvpos=1o12&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15290553430741003860&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1022678&hvtargid=aud-801381245258:pla-364516440175&psc=1
  8. Finally some snow here in 8X, nice stiff W breeze, it all made for very good still hunting conditions. Lots of careful glassing, but in the end a group of 6 does and fawns popped up on a little plateau I was working through. It was one of those "pick the biggest one/wait until they turn sideways/shoot" moment that lasts about a half second. Average size doe, she dropped right there and there doesn't seem to be any damaged meat, besides the heart.
  9. Only one day left for all the Chicken Littles to protect their guns from Obama. You can do it!
  10. College union leaders get a whopping...course release. On top of their generous 60k salary. The 1% is a distant mirage.
  11. Probably Nanday Parakeet, also called Black-headed parakeet. Pretty neat!
  12. Third boiling session yesterday, but first syrup draw (1.5 gallons). We're small potatoes, about a 100 taps. Sap at 2.5%.
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