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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by chrisw

  1. I always renew mine. I'd have anxiety every morning after I wake up, not knowing. Even though the last 3 weeks have been disappointing. There's big bucks in this area, they just don't like hanging on the lease much into gun season. We don't have a bunch of does so my guess is they go where they do. But all it takes is for one wanderer, that's precisely the one I'm hoping for now. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  2. Sitting the the ringing silence. Fresh tracks on the way in. Looking for a buck today, it'll be a miracle if my cameras are any indication but you never know I guess. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  3. Barrel of a body on that dude! I'll help you drag when you kill him. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  4. Went out for the last hour on a clover field, saw 2 bucks, 1 shooter but they were out of my comfort zone... By about 300 yds. They were at 590 yds, cruising the downwind side of standing corn. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  5. Just finished up 22 lbs of Mexican chorizo and hot sausage. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  6. I got up and saw all of the snow hanging off of the trees and knowing I wouldn't be able to see anything in the swamp and not wanting my truck on the side of the Rd for the snowplow to bury, I went back to bed. In my past experiences, the first snowfall seems to excite the hunters a lot more than the deer. I've never seen real good activity right after the first good accumulation. Probably go sit a green field tonight to see if anyone is hungry before dark. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  7. I second this. Browning BAR synthetic stalker in 30-06. I currently have one of this exact rifle and love it, light, accurate, fast shooting, mild recoil, weather durable. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  8. Makes me wonder if he was living strictly on public or just using it occasionally. That's an old buck for public, especially if he's 5 or 6 years old. He's avoided being killed for longer than most will. Congrats! Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  9. I keep at least one whole neck each year, bone in. Makes a killer pot roast or shredded venison. As far as the shanks, I debone them. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  10. Took the day off today to process my deer. The cold the last 2 days really beat up my sinuses, had a headache all morning. Plus my left ear is still ringing from the shot yesterday. Damn muzzle brakes! I'll be back out tomorrow, hopefully in some fresh snow. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  11. Nice! Congrats! Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  12. If a stand is hot I'll hunt it everyday or until I kill something. Spots don't stay hot forever. In your case, I'd mix it up and try the cornfield tonight. If the deer weren't pressured much yet they'll be likely to come out before dark. I saw deer grazing in fields last night before dark adjacent to state land that got hunted pretty good. But if you know the other spot is proven it may just be a matter of time spent there. It's tough to sit the same spot repeatedly after seeing nothing but sometimes it's the right call. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  13. Ended the morning with my shot at #34. I didn't hunt the lease yesterday so I'm not sure how it compares to the opener. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  14. Ahhh, I could tell something was odd there! Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  15. What's with the huge bulge up near the deer's back? Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  16. Shot a doe this morning at 10AM. Had 4 come through, could've shot the other big doe too but dragging one through the swamp is bad enough by yourself. Hit her through the heart, she went 40 yds. Dressed at 119 on the scale. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  17. Big girl. Heart shot Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  18. Doe down. Could've killed two but didn't want to get greedy. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  19. I'm off all week so I'll try not to disappoint you or myself! Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  20. I'm up to 26 shots heard this AM in 8f. Only a handful relatively near me. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  21. 3 came by, of course the one I would shoot stayed in the thicker stuff. Probably could've killed her but didn't want to risk it. Now I have a buddy that's been under me for 15 minutes. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  22. First shot 14 minutes ago. I'm guessing the moon helped aid that one. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  23. Not to muck up Biz's journal but I have to get something straight. You "weigh" your deer using chest girth, and age them based on skull size?? And also see no reason to ever let a deer get older than 3.5? Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
  24. Sllloooowwww day in 7M. Least amount of hunters I've ever seen, least amount of shooting. Heard 2 shots from 12-4:45pm. The deer are there but with noone to make them move, they don't. Going to the lease tomorrow, even though that's been dead too. The neighbors killed 2 great bucks today, seems all of the bucks I was seeing are over there for whatever reason. Sent from my moto g fast using Tapatalk
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