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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phade

  1. phade


    Mmmmm in Indianapolis and drinking a Three Floyds Gumball Head. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Those drains probably run to daylight as others have said. Make sure you cap off the end outside to prevent critter related issues.
  3. For those who bought the scoutguard or bolyguard cams from me that were 2G - ATT killed service on Jan 1. Boo! I have successfully set up these cams now on T-Mobile. If you have one and want to continue to use using it with T-Mobile, PM me. Prices are not as cheap for the text package unfortunately but that is out of my control. I believe I can also make the 2G Covert and 2G Spartan cams work, but I'll need to try them out first. Should be similar. It's my busy time at work, but it's the offseason for cams, and more than happy to switch these cams over. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Screw in mounts for me. Even arm's reach high ends up saving cams. Many people simply don't scan above eye level in the woods.
  5. Actually Ohio is very evenly split similar to NY with balance of ag land vs mountain/hill country. In fact the soil quality is similar in ag land because of the glacial deposits. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I could also fill all of my antlerless tags in these overpopulation WMUs if I could throw spears or rocks at them legally, what's your point? If you are actively hunting in an overpopulation WMU, I find it hard for people not to be successful at filling tags unless its their fault or choosing, even with a vertical bow. Saying the crossbow is the savior to overpopulation is way off the mark because it isn't even close to being the lowest hole in that bucket (problem).
  7. I'm pretty far off from agreeing on the crossbow efficiency to solve our problems - the real factor is the Indian and the hands that bind. The crossbows will do nothing in the NY areas that have the toughest overpopulation problems to manage. Ohio's use of the xbow is a non-factor for the most part because they offer more responsive tag alloactions, even proactive at times (sheesh, wouldn't that be nice), and the state of Ohio for the most part is much less bound legislatively and by their general POV to managing deer numbers. The problem for NY is access. Beyond private property challenges, many of the suburban and urban environments on the fringe of heavy ag here have restrictions on even bow hunting. You can't hunt what you can't hunt. Ohio - almost any town with a deer issue - has urban hunt programs or makes allowances for arrow discharge (ie hunting). Everything from tax incentives to cultural support of hunting also opens private lands that historically do not here in NY. Urban hunt programs here are few and far between and when in existence, are "ruled" to death so much that impact on deer numbers is given a glass ceiling. The implement will do very little to solve the problems you believe it will. Hot dog down a hallway mindset.
  8. What you attribute to Ohio not being the hunting paradise shows you aren't looking at the whole picture. The grumbles are because the DNR have largely steered the harvest reductions because they can due to their ability to control harvest #s. They can move, close, change season dates and tag allocations without moving legislative mountains. The DNR said they were going to take actions specifically to control deer #s in certain parts of the state as there was overpopulation. Sounds familiar huh? The difference - Ohio did it. What you deem as a problem is actually the same thing you've noted about the DECs inability to achieve here. Except Ohio walks the darn talk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I think it was a very good year for quality/good bucks. Not as many "top-end" bucks in our immediate area, but lots of people got good bucks this year. If we had a normal spring/summer rather than the dryness, it'd probably have been one of the best years ever. Dry springs and summers tend to limit antler growth, and that is why the Midwest has had a bit of rebound in top end bucks this season after a few tough years (relatively speaking). They didn't have the dry spring/summer like we did.
  10. Not sure they even have a regular Bedliner in the Raptor from the factory. I can't remember what he had in there before. Was it spray lined moog? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. There are power/gas lines but let's be clear, you're not going to find a lot of easy ground for 8 people that isn't also overcrowded. WNF eats people for lunch... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. 520 is sold. The WGI pending that shady dude WNYB actually paying me is also sold, lol. 570 still up for grabs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I will admit that the carpet is a lot more durable than I thought it would be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. With that many people you are best going to a place like Wayne National Forest. 8 people can really cover ground. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Have a handful of cams/related items going on the market here... First up is a WGI viewer - Works fine, bought a new ipad so I am using that to check pics in the field. $30. SG570 - Small little cam (one with the strap). Takes 4 AAs, red IR, used around 4 mos. Great cam for high risk area. $40. SG520 - Super small, black flash cam. 4 AAs. Used close to 4 mos. Takes pretty good quality pics and transition pics are nice. Good battery life. Small screen can be used as a view in an emergency need, but it is small. Cam has a 1/4 screw in adapter so this cam mounted up with a little back cover is darn near impossible to see. $50. One each - 2016 Strike Force HD Elite and Dark Ops HD Elite - new in box. $215 for the pair. Prices listed are for USPS MO - if paying paypal, please add the 3% user fee or be comfortable sending as a gift with no fee.
  16. If it's any consolation yet another company is using the array covers/breakup in the upcoming model year. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. It's the first pic of this buck all season. We've seen him in hunting season before. Eventually they all get caught in my net lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Nice wide one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. They'll be around next year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. People want to believe what they want. Our group of three believes in it and the value and we do have the performance to back it up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. My hunting buddies and I have this goal of getting a group shot when someone downs a buck. Part of it is just to document the fun we have. The other part is that we drive and push each other to be better hunters. People are afraid of failure. Most days there are no hero shots and we learn from mistakes. But, as time goes on, you look back and all of a sudden, there's a lot of damn group photos. Especially this year and here is just a few of them. Anyone else do group photos? Post them up.
  22. Scouting at this time of year is very valuable. Movement patterns are now more apparent in snow including how they use terrain features. Winter beds can clue you in to late season and pressured times. Bucks are shedding already. Pics of half racks and drops well under way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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