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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Cracks me up him saying he doesn't spend much time on here,while holding the all time record in political posts.
  2. So that proves all leftists loved him? Your absolute statements are nonsense.
  3. where do you come up with this stuff? he was loved and admired by leftists?
  4. I watched one of Dan infalts swamp drive videos. No thanks,they were unloading in 6' tall reeds. Scary stuff. I don't have any problem with well organized drives with the right people.
  5. Same here @turkeyfeathers,my season ends next year,haha. Plenty of time to fill another tag.
  6. Geminid meteor showers should peak tonight and tomorrow night,best time to view them is after 2 a.m. as the moon will have set by then.
  7. Tell that to the nurses in Michigan hospitals right now.
  8. Thanks. I had not been out all week,this stomach thing I have is not letting up much. It isn't the rona,test was negative. My stomach felt fine stalking the deer and recovering it though,haha.
  9. I wasn't gonna go out at all today and didn't really. I was on my way to our barn to clean the horse stalls and saw a group of does on the field,140 yds away. I changed course and got my muzzleloader and snuck after them. They worked their way up the hill into another overgrown field and the winds really helped me keep after them. I picked out a good one just as one of them bolted and fired,about 85 yd shot. They all took off and I started tracking pretty quickly. Found hair at the hit site and sparse blood a little further down the trail. They disappeared over a crest and I decided to go at least to there and see if I couldn't see the doe from there. I got up there and followed a little further and there she was,made it maybe a little over 100 yds total. Double lung shot with no ruined meat. I will take a picture when I have her hanging. She is about medium size,good enough for me. Meat in the freezer,I was getting a little nervous. Now I would like one more but would not be upset if I don't get another.
  10. I know that there a lots of Amish in the area. I don't like to generalize but that maybe something to keep in mind. In general the area is fairly agricultural,definitely more open space than woods. I have no clue about deer numbers or density.
  11. I have been sick for a couple of days,nausea and slight headache. I am getting a rona test today but after that I will go out in the three inches of fresh snow and get me a deer. I am a little afraid of the drag if I should get lucky,but I will manage if I have to. Fresh snow is all the motivation I need,no sitting for me,I will go find one. That is my favorite way to hunt anyway.
  12. I have not killed any deer with another gun. This is my 8th season I think? So at least one a year,sometimes two and a few years three of them.
  13. I have not needed a follow up shot yet. I don't really care about guns so getting a cheap one that works for me is all I wanted. I do realize that is not how it is for most hunters. After trying to get a deer to within 30 yds all bow season I don't feel one shot at up to 100 yds is to much of a challenge. The only time I wish I had a rifle was when I saw the biggest buck I have laid eyes on and he was at about 140 yds with some tangle of branches on my side of the swamp and another on his side. When I looked through the scope I gave the shot a 15% of making it through and passed on it hoping for a clearer window. Never got it. With a rifle I could have flung a couple shots out there...
  14. Nothing is gained from the political tirades. Nobody is changing anybody else's mind,it is just a place where you can loose respect for other forum members. I am on the saddlehunter forum as well and no politics are tolerated. I am sure there a plenty of users I would fully disagree with when it comes to politics but I don't know their position so there is more respect. Nothing would be lost if this section goes away.
  15. If anybody wants to save money on guns here is what I did. I bought a scoped used wolf muzzleloader from a friend for $100 and that is the gun I hunt with in regular and muzzleloader season. I tried a shotgun for my first season and didn't like it,the recoil and weight were not fun. The accuracy of a muzzleloader is amazing and no handicap in my opinion.
  16. Thanks again grampy,we both got lucky! Well,you have skills,I got luck. I will try to get a buck on the ground myself in the last half of the season. The one little doe in the freezer won't be enough to get me through to spring.
  17. Congrats grampy and thanks for rewarding me sticking with my pick after you announced your bad news last week. Way to get it done!!!
  18. how do you know what a hanging skinned human looks like? scary stuff...
  19. How long do you need to ride your snowmobile?
  20. if you drive a truck it won't be too bad. I hit one last year going 55 and never saw it until after I hit it. No brakes. The doe was drt and my truck needed 7k in repairs. I didn't swerve or anything. Worst thing is trying to avoid one. I hit one last night and tried to dodge it,almost went off the road,I was all the way in the left lane. By the time I hit it I had slowed down a lot,just bent my bumper a tiny little bit.
  21. A friend invited me up to the Adirondacks to try and track a buck this weekend. I declined as he wanted three of us on one track,seems like a waste of manpower. Plus my chances are better at getting a deer this weekend in the sz. The little doe in my freezer will not get me very far if that is all the venison I have in there.
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