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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. I don't think you are on this one. How hard is it to track a deer 100yds after taking both lungs out? Pretty easy I think. I don't know why people are infatuated with the deer not running a small ways. I never take a shot that ruins meat if I don't have to,and I generally don't have to.
  2. you still got a month,that is what I am telling myself anyway... I haven't been out since Monday when my primer only went off. I will definetely check on the local herd this afternoon, I love fresh snow...
  3. Yeah,like me not getting online because I have to drag out a bruiser...one can only hope
  4. Years ago we were doing a drive and I saw some deer legs I thought underneath the brush I waited and made sure and it turns out it was one of the drivers. Human legs don't look anything like deer legs,but I was thinking deer. A bad accident happened here, a father and son were walking and the father stumbled and fell and shot the son. 30 some old guy survived so far,but already had 6 surgeries. Experienced hunter but didn't have the safety on.
  5. How big are the two kill zones in comparison? Hunting is a game of chances...I like the best ones for myself.
  6. I also wouldn't want to loose the neck meat,it has turned into one of my favorites. Double lung shots don't waste any meat as I don't eat the ribs or lungs.
  7. same difference to me. Just seems like a workaround. So you would be fine if I called trumpers assclowns?
  8. Wasn't talking about rules in general. He started it is a childish statement. Grouse regularly has pretty demeaning terms for leftists in his ramblings which i don't consider very civil. But I also don't really give a ....
  9. I also think it depends where those features lead to or from. They have to have a reason to travel them. I scouted a saddle last year that had the best sign I have ever seen,scrapes and rubs galore. That was a good acorn year,I checked it this year and there is one scrape and one rub. That same piece of public has a rubline following a bench that is far from a straight line but it seems bucks travel it,it stays at about 1700 feet with the tops of the hills being about 2000'. It took me a few years to piece that one together. I have not scored on either feature but also have not hunted them hard,hardly at all actually.
  10. Omg,elementary school stuff? But mommy,he started it. I would think we are a little too old for that,no?
  11. I tried but the doe stood at 18 yds watching me. I could not do it without moving too much for her taste.
  12. went for a still hunt and had two does at 10 yds. I figured the first was on the small side,she caught my scent and turned away, then another came right to me. I fired but the muzzleloader misfired,only the primer went off. Of course she heard it and left. I am not sure what the problem was,maybe it was the breech plug,I bought a replacement one and couldn't remember which one I usually use. I keep seeing deer closer during gun season than I did during bow,how weird is that.
  13. I got some points of crappyices doe and will pick Lomax for next week.
  14. I sat out the a.m. It is a hard adjustment going from having the woods to oneself during bow to opening day of gun. I may go out this afternoon on a friend's property adjacent to state land and see if some deer got pushed onto his...Should be a quiet walk after the snow melted.
  15. a spine almost broke my resolve. He came in to 7 yds,I could barely scare him away. Then he tried circling downwind at 15 yds. Fool.
  16. I wonder if there will be any deer killed today,haha. I will try to do my part,I will take full advantage of the extended range with the muzzleloader and sit at the edge of a half bowl with great visibility.. I will sit right where I have found deer beds before.. Good luck all!
  17. Last ditch effort I love it! I went for a scout this morning and saw plenty of sign but no deer,well,one once I was almost back to the truck,couldn't tell what it was even,just saw the white flag before it dropped over the bank. I will try tomorrow if I get a chance, then the muzzleloader comes out on Saturday until I get another deer in the freezer,then I may go back to the bow.
  18. I know, this week it busted wide open I think. I found a ton of scrapes and rubs earlier in the week that had not been there the week before. This is prime time,which seems a tad later than usual but what do I know,I don't get to see a ton of good bucks.
  19. Saw a couple of different decent bucks in the wide open today driving around for work. I wish i was in the woods. Things are happening in 4F.
  20. cook the heart fresh. I trim the white parts and fry the heart sliced in butter and garlic. It is just a big muscle and tastes like it. I really enjoy it.
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