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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. After you get done checking the pics i will give you 30 mins maybe an hour before you get up on your feet again,haha.
  2. The jerkman and good behaviour? These words do not belong in the same post,haha.
  3. Here are my first two at 46. 2" low and 2" left. Not bad though. Shot two more from a kneeling position at 30 and bullseye on both. I am waiting for a deer to give me a shot opportuntity. It has been a few years now since i killed one with the bow,its time!!!
  4. time to get one on the ground for both of us Rob. I won't be out till thursday,but then i will ramp up my efforts.
  5. Sorry no pic,but i have to say i am shooting awesome right now. I shot two Field points at 47 yds today and was an inch off on each. I feel so confident in my shooting,but have not been able to get a decent shot opportunity. I won't shoot 45 yds at a deer at this point though i feel comfortable. Any deer closer than 35 is getting it,aside from little ones. This guy is ready.
  6. Always good advice. Hunt when you can,and that will be dark till 9 a.m. for me. I have a good feeling about the spot,it is a trail coming from a hay field that had a scrape and rub on it last week. That counts as hot sign for me...
  7. Totally agree. They still move,just according to the wind. East is quite different from the west.
  8. That is the same situation where I hunt biz. Though two years ago a hot walked past my buddies stand and 5 bucks followed.
  9. I saw no deer but a fisher. He got to 5 yds before i got nervous and moved. Then he split out of there.
  10. Bowman Mike reporting from the climber. It was a crunchy walk in,and nothing but squirrels so far. I might try some rattling here soon. My prediction might be a bust.
  11. Something must smell all right!!! Freaky wildlife...
  12. I know it is almost a full moon,but i am making a Mike ala Biz prediction. This guy is shooting a deer in the morning. I think i wont have cell reception on the side of the hill i will set up on,so it might be 9 a.m. before i can post,haha.
  13. Hey,if you dont have anyone who learn from directly it is gonna take a bit to figure out what works for you.. You got a nice clean kill,that is one of the most important things. You will get better at the meat processing part,ask around on the forum and if you have a chance to talk to other hunters. I was clueless but lucky enough to have a friend that is a lifelong hunter show me just about everything..He even gutted the first deer for me. You are well on your way to becoming very self reliant in this hunting thing.
  14. Good luck Jay! I wanna be out too,but i think i will make it waiting until tomorrow.
  15. Maybe your shirt? Are you using lighted nocks? They tend to be a little bigger and can get pinched by the d loop.
  16. Someone shoot a deer please,so i dont have to today. I am tryng to be good and work late this afternoon. This time of year is the most difficult for me,i am self employed. Hard to stick it out if the weather looks this nice. I will be out tomorrow morning and sunday though,good time to get one then!! I hope...
  17. Does look pretty good. You just keep plugging along,keep reading and you will do fine. That should keep deer very interested.
  18. No matter what phase,you still have to be in the right spot at the right time. That's mostly luck,or bad luck for me...
  19. That is the drawback of cams,i bet you kicked yourself. Nice buck though,good luck with him.
  20. I can shoot right out my back door,so i keep shooting one or two arrows.just to make sure the bow and i are still dialed in,and we are.
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