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Steve D

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. Sound like a great project. One thing that may help is salt the hide for 24 hrs. then use a hog scraper to get the smaller/stubborn areas of meat off before tanning. Look forward to reports on your progress. Oops forgot the pic.
  2. Can't say I have ever seen a "left handed" side by side or over & under. Didn't know they made such a thing.
  3. Beautiful Cat...They are off limits in this part of the state but there are a few around.
  4. I used to love grouse hunting but couldn't tell you the last time I saw or heard one. The only place we ever had success was around the 1000 island area and s few spots in the Tug Hill area. They have literally disappeared from this part of the state.
  5. Had howling winds 25-30 here all day so I passed on this morning. Went out in the afternoon and sat in a ravine to get out of the wind til dark and didn't see a thing or here any shots until after legal. The last one was 5:02 Sure glad it is over and hopefully I can get out with the bow the last part of the season weather permitting.
  6. That's a wrap for today. A nice balmy day with not a lot of wind and I probably had my best day of the season without even pulling the trigger. Saw a beautiful grey fox (which we don't have a lot of), and nineteen turkey as they headed to roost. All at less than 75 yards. At legal sundown I get ready to descend with the climber and see two flags take off through the woods about 75 yards away. To dark to see. Look to my left towards the field and there stands a BIG bodied, wide and tall half rack. While I am looking at him through binoculars another four or six point walks by him. All after legal. I get back to the house and by now it is pretty dark but there is a pretty hue to the sky. I stop for a second to soak that all in and a pack of coyotes open up about 200 yards away. Can't help but wonder what the poor people are doing
  7. I find that hard to believe...a Honda that won't start. I'll give ya $50.00 for it and come get it.
  8. I am not a lawyer so I couldn't answer that one. Either way they would have at least 3 more days to remove it.
  9. I have a friend that owns 30+ acres. Him and his significant other only hunt one day a year which is opening day. He might go out once or twice more but more than likely not. They are both vegans and the only reason they hunt at all is because they have hit so many with their cars they have this urgent need to reduce the population. They shoot them, complete their tag, report them, an throw them over a ravine on their property for the coyotes or whatever. I have asked him a number of times why he doesn't donate them to the venison coalition instead of completely wasting them and his reply has always been he doesn't want to deal with taking them somewhere or mess around processing them. Some people you just cannot figure out so do what I do and mind your own business. Someone like him and my friend you will never change their minds and as long as they are legal there isn't much any of us can do about it.
  10. Yep......same guy...Amazing how Biden is changing the country already. Cuomo does a flip flop on everything he says and does. Shortly after shutting down gyms & salons he says they are not a major source of spreading so he may "grant" them permission to stay open based on studies from foreign countries.
  11. I was bustin your chops....You would probably need a good foxhound to have a chance and that would be doubtful if it headed for water. Amazes me how far they go sometimes after being hit.
  12. Sounds like a job for fox search
  13. Made it out for a afternoon sit. This area has always had deer but not today. Not a track anywhere or none spotted in the fields to the south where they normally come out to feed just before dark. No tracks at all when I checked traps this morning so we will see tomorrow on the morning check before the snow melts.
  14. That regulation does not apply in your area. There are only 7 counties in the state that do not allow deer hunting with a rifle. It could be written better but what it really says is if a centerfire/rifle is allowed for deer hunting it can be used to hunt predators at night. If an area does not allow hunting deer with a rifle during the regular season you are restricted to .22 caliber. Page 24 of the hunting regulations shows the counties you cannot hunt deer with a rifle and therefore cannot use a centerfire bigger than .22 at night.
  15. Here ya go...Not sure how up to date it is or availability: https://www.guns.com/news/2019/10/02/8-semi-auto-deer-rifles-many-have-never-heard-of https://www.classicfirearms.com/long-guns/rifles-for-sale/243win-semi_auto/
  16. I was never a fan of waxing (on traps) but have never heard of or used the "waxed sand". I have been using and had good luck with buckwheat hulls and peat moss. The traps won't freeze down but once there is a crust on top one can only hope they fire. My problem right now is they aren't visiting the area according to tracks or lack off. I think maybe with deer season they may be more cautious about moving as much. I'll keep at it for a little longer and see what develops.
  17. Glad to see you are having some luck. I put 4 sets out last week behind the house and the only action I have had is a deer stepped in one and sprung the trap. With all the rain, snow, freeze and thaw I will probably do some re-makes and put some more out. Forecast is for some more rain in the next few day so not sure I will put more out or not. The ground here is pretty saturated making it difficult to have a confidence in the sets.
  18. Like I said to each their own. Not trying to criticize, make fun of, or put anybody down. Hand made from materials that more than likely came from China or somewhere else consisting of: Material Polyethylene, Burlap, Polyvinyl chloride Probably the same material your deer target is made from so why not just shoot that instead of hunting. There is enough "fake" stuff in the world..... x-mas shouldn't be one of them. Pine smell for 3 weeks is ok with us and the younger ones enjoy the live tree.
  19. Real trees smell good, help the local economy, and can provide habitat for smaller animals and birds after being used, composted, or can be used for bonfires as mentioned. Most importantly they carry tradition, provide income for growers, and are made in the USA. Fake trees are just that...FAKE made in some foreign country who don't give a rats behind about x-mas. So what if they come with fake "frosted snow tipped branches". To each their own but no "fake trees" here.
  20. I record each and every one regardless of what I hunt or trap and provide as much detail as possible. It is always fun to look back. I figure if nothing else I will have some good reading and memories to recall when I am sitting in my rocking chair and can't do it any more.
  21. Catlin State Forest https://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/38806.html Maple Hill State Forest https://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/38815.html
  22. I hunt mostly 8h & 8n along with a couple of other areas and the the number of deer sightings and cam pics have been steadily declining for the last 3-4 years. After sitting this morning I covered a considerable amount of ground looking for sign and there was little to none. That along with the fact they are mostly moving at night here makes for reduced sightings while hunting. Not sure what the cause is but I have lived and hunted in the area for 20+ years and never seen the deer sign as bad it has been for the last 3 or 4. In addition you don't hear many shots while out which also leads me to believe the population is down.
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