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Steve D

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Steve D

  1. Coyote breeding season extends into March, with new pups typically arriving in April and May. During this time of year, we tend to get more reported sightings of these wily creatures. While coyotes will typically avoid contact with humans, conflicts with people and pets may result as coyotes tend to be territorial around den sites during the spring through mid-summer period as they forage almost constantly to provide food for their young. To reduce the potential for conflicts, DEC recommends that the public follow the common-sense tips outlined below. If a coyote is exhibiting bold behaviors and shows little or no fear of people, contact your Regional Wildlife Office or, in emergency situations, the local police department. For more information on the coyote and preventing conflicts with coyotes, visit these DEC websites: Eastern Coyote and Coyote Conflicts.
  2. Thanks for the info but I wouldn't want to infringe on ncountry's spot. I would probably have to eat the deer there because I sure as hell couldn't drag it out but thanks for the offer.
  3. I have no qualm with crossbows. Just not my preference. The bottom of Letchworth would not appeal to me either but I am always looking for promising places to hunt
  4. I do hunt some private land. Some of which I do not own and the owners like to hunt it on the weekends. Out of respect I stay out so as not to interfere with their hunting. The adjoining properties also get quite a bit of pressure both bow & gun. I always make it a point to have some areas of state land and some seasons spend the majority of my time there based on sign and crowds. I don't care what time of year it is, I would just prefer to hunt in an area with less hunters whether it is private or public. I am not suggesting other hunters hurt my hunting. I am just more interested in hunting in a place with the least amount of traffic as possible.
  5. I enjoy bow hunting and the preparation it takes to be confident in taking a deer during bow season. I personally have no interest in crossbow and if given a choice would probably just gun hunt. I have a brother-in-law that bow hunts but can't wait for full inclusion simply because he feels it is easier and doesn't have to put the time in practicing and scouting. He sits in pretty much the same tree stands in the same places every year and feels that the crossbow gives him the opportunity to shoot farther with less effort. Me on the other hand realize my limitations with a compound and feel the challenge of scouting and being able set up close enough to get a decent shot is part of the hunt. I probably enjoy and look forward to that as much or more than the sitting in the stand. I am not against crossbows but don't support full inclusion simply because as mentioned before it will more than likely put more people in the woods. I like the early bow for that reason among others but have noticed there seems to be more and more bowhunters every year. Full inclusion will make no difference on how I hunt but I am not ready to support it. Edit: I am with wolc123 on the 15th opening date. I hardly ever hunt much before then. Maybe give the first two weeks to the x-bow hunters???
  6. I suspect in the future if we still use paper it will will be black with white ink.
  7. I am a lot of things but a racist is not one of them. I take a person for what they are and how they act not their nationality. An ass is an ass regardless of ethnicity. Your ability to twist things to your way of thinking and trying to make everyone else think that way never fails to amaze me. I would be more afraid of people with your way of thinking than of myself. I can reason with myself and defend that reasoning. You on the other hand are good at calling other people racist while using the term "white trash" quite freely. For now it is a free country so to each their own.
  8. I did a little research and it appears for whatever reason that vehicle has TWO thermostats. I think for starters I would go back to whomever replaced the "thermostat housing" and verify #1 were there thermostats in the housing & #2 were both installed. Apparently you can purchase just the housing and can purchase the thermostats separate. Probably not the answer but it could be a place to start.
  9. You are really dumber and more narrow minded than I thought you were. Now go sit back, relax, sip you Kool-Aid, take a deep breath, and read what I wrote. Never said a word about racist theory, or minorities. I accept who I am maybe it is about time you accept who you are and stop calling people you don't even know racist, simpletons, and whatever else you can come up with. And no I am not bowing at your feet.
  10. We live in Ontario county and they live in Erie County. When my daughter first got her permit I went to the clerk with her and they put mine on her permit no problem. I just put a new pistol that she bought on mine in Ontario county with just a receipt of purchase from her. The only thing that needs to be done is complete a pistol/revolver amendment form which can be had here: PPB-5 REV (ny.gov) a receipt or copy of and submitted to the county clerk you reside in. I believe Erie county is only taking mail in but Ontario county is in person.. Not sure about any of the other counties but the "form" is a state form.
  11. Showing your narrowed mind view again. I never said a word about believing the theory or hating Jews. Just stating that believing in one is not worse than believing in the other. Maybe you should have some more Kool-Aid.
  12. No worse than believing Biden will do what's best for the country.
  13. Absolute must...... All my pistols are co-owned with my wife, daughter, and am trying to get my son-in-law who just got his permit to put all or some on his. No way I would want the state to come and just walk away with them. What they do with them is their choice but least I know they will be in good hands.
  14. The easy, cheap, and probably most definitive means to solve this dilemma would be to get the laws/codes changed to require ALL restroom signs/doors to look like this. Wouldn't require making a choice based on how one "identifies". Maybe a third door could be added to read: "Versatile_Hunter(s)"
  15. He sure resembles Max.....but just enough different. The picture showing his left side looks like he has a good size lump on him. Could be the picture but I hope you have checked it out and there are no concerns. I hope he makes you happy but then again how could he not when he seems so content. Good luck with him.
  16. Don't be to hard on them.......they had to wrap that up so they can get back to the covid relief package that Americans so desperately need. (according to them)
  17. 2020 New York Whitetails (nyantler-outdoors.com) Also a new non-typical archery record and possibly a new typical archery record. New York Whitetail Deer Hunting (nyantler-outdoors.com)
  18. Amen to that...I cannot stand the heat, humidity, bugs, constantly mowing the lawn, and all the other good things that go along with summer.
  19. It came from another site and even if I could find the "original" source their newspapers are not written in english. If that was true Biden wouldn't be putting forth the effort to announce that "America is back" to the rest of the world.. The point of the quote was to show that regardless of who our leadership is, we as a "people" are the ones that put them there. The only reason Trump ever got elected in the first place was because he was not a politician and people in general were fed up with career politicians and wanted change in the form of putting America first. In short we have no one to blame but ourselves if we are not happy with our political environment I am a patriot by definition and am not really concerned about what other countries think of us but it is pretty sad when we don't even think much of ourselves.
  20. So you have checked them all out??? Asking for a friend
  21. Quote: The danger to America is not Joseph Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.
  22. The snowmobilers perspective: NYSSA OPPOSES EXTENDED HUNTING The NYSSA has submitted comments to the NY Department of Environmental Conservation on their proposal to add an extra week of hunting deer by longbow and muzzle loading to the regular deer hunting season in the Southern Zone. The week added would be from December 26 through January 1 of each year. At the request of may landowners, the added week would prevent clubs from finalizing the preparation of trails and interfere with what could be the opening of the snowmobile season when many families choose to ride together. NYSSA’s full comments can be read here. Snowmobilers are asked to write the Department and share their opposition. Send an email to [email protected] https://nysnowmobiler.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/NYSSA-Deer-Hunting-Comments.pdf
  23. So glad you are feeling well enough to make that summer trip and having something to look forward to this fall with your son. Can't wait to see your next video and hats off for living the dream
  24. Looking at that form it looks like it would be easy for me to complete. Name, date of birth, and address. None of that other crap is required to get medical care. They don't have different shots for male, female, or whatever. They are just searching for more information which in reality is none of their business and will only be used to for purposes that not are related to anything that makes the world go around.
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