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Steve D

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by Steve D

  1. Thanks for the reply. I personally have never had to use deer search but it is nice to know they are available when needed. I make it a point when I am tracking to not step on or touch any blood in case I need to go back and verify last blood. I just took it for granted anyone tracking would do the same but I guess just like everything else everyone has their own method. Thanks again.
  2. I love your posts and are glad there are people around like you and others to provide this service which prevents countless dead deer not being recovered. One question I have is why is a "grid search" by the hunter so detrimental to the dogs being successful on their search and how much does it affect their tracking ability? Just trying to learn more about the entire process.
  3. A buck and a doe. I am in 8H and it has been windy and raining all morning. I can see a doe from the house bedded down 45 yards from my ladder stand since 7:30 but I am not venturing out in this weather. GOOD LUCK!!
  4. That's a nice looking coyote. Been itching to get out but spending to much time chasing deer and don't have time to do both. The weather has been great but I need to try and fill a tag first.
  5. It isn't mine so I couldn't say. All I know is there are some serious nut cases out there...so hunters beware
  6. Not anymore than Trump and his stupid statements and tweets. If he loses this election he has no one to blame but himself. If he had campaigned on his record and accomplishments rather than bashing everyone and everything including the media he would have had an easy win. Not much the fake news can do to tarnish his positive results. Instead they go out of there way to find his shortfalls.
  7. I don't believe that is the case this year when there has been a record voter turnout. With a record number of people voting you are getting more of a perspective of how the majority feels. Since there is clearly no majority I would say we are pretty divided as a country.
  8. After flipping through the last few pages it seems like today is the day. I also had the same experience and saw some deer today. One buck crossed the road in front of me on the way to hunt (still dark). Had a small ugly 6 point come in a little after 8:00. Shortly after 2 doe and a fawn came in. The buck got after the does but they wanted no part of it. The woods is full of acorns but they fed under this one big oak for about 1/2 hour and meandered off. It started to get pretty warm and the wind got pretty busy so I got down got all packed up, just got the climber on my back, and caught movement in the pines. A decent 8 point came walking through at about 40 yards with his nose on the ground like he was on a mission. I was beginning to think maybe I was in a woods with a spell on it.
  9. I really don't understand the point you are trying to make. Regardless of where they live the vote is split pretty much down the middle; even though the majority of upper NY may be leaning toward republican. That is why we still have "Cumo" for governor. The Democrats control this state and keep voting him in. Where you live has no bearing on the outcome of any election. Votes are votes regardless of where they come from.
  10. That would be correct. I only checked it because the property next door sold and onx still showed the previous owner. The more I checked around my area (and some others) the more discrepancies I found. Some of the properties I checked changed hands over ten years ago. Keep in mind this is just the NY chip not the entire country. I don't use the app but supposedly that was updated in Sept. My guess would be because surveyors and others use the apps instead of the GPS. You get a year of "free" updates with the purchase but if they haven't updated the chip in 10 yrs. I am not expecting much. I didn't expect it to be 100% because real estate is moving fast but at least somewhat current. They should at least be able to keep up with the tax maps which I believe are done annually. I will keep bugging them once a month or so to see if I get any results and will update here if I learn anymore.
  11. While the media plays a big roll the way they report the news the fact of the matter is this election should have been a landslide victory for one or the other. Biden/Harris and Trump are totally opposite in their views and policies. The fact that the vote is so close speaks for the fact that we are truly divided as a country. If we weren't one or the other would have walked away with a decisive win.
  12. The only thing this election has proved is that we have a divided country and neither Biden nor Trump has the capability to change that. Only the people can change it and it is going to be a struggle for several years to see who ends up on top.
  13. Made it for a morning sit in 8N for a couple of hours until it got real windy and it warmed up into the 60's. Got down and scouted a bit and they are not refreshing scrapes that were made last week at all and no new rubs. No deer seen. Didn't do the afternoon because I just can't bring myself to hunt in the 70's. Put the mowers away, pulled the batteries, and charged them up. They are finally starting to cut the cornfield to the south and can only hope things begin to pick up.
  14. Just like you and everyone else...If your horny it doesn't matter what the temperature is
  15. UPDATE: I loaded the onx chip in my Garmin and the property boundaries seem to be accurate. I have been waiting for the county tax maps to get updated based upon some recent sales I was aware of before updating the chip. The county tax rolls have been updated so I downloaded the update chip only to find out that onx was still not up to date. After looking at some of the neighboring properties on the onx chip I discovered that some of the properties sold in the last 10 years have not been updated. I contacted onx and they said they were not aware of that, would look into it, and get back to me. I finally heard back and the answer was they had updated the cell app. as of 9/22/20 but have yet to do the chip. They promised to put their "team" on it to get it updated when possible but couldn't give a timeframe for when it would be completed. They also urge using the app because it is more apt to be current for whatever reason. The final communication was to check back every so often to see if the chip update has been completed but my guess is if it hasn't been done in ten years it won't be done anytime soon. I only purchased the New York Sate chip so am not sure what the status is as far as updates with other states. I like the information supplied and the detail, plus being able to view the same information on a computer, but am somewhat frustrated with the fact you cannot be confident the information as far as ownership is up to date. It also leaves some doubt on property boundaries if a piece of property has changed hands and divided.
  16. Members 3194 3239 posts LocationSteuben county Report post Posted 54 minutes ago Hey I’m the best there ever was, just ask me I’ll tell ya . I thought you weren't hunting but remodeling instead. Looks like you may be pretty good at that to
  17. Not that I will ever need it but for those that would like some options for processing I came across this list compiled by the DEC. Not sure how accurate it is but it's dated November 2019 and may give someone a place to start. It is a complete list by region in a PDF format. Hope it helps someone. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjat6bGw-TsAhVRmeAKHX2bDfsQFjAAegQIAxAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dec.ny.gov%2Fdocs%2Fwildlife_pdf%2Fdeerprocessors.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2Vpz68T1xxKqVyd-D13oeQ
  18. No reason to keep this on the forum. I will send you a pm with some information later on today so you can make a decision if it is something you want. Sorry to hear of yours getting stolen.
  19. Give or take you are 5hrs. away but if you want to make the trip you are welcome to it.
  20. Not sure where you are located but I have a old style Loggy Bayou climber you could buy cheap or use for the season. It is in great shape, comfortable, very sturdy, light, and the weight capacity is 250 lbs. I would only make it available if you have some experience using a climber but you are welcome to it if you are anywhere near 8H.
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