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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Another example of the derangement this woman suffers from. It's not how you look sweetheart, it's your attitude! https://www.westernjournal.com/controversial-soccer-star-megan-rapinoe-vicious-message-trump-excluding-people-look-like/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2019-07-10&utm_campaign=hottakes&fbclid=IwAR0qwRn5qpGXN_ip36eh90HS2FpUIS9UU5i3nnYxMn69kd6IknDq8mUsW2Y
  2. The fact is these women are playing to the emotions of the idiot electorate that has no idea how compensation works or how pay is determined. They're looking for public support to use as an extortion tool to get more money. If the money coming in was high enough, they could simply tell the bosses, "We don't get twice the pay, we don't play. End of discussion." If the bosses felt they were going to lose enough money, they would double their pay. If they won't give them a pay raise, the bosses obviously are willing to let them walk. Like it or not, that's capitalism, that's free market, that's business. Supporting the female players pushing this agenda, is supporting bigger government control of private enterprise. If you're a supporter of the Constitution, rights and freedom, you should not be supporting any of this.
  3. Because the left stream media supports her radical agenda. It's all about bringing down traditional western vales, from marriage to religion to morals to excellence.
  4. Rapinoe is a soccer celebrity, a millionaire, and a lesbian icon. She also portrays herself to be a victim of inequality, inequity, and sexism. She has obviously taken too many sips from the cup of political correctness because she’s intoxicated on her own celebrity. As for inequality, it’s a fact that one billion people will have watched the 2019 Women’s World Cup, but the 2018 Men’s World Cup reached 3.6 billion. This isn’t inequality, just consumer ratings. As for inequity, pay structures for women and men’s soccer are measured by viewership, not gender. Furthermore, the gap in talent speaks volumes. Two years ago, the U.S. women’s national team was beaten badly by a team of boys under the age of 15.
  5. Facts for those who want them. https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/gabriel-hays/2019/07/08/math-hard-celebs-journos-parrott-team-usas-equal-pay-demands?fbclid=IwAR0fYGxropNq_jCu-JK_vZOGcaPV1a5qQ5tTDVbI6lAZ2PJXL5xnbA3E_-o
  6. No, simply calling for proof of a claim that is essential to your case.
  7. Show me the money numbers. I'm skeptical of these claims. All sources I've seen who've weighed in on the issue in the sports world claim otherwise.
  8. Well, here's the real equal pay solution. Have one US team based on top performance. Whoever makes the team gets paid, regardless of gender. If you can't measure up, admit your inferiority and go home. That's real gender equality. I'm all for equality, but only if it's based on equal standards. The minute the standards are different, there is no equality. Calling for equal pay when the standards aren't equal is extortion. Having the courts order it for you based on hurt feelings instead of rule of law is putting the sport on a dangerous course. Be careful what you wish for. What are they going to do when there's an invasion of trans athletes in women's soccer? It's surely coming, especially if they get their paychecks doubled.
  9. As a young boy, I was at a picnic in Deerfield Beach, Fla where they mixed fried frog legs in with fried chicken drumsticks. None of the kids were told this. After the food was all gone, we were asked how we liked it. All the kids said it was fantastic. Then they were told what they had eaten and asked if they could tell the difference. Nobody could, but some of the girls did run off to the restroom when they found out what they ate. I often think of that day when my 5 year old granddaughter refuses to try venison.
  10. How much money they take in is not what matters. How much PROFIT they generate is! The women's team's expenses could be twice that of the men's team. People who are supporting the "Equal Pay" demand may not realize they are supporting government dictatorship over private enterprise regarding private salaries. American jobs are free will employment. The company offers certain pay for a job and the employee can either accept it or reject it. Sports salaries are no different. Demanding equal pay is the same as demanding a $15 minimum wage. If you allow the government to start controlling this stuff, you will see people who benefit from it, voting for the party that hands it out. It's buying votes with other people's money. When they get your vote, they will continue to strive for bigger government and more control over every aspect of your individual lives. If you support this type of government insertion into private pay, you are not going to like how all this eventually turns out in the future. Many people who work harder and are more productive than others, will find themselves making the same pay as those others, due to "Equal Pay" laws. Plus, preferential treatment often comes into play with respect to who is made to work hard for the pay, and who is allowed to goof off. As far as celebrating a win, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. If it's done with taste and class and honors the winners without mocking or humiliating the losers, it's a positive thing, especially if it also honors the losers for their professional competition. If it's done with a narcissistic, egotistical display of crude gestures that would be expected from immature juveniles and directed at the opposition as mockery, or taunting their playing ability, it is on an equal level with childish playground misbehavior. Also, any type of choreographed display on the field by a winning team, designed to make them look like Gods or superior beings, is simply egocentric vanity and should be shunned by the audience as gauche.
  11. #KelleyOhara, a new American heroine. She picked up the flag as other members of the#USSoccerTeam threw it on the field. @kelleymohara deserves our recognition. Bravo Kelley, you represent the nation. She's also a Georgia girl!
  12. Athlete pay in sports is based on the amount of money the sport brings in. Women's sports do not bring in the revenue the men's sports do. The women know that. So asking for the same pay as the men is either a socialist attitude, or a request for preferential treatment. Should a lesser known female entertainer get paid as much as someone like Garth Brooks, when they bring in far fewer fans to a venue? Neither socialism or preferential treatment is conducive to American life. If they are an American team, they should respect American values. I have 2 daughters and a grand daughter. I teach them things are complicated and fairness is quantifiable. Never hate someone because they have more than you. I teach them a thorough understanding of Economics and free market capitalism so they will understand how it works in the US. When two jobs are absolutely identical, say an assembly line worker, two people should get paid the same for it, if all other factors such as experience and productivity are the same. The idea that women do not earn equal pay for equal work in the US is a Leftist Marxist myth.
  13. All athletes should stick to the game and keep their nose out of politics. Being good at a sport doesn't mean you are any good at anything else. They would be getting more respect from America if they stuck to the game. They've already started into the equal pay crap.
  14. Yes, those "needy" women can be hard to deal with. Guess it wasn't meant to be. LOL!
  15. In spite of how great a rifle the Garand is, it does have one big disadvantage. The 8rd enbloc clip it uses limits it's firepower. Besides only holding 8 rounds, you can not add rounds to the clip if it is half empty in the gun. You have to empty all the rounds first. The other disadvantage is the "ping" an empty enbloc clip makes when it ejects from the rifle. In WWII combat, if the enemy heard that "ping" they would know you were empty. Not a good thing to advertise. The M1 Carbine used 15 round detachable magazines and didn't have those disadvantages. The M14 is basically a Garand modified to take detachable magazines to fix the issues inherent in using the enbloc clip. It was also made to use the .308 NATO round which came out after the Garand was issued.
  16. I've been to Bovina, Downsville and Hancock. Personally, I find there is really nothing wonderful about any of them. Quiet and great for outdoor activities, but not much going on in any of these towns.
  17. The .30 M1 Carbine was never meant to be a battle rifle. It was supposed to be issued to troops as an improvement over a .45 ACP pistol. Troops that weren't front line combat troops, like cooks and Jeep drivers, needed something light and handy, yet powerful enough to defend themselves with if they needed to. The .30 Carbine was a much better weapon for that purpose than a 1911 .45 ACP. Troops that found themselves using it in combat were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and needed to hold their fire until the enemy was close, or else they were just wasting ammo.
  18. I love my little .30 M1 Carbine and posted this a while ago showing how it was customized. It's a great rifle for close range work and does well as a home defense rifle too.
  19. By Louis F. Lucas (Written in 1960) Independence Day commemorates the greatest single event in American history. The message of the Liberty Bell ringing at Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, has been listened to with rapt attention by men all over the world because it proclaimed the freedom of man. The real issue of the American Revolutionary War was not the political independence of a few colonies from their mother country. The fight was not between the British people and the American people. It was between the idea that man exists for the benefit of the State and the idea that the State exists for the benefit of man. The real issue was the political independence of the individual. Into the story of American democracy there is woven a strong pattern of beliefs and ideas. They are the basic themes of our most treasured documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. These documents were written by men who believed in human dignity and freedom of the individual; men who were willing to risk the loss of friends, the breaking up of families, and the slander of political enemies; men who were willing to sacrifice personal fortunes and to give their lives, if necessary, for this idea. Some of their names have been inscribed in our history books. Others gave as much, unknown and unsung, but the personal contribution of each man made possible the ultimate results. So it is today. Each of us, in our own way, has the opportunity and the responsibility to maintain the freedom of man. Human beings are subject to the influence of great tides of thought which run, unseen, deeply below the surface of society. These powerful streams of opinion and attitudes can move masses of people along with them without many of the individuals being aware of the direction in which they are drifting. America has been moving along on one of these great tides whose perils are not visible of the majority. There is a definite trend to subordinate individual rights in any situation which may appear at the moment to be in the public interest. It is high time to check this onrush to disaster by revitalizing the fundamental doctrines on which this nation was founded. Freedom of the individual is the foundation stone of American liberty. The basic liberties guaranteed to the people in the Constitution of the United States are a priceless heritage. They much be cherished and protected from those who would impair them, either deliberately or because of a lack of understanding. We must guard them against abridgement or they will be destroyed. Today, more than ever before, our day-to-day lives are affected by what takes place in local legislatures, in the halls of Congress, and in the international conferences. Whom we send there to represent us and what takes place there should be the concern of every citizen. Each of us must keep abreast of current trends in government and be ready to express our views on such matters to our elected representatives, our associates, and our personal friends. The right to keep and bear arms is a vital element of the American way of life. Reputable citizens who own and use firearms have special responsibilities to see that this right is not lost. We must take a personal interest in proposed anti-firearm legislation and other matters relating to guns and shooting. One lesson that the history of man’s struggle for liberty seems to prove is that the individual who desires the very real blessings of political, intellectual, and religious liberty must be eternally vigilant in guarding his individual rights. If he does not assume this responsibility and leaves it to others, he will find sooner or later that all of his freedoms have disappeared. Individual liberty is everybody’s business. Each of us must be willing to think, talk, and act as a free man. We must be willing to pay the price of individual rights. Imagine. This was written almost 60 years ago. Yet, we still see the same issues today. Tyranny never gives up and time is on it's side.
  20. Nathan Wyeth: Haven't you ever been lost? Henry Frapp: Hmmm... been fearsome confused for a month or two, but I ain't never been lost!
  21. WNYBuckHunter Backstrap Addict Moderators 9856 21960 posts LocationBristol, NY Report post Posted January 24, 2018 Ok guys, I know I have said this before, and this will be the last time. There is to be no thread crapping in the classifieds sections, in fact, because of the issues, there will be no more discussion at all in classifieds threads. Questions about the item listed, etc will be fine. Chit chat, jokes, other commentary will be removed or will result in a 1 week suspension from the site for members that just cant seem to contain themselves. No exceptions. Please only make offers in PMs to the seller. If you want to start a discussion about something, please do it elsewhere on the site. Classified ads are for selling, buying or trading ONLY. LOL! Ironic, isn't it?
  22. Making pot legal eliminates the profit margin for the dopers. That also eliminates the crime problems that came with the pot being illegal and profitable. As soon as it's legal and the govt starts taxing it, the govt becomes the pusher making the profit on it. Why is it they will only legalize it if they tax it heavily? Does everything that's legal have to be taxed? Crappyice is correct. People will still look to grow it to avoid the high taxes on it, just as people run cigarettes from low tax states up to NY and sell them at a profit. If pot were legal and not highly taxed, these dopers wouldn't be growing their weed on other peoples land.
  23. I'd enjoy a cigar like that, but I'm a pipe smoker on an occasional basis.
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