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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I hunted only 6 days this year. Normally I would hunt as many as 16 if I was struggling to get a bird. I only hunt my own land during spring season. The rain kept me out of my woods most days and the lack of gobbling was demotivating. I didn't get a bird this year. I never even saw a Tom, just a few hens. The 31st was foggy and cold and the leaves were completely out, so I decided why bother. As I had my morning coffee on the deck at dawn, I kept hearing a Tom within 200 yards. He gobbled at least 20 times from the roost to the ground and I listened to him walk away and up the mountain. Don't know where he came from, because he wasn't there all season. I never thought about going after him. I let him go to help repopulate my woods for next season.
  2. I believe it's a leftist progressive Marxist plan to ruin everything that has made America a great nation. When the government education system is doing it, you know the wrong people are in control.
  3. Rattler

    6 more weeks

    I have always thought a mount should have the plaque on it. I'm old school like that. Heck, it was only $40 more.
  4. Rattler

    6 more weeks

    Here it is. Whatca think?
  5. Rattler

    6 more weeks

    Got a letter from the taxist yesterday saying it was ready. I thought he would've just called my cell. Anyway I'm going to get it today. Pics to follow.
  6. Whipping post is my favorite since my divorce.
  7. Sitting around playing video games and eating processed food is what makes today's kids fat. Not developing any useful skill sets using tools, playing outdoors, building things and exploring the natural world, is what makes them lousy soldiers. Don't even get me started on the lack of discipline.
  8. I once started collecting Al-Mar and Randall knives. Thank God I came to my senses and stopped that lunacy. That would've put me in the poor house for sure.
  9. I've carried a Buck 105 Pathfinder for decades to open all my deer with. I use a Buck 110 folder for the delicate inside work. They just fell into those roles. I have a few Puma knives, folders and fixed, that I think are real nice. I have a few uncommon blades that I've come to admire, like a fixed blade Jaguar and an Uncle Henry folder. Can't say I have a favorite that I use. I have a few pretty ones that hang on the gun rack I like a lot, but they're not for hunting with, just for looking at.
  10. Many are positive he's destroying the state.
  11. Two Canadian Lynx discussing a territory dispute.
  12. There is no “right to abortion” in the Constitution. The founders would have been appalled by such a statement. The Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) is a legal monstrosity by every available metric: As legal scholar John Hart Ely wrote, Roe “is not constitutional law and gives almost no sense of an obligation to try to be.” The court’s rationale is specious; the court relied on the ridiculous precedent in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) that a broad “right to privacy” can be crafted from “penumbras, formed by emanations.” Then the court extended that right to privacy to include the killing of a third party, an unborn human life — and overrode state definitions of human life in the process. How? The court relied on the self-contradictory notion of “substantive due process” — the belief that a law can be ruled unconstitutional under the Fifth and 14th amendments so long as the court doesn’t like the substance of the law. That’s asinine, obviously. The due process provision of both amendments was designed to ensure that state and federal government could not remove life, liberty or property without a sufficient legal process, not to broadly allow courts to strike down state definitions of conduct that justify removal of life, liberty and property. As Justice Clarence Thomas has written, “The Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause is not a ‘secret repository of substantive guarantees against "unfairness.”’“ Nonetheless, the notion that such a right to abortion is enshrined in America’s moral fabric has taken hold among the intelligentsia. Thus, we now experience the odd spectacle of those on the political left declaring that the Constitution enshrines a right to abortion — yet does not include a right to bear arms, a right to freedom of political speech, a right to retain property free of government seizure or a right to practice religion. For much of the left, then, the term "constitutional right” has simply come to mean “thing I want.” And that is incredibly dangerous, given that the power of the judiciary springs not from legislative capacity but from supposed interpretive power. Judges are not supposed to read things into the Constitution but to properly read the Constitution itself. The use of the judiciary as a club has led to a feeling of radical frustration among Americans; it has radically exacerbated our culture gap. Ben Shapiro
  13. You can easily tell the difference between a conservative and a leftist by their answer to this question: Does the federal government have a spending problem or a revenue problem? Conservatives, who understand the laws of economics and respect the power of financial freedom, will answer with “spending.” Leftists, who always assume that any money you make belongs to the government and you only get to keep a portion of it, will always insist that the government is short of money. Hyper-leftists, who have successfully taken over the Democrat Party, are always looking for the rich to pay more in taxes. The term they like to use is “fair share.” When pressed on what that so-called fair share looks like, though, they’ll never give a straight answer. It is meant to be a nebulous number, a moving target that can be adjusted at will to fit whatever socialist scheme they are looking to fund at the moment. Free college, free health care, living wages, free homes, etc. That being the case, leftists naturally hate tax cuts. Democrats used to campaign on the promise of tax cuts for the middle class, but they rarely do that anymore. Tax cuts in any form mean less government revenue — or so they want you to believe. Economist Arthur Laffer proved decades ago that under the current over-taxation system, tax increases eventually lead to lower tax revenue, and the best way to raise federal revenue is actually to lower tax rates. Instead, leftists always express their desire to raise taxes on the rich to “ease the burden” on the middle class. This is hogwash. Democrats want middle class taxes to remain high, but with the rich seemingly paying an even bigger share, it appears as if the middle class is getting a break. We saw this at work throughout the previous administration. Taxes were high, with calls to raise them even higher for upper-income earners. Meanwhile, federal spending went through the roof. Trillion-dollar deficits became the norm, and the annual fleecing that upper-income taxpayers and corporations endured didn’t have any effect. Federal revenues shrank and overspending doubled the national debt in eight years. Laffer’s theory was proven correct, and the federal government’s spending problem was apparent for all to see. Then along came the Republican tax cuts. Sorely needed to jumpstart the economy, these across-the-board cuts were the bane of the Left. Not one single Democrat in Congress voted for the cuts, because they were politically invested in the claim that lower taxes would unfairly benefit the rich, and that the cuts would cost the government money and add to the deficit. This sudden concern for fiscal responsibility after eight years of record-breaking deficits under Barack Obama was politically convenient and publicly laughable. After the tax cuts proved to be a success, leftists pivoted and tried to tell Americans that they actually did not receive a tax cut. And when people’s income-tax refunds shrank slightly, they started to believe it. No one wanted to reflect on how much more they were taking home in each paycheck over the course of the year, which often meant a lower refund at the end of the year. And a large portion of the population seems to believe that they are entitled to a tax refund every year thanks to the slick advertising campaigns of H&R Block, TurboTax, and other corporatized tax preparers. Sad to say, Democrats and their media friends did a great job in convincing a lot of Americans that they did not benefit from the tax cut. Now, they’re blaming the continued high deficits on the Trump tax cuts as well. The claim is that the tax cuts have led to less government revenue and, thus, higher deficits. This is not true. Revenue is actually greater now than before the tax cuts went into effect. The federal government collected over $2 trillion in the first seven months of this fiscal year, which started October 1. This is an increase of close to 2% from the same time in fiscal 2018, and 6% higher than the revenue collected from fiscal 2017, before the Trump tax cuts went into effect. The Treasury Department estimates that fiscal 2019 will bring in $3.4 trillion in tax revenue, 3% more than last year. So why are deficits still climbing? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that spending is up $181 billion compared to this time last year, outpacing revenue by $146 billion. And the extra $100 billion in revenue that Treasury is predicting this year won’t come close to covering the additional $400 billion in spending. Democrats are lying through their teeth about the impact of the Trump tax cuts, but Republicans are also to blame when it comes to spending. Neither party has proven to be trustworthy with the purse strings of Congress. Trump’s proposal to work with the Democrats on a $2 trillion infrastructure program isn’t doing anyone any favors, either. Thanks to Trump and the Republicans in Congress, we have a saner tax policy than we have had in years. But the federal government will also need a sane spending policy if it’s going to mean anything in the long term. The Patriot Post
  14. Used to frog as a kid along the RR track drainage ditch. It was about 6 feet wide and a couple miles long. We used a cane pole with a little monofilament and some fishing flies. We walked along the tracks and dangled the fly in front of the frog. They would always go for it. Not boat required.
  15. Two very nice bucks and very nice mounts.
  16. Car and motorcycle accidents took the most. Drug OD's took some. A few got sick and didn't make it. Some suicides. Thankfully none in a hunting accident or unsafe firearm situation.
  17. We were the lucky ones and the skilled ones. Not all survived.
  18. Back in the day when I was 18 or so, my buddy's brother let him take his custom Datsun 240Z for a road trip to my uncle's place in the Pocono mountains. It was just getting dark on a Friday night when we started the 2 hour trip. He turned on the headlights and the Hi-beams were on. We found no floor mounted dimmer switch and couldn't figure out how to turn them off. Man, we pissed off a lot of oncoming drivers on that trip all the way to the cabin. And they were blinding us with their high beams in retaliation all the way there as well. Never saw a steering wheel mounted dimmer stick before that trip.
  19. It wouldn't be if the majority of D.C. swamp rats supported Trump, but they don't. We need to support Trump in opposition to the swamp rats. Rating Trump with a F grade doesn't do that.
  20. If it turns out to be a Muslim or illegal alien, you won't hear another word about that one either.
  21. He's put two very good judges on the court in 2 years. Most of these things have been law for some time. Nothing can be done in 5 minutes. Lower federal courts are being corrected as fast as Trump can correct them, considering the leftist obstruction of his appointments. The SCOTUS doesn't work fast and it's important to get the right cases in front of it to achieve the desired results. The opposition to correcting these leftist ideals is strong. They use every trick in the book to block change. Blaming Trump for that is akin to leftists blaming Trump for the border crisis.
  22. He fixed the SCOTUS and saved the Rule of Law in America. That alone is enough to re-elect him.
  23. There is no way ANY Democrat has a chance of beating Trump. They have nothing to offer America but division, socialism, high taxes and despair. Anyone they put up against Trump will have a long history of Leftist Progressive Marxist policies that have all made the country worse. Nothing they are talking about at this time will benefit the country. It's all about destroying the country and most Americans have finally started to realize it.
  24. Last week, an illegal alien from Kenya was charged with murdering 12 elderly women in Texas. The murdered women ranged in age from 76 to 94. The man, who had been living in Dallas, was also charged with two other counts of attempted murder. The primary motive for his crimes appears to be theft, as the man would schmooze his victims and then steal items of value such as jewelry. According to Plano Police Chief Gregory Rushin, the illegal used his health care experience “to his advantage in targeting and exploiting seniors, some of the most vulnerable people in our community.” Rushin noted that authorities are reviewing some 750 unattended deaths of elderly women for possible links. This is clearly a large and developing story — one that has garnered headlines across the country. Yet, one national newsroom has apparently decided to ignore the story entirely. As of writing this story, CNN has yet to publish any article or TV report on the serial murders. Could the fact that the charged individual is an illegal alien and therefore doesn’t fit the network’s immigration narrative be the reason behind the lack of coverage? It will be interesting to see how long it takes before CNN offers any coverage.
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