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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I believe he is violating the law. Sounds like partisan politics being aired, unless he paid the cable company for the air time. Call the state cable regulation board and file a complaint.
  2. Dammit. I'm stuck with chores until 11 AM today. Squirrels will have to wait until this afternoon.
  3. My hunting license starts on 9/1/18, but I'm not sure when fishing licenses start, since mine is the lifetime license that covers both. If fishing starts today as well, Happy New Year to fisherman too! LOL!
  4. I don't think a combo gun is legal for turkey at all since rifles are not permitted, even if not loaded. They may be legal for deer if they use a centerfire round and have a slug in the shotgun barrel. They are legal, in any chambering, when hunting small game or varmint.
  5. Just for the record, I do not consider my posts here to be arguing. I consider it debating. To me, a very intelligent, civil debate, between two or more intelligent, informed individuals, is the best way to expose the best points on both sides of any issue. That allows for conclusions to be based on information considered from both sides. One's mind has to be open to possibilities though. It's not a contest. There is no winner. It's about seeking the truth. Arguing is infantile.
  6. Nice firearm. Just an FYI, you need to transfer ownership through an FFL in NY now.
  7. A new year of hunting has begun!! Good Luck this year everyone!
  8. If you are passing judgement on someone based on circumstantial evidence, I think you are being judgemental, yes. I'm not judging you, I'm judging your actions. See the difference? Besides, some on here have said he had it on his phone and enjoyed it. How do you know he enjoyed it? Isn't that an assumption and jumping to a conclusion? Unless I hear him admit to it, I say reasonable doubt is what is needed. If you have posted your opinion on the man already, there is no doubt to consider at all.
  9. I don't see anything off topic in that comment. You don't seem to understand it's relevance. You are all passing judgement based on slim evidence without any benefit of the doubt. I don't follow Jones or really care about him, but I'm firmly against this type of social media condemnation against anyone based on such shoddy information. Today, trail by social media is used quite often to attack lots of people's opponents to shut them up. It's a vicious form of 1st Amendment suppression. Is it just coincidence this happens to this guy right after he's been removed from the majority of online sites? I suspect not. Just my personal opinion, but I'm really quite alert to this type of modern day lynching, and I vigorously oppose it no matter who it happens to. That's how the post is right on topic.
  10. I also prefer the reflector thumb tacks. I prefer the silver ones too, because in daylight you don't notice them, so people don't steal them or mess with them. I have some trails that have been there for a decade. They last.
  11. OK by me. What part of "Illegal" are you going to defend. If they come in illegally, they are "All" illegal. On 2nd thought, let's just stay on topic here. Start another thread, or better yet, add to the one that's already on here somewhere.
  12. Back in the day, the .44 Mag was the most powerful handgun. Today it isn't. In a sequel Harry used a .44 Auto Mag because it was the most powerful handgun available. Today I think it's still the top if we're talking about semi-auto only.
  13. I claimed nothing. I claimed support for nobody. I raised the precedent of reasonable doubt before condemnation. I still believe in due process, as opposed to trail by social media. Why is that a problem for you?
  14. I believe the .44 Auto Mag is the answer to this commercially made question as well.
  15. The judge is claiming there was no choice as prosecutors failed to file charges within the laws 10 day limit. Anyone else think something stinks here? Why are the people to blame for the late filing not being identified so the public can verify that claim? Why aren't they being fired for not preventing possible child killers from getting released? Either the judge is incorrect, or the prosecutors were pressured to back off, or minor technicalities in the law are more important than keeping kids from getting killed.
  16. You bring up an interesting point. Since the left fully supports and endorses all forms of pornography, you would think they would be liking him a little more as well. I understand they're claiming hypocrisy, but they're doing it in a vacuum, without considering all the possibilities. The left is quick to bring out all sorts of spin scenarios whenever someone they support gets exposed doing something, even when it's criminal, (ex: Bill & Hillary, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton) but if one of their opponents is the target, no quarter is given at all. It's call "Double Standard".
  17. I'm not really aware who Jones is and don't follow any of his shows, but I'm an American who believes everyone has the right to due process and should never be condemned until given due process. America has become full of folks who make a good living running vicious smear campaigns. The hypocrisy comes from those who believe they are without sin, yet gleefully cast the first stone, and pass judgement as if they are the almighty. Bearing false witness is also a crime when done in court under oath. Judge not and you shall not be judged. Nobody can say for sure what happened here, but some are quick to say they're sure. Better hope some degenerate pervert never gets their hands on your phone. Someone quick to judge may see it and do the same to you. Some people get most of their exercise jumping to conclusions, running down others, side stepping responsibility and pushing their luck.
  18. Sort of like how anti-gun politicians view gun porn on firearm sites to get to know their enemy? I wouldn't think they're endorsing what they're perusing. Nobody accuses them of being pro gun enthusiasts though. Leftists play the game differently. The only people who think of Alex Jones as a prominent conservative leader are leftist radicals.
  19. This is just one of the many ways the government is turning one of your rights into a privilege. This is why every vote you cast should be based on the candidate's loyalty to your constitutional rights. Nothing else is more important.
  20. You will be denied and you will have to appeal. If the order was vacated, you should not be denied the permit. Unfortunately, NY will unconstitutionally put the burden of proof on you, and then may decide to ignore it. There is no legal reason you should be denied if the order was vacated, which it must've been if your firearms were returned, but NY is notorious for flaunting the law. They have a real "take us to court" attitude when they willfully violate your rights. If it comes down to it, get a lawyer and sue the hell out of them.
  21. I baffles me why anyone would adhere to the anti-gun, repeal stand your ground laws, leftist fantasy narrative of what happened that night. For one thing, you cannot attack someone who is following you. That is a crime. Unless someone is an imminent threat to you, you cannot claim self defense. Second, a man on duty as a neighborhood watch agent has every right to follow you, and even question you. If that hurts your feelings that is just tough for you. If you assault someone, then climb on top of them to bash their skull in, to the point that person thinks he may pass out and then be killed, you may be legally shot in self defense. Those on here who think Martin wasn't a POS when his entire criminal background is out there for all to see, are supporting the oppressive anti-gun, leftist agenda this case was trumped up to exploit. Concealed carry and stand your ground laws should be repealed. Those of you on Martin's side might want to examine why you want to be used as a tool of gun rights banners. Some people form an opinion they will never reverse because their ego won't allow it. When it becomes obvious those on the opposite side of the debate have lost all ability to reason, it's a waste of time to continue the discussion. Leftist propaganda is proving to be a formidable foe. God help the USA.
  22. Anticipating a request for proof of the facts, here they are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_shooting_of_Trayvon_Martin
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