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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. About 15 years ago in the dead of winter, I got on the NYS Thruway at the Kingston Exit 19 heading south. It was early morning, about 10 degrees and there was snow on the ground. As I crossed over the Esopus creek shortly after getting on the Thruway, I swore I caught a glimpse of a moose standing in the creek. The water wasn't frozen and there was a mist above it that made it hard to see the animal, but it wasn't a deer. I didn't want to jam on the brakes and back up on that highway, so I kept going. I tried to convince myself it must've been something else, but to this day I still think it was a moose.
  2. In Delaware county there are lots of big land parcels that are owned by the city water dept. Very few ever see any hunting pressure and most do not need any permit to hunt. Why lease when you can hunt these for free?
  3. The SCOTUS has been saved. No more 5 to 4 rulings that should be 9 to 0 in favor of rule of law. The Constitution has been saved. Now if only Ginsberg would expire, we could truly make America great again. I LOVE this!!! Thank God Trump was elected. If not, we'd all be crying now.
  4. When there's no more mommy or daddy around to protect their feelings, they will petition the government to become their surrogate parent, or more accurately their Big Brother, to beat up all the people they see as bullies. That will be anyone that disagrees with their beliefs. Group think and collectivist thought will dictate what is acceptable and what is not. Brave New World folks.
  5. I'm offended by Chuck Schumer.
  6. I don't get all these Pride pronouncements. Isn't Pride one of the 7 deadly sins? "Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity." A little humility would be better for the country.
  7. Field & Stream magazine, not the clothing line from Dick's
  8. About a year ago Field & Stream did a field test on all of the super coolers and found the one sold by Cabela's to be the Best of the Test. Still a lot of money, but worth it if you want it to keep ice solid for 5 or 6 days. Most often this is only a concern for folks who need to pack game meat for a trip home. They do have better construction and will probably last for years, unlike the cheaper models that wind up as storage containers after a couple of years. Here it is. https://www.fieldandstream.com/articles/fishing/2016/03/ice-chest-throwdown-12-top-end-coolers-ranked-and-reviewed The IGLOO Sportsman also ranked well for the money as best value.
  9. I believe their idea of school security was more useless gun control anyway. I'm glad that fell flat. The real issue is why they won't approve real school security. Seems if it has any sort of expense to it, they won't consider it.
  10. Why do you believe nobody notices this stuff? Gangs with guns shooting at each other, hitting innocent victims, and responsible gun owners are made to pay the price for it. A cop killed one of the gang members that was just let out of prison on parole. He was in on a manslaughter charge. What people fail to notice, or fail to protest, is failed leftist policies like that, which put all of our lives in danger. But the leftist NJ governor will address this by calling for more gun laws that only affect responsible gun owning citizens in NJ, who own guns so they can defend themselves against the gang thugs that we are talking about here. Meanwhile nothing will be done to the gangs that are the real problem because they belong to a protected class. The fact elected hacks and the media want to label this a mass shooting, rather than gang violence, just proves they believe they can disarm everyone and all of this will stop. Welcome to the fantasy world of unicorns, rainbows and totalitarian tyranny. There are plenty of people who are worried about this stuff, but when they try to address it, they're labeled racists, extremists, terrorists and deplorable. Pass a law saying gangs are terrorist organizations and their members can be arrested or shot on sight and this stuff will stop. None of these cretins will even be productive, taxpaying members of society. They will only wind up costing taxpayers millions, or maybe their lives, but hey, they also have a spark of divinity, right?
  11. Yes, apparently collecting antlers is a big money hobby. Collectors would pay big time for the world record rack.
  12. Was under the impression B&C said the King buck is not the world record. https://www.courthousenews.com/collector-takes-deer-antlers-to-federal-court/
  13. MR Hansen will go down in history as the luckiest deer hunter that ever lived. If you know the story of this deer hunt, you know what I mean.
  14. For anyone interested in the business of huge farmed whitetail deer, this place in central PA has lots of videos here that show the deer, the work, the family and the hunters. It's a business. http://www.questhavenlodge.com/media.html
  15. I'd never spend the money asked to shoot a farm raised monster deer. But I have nothing against anyone who would, or the businesses that cater to those who want to do it. That being said, if I saw a huge mount in someone's home that was farm raised, I'd congratulate them on having the money to do it, not the skill to hunt it.
  16. All the NY gun owners who voted for Cuomo because he's a Democrat, or claiming the SAFE Act was a good thing because they don't like "black" rifles either, are now standing around with their jaws on the floor saying, "Holy Crap! This could threaten me personally and get all of MY guns taken away". I'll bet they feel pretty stupid right now.
  17. The .300 WSM is doing quite well actually. A lot of folks prefer it to the .300 WM for many reasons. The other WSM offerings are really only popular with folks looking to own or build a light weight hunting rifle. For them, they fit their needs well. They really excel in a short action bolt rifle, which is what they were designed to do.
  18. You are not limited to 7 rounds in the magazine of a Ruger 10/22. This just proves these stupid gun laws are purposely designed to confuse gun owners, non-gun owners, and even police. That's the point of passing them in the first place.
  19. As I said prior, NRA membership should be considered minimum commitment to the 2nd Amendment. The number of NRA members represents votes to elected officials, because they know NRA members VOTE! That number now stands at 6 million, 1 million more than this time a year ago. And if you think they are all stupid, you should do a little research and find out who some of those members are. They ain't your average US citizen. If a gun owner can't muster enough commitment to at least be counted among the pro gun voters, they really are worthless in this fight. I cannot find it in me to associate with them anymore.
  20. Heck, some folks on here do. Hope Trump didn't use his Stegosaurus tag on that, because that's a Brontosaurus. LOL!
  21. It's obvious the government doesn't want any outsider in the office of the President. Too many people, in too many positions, with too much to hide from the American people. The government long ago lost any desire to represent the people it's supposed to serve. It needs to protect it's own interests from the people it no longer serves.
  22. The Democrats/Leftist/Statists AREN'T ANTI GUN!! They are just AGAINST YOU HAVING A GUN. Look at all the guns around each of them. They all have large teams of body guards armed with the very ASSAULT WEAPONS, AMMUNITION AND HIGH CAPACITY FEEDING DEVICES they supposedly abhor. They say their POLICE are exempt from the laws they seek to impose on the populace, because the Police are there to protect us, when it is a well known fact that the Supreme Court has ruled that the Police have NO DUTY to Protect YOU. Then they say that the Police NEED these very same ASSAULT WEAPONS and HIGH CAPACITY FEEDING DEVICES (Magazines to those in the know) to protect THEM from the criminals. Aren't these the same criminals the people need to protect themselves from? The reality is that the Democrats/Leftists/Statists need the Police, and those that protect the Dems/Leftists/Statists, to keep them in power and continue to ENSLAVE and TAX the public. The Common Sense Gun Controls they suggest are only Sensible to THEM in their COMMON GOAL TO CONTROL YOU! Any other conclusion could not be arrived at by anyone with common sense.
  23. Been busy with much more important things than a reply to people on here. I'll just say this, and then I'm done with this thread. The replies posted after my last post just prove how whiny some gun owners are, and how they are of no value at all in the fight to preserve our rights. And I mean all of our rights A bunch of excuses about why the fight is lost, or pleas to placate the enemy. Just verifies everything I posted about being done with them. Never have our rights been under greater attack, yet some people still think the NRA and those who stand up to fight the attacks are the problem. Clueless.
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