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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. The ACLU would never defend anyone's 2nd Amendment rights, but since Cuomo has crossed the line with an attack on 1st Amendment rights, they feel they must respond, otherwise they can see this action being used against everyone else. The supporters of the ACLU would never tolerate that, so the ACLU must act. They have always believed taking away 2nd Amendment rights would not threaten anyone but gun owners. Now that they are seeing how 2nd Amendment rights are being attacked with elimination of 1st Amendment rights, they may be seeing it's about taking ALL of our rights, not just gun owner's rights.
  2. Let's clarify a few things here. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch volunteer on duty at the time. That is a fact. He saw Martin in the area acting suspicious, appear like he was casing residences. That is a fact. He called the cops and they told him they would respond and he could back off at that point. He DID back off at that point. That is a fact. Martin had seen him following him and when Zimmerman backed off, Martin went after him. That is a fact. Martin attacked him. Martin made Zimmerman feel he was going to be killed. Zimmerman had every legal right to shoot Martin at that point. Those are the facts that were presented in court and found Zimmerman not guilty. Those were the facts the court found based on the evidence. Anyone who runs any other story about the incident is not dealing with the facts. My question is the same. Why? Simple logic should tell you if Zimmerman had done anything to provoke Martin, he would have been guilty of manslaughter at the least. There was a tremendous amount of pressure on the court to find Zimmerman guilty for politically expedient purposes and fear of riots. Finding him not guilty, in spite of all the pressure to lock him up, is proof he didn't do anything wrong. BTW, everything presented in Bill Whittle's video are facts as well. Calling them propaganda is proof the viewer is in denial.
  3. The recent case in Florida is an example of what happens when one dirt bag collides with another dirt bag. One is dead and one will go to jail for a long time. Seems to me society wins all around here. The Zimmerman case is a different story. It's an example of how society can circumvent the rule of law and lynch someone who was never going to be charged, and after he was charged because of strong arm tactics from the White House, as well as media propaganda, was found not guilty anyway. Not that the anti-gun media thought that meant they should stand down and let it go. They intentionally refused to publicize any of the facts of the case brought out in the trail, or made available to the public through other sources. Anyone who thinks Zimmerman was guilty of anything in that case is simply refusing to accept the facts. The question is, why do they refuse to accept the facts? Martin is dead because everything happens for a reason. Sometimes that reason is, you're stupid and make poor choices.
  4. Cuomo has no respect for any part of the US Constitution or anyone's individual rights. No leftist does. The goal is complete power and control. They believe that is what they need to solve all of the world's problems. Every tyrant in history believed that.
  5. This guy was wrong, but Zimmerman was not. Zimmerman may have been a jerk that did everything wrong afterwards, but he was well within his legal right to shoot that POS when he did. If you don't think so, you must be going on the media narrative of the "facts" as opposed to the court accepted facts.
  6. The shooter has since been charged and is now being prosecuted. Legally, he did not have the right to shoot, since the threat was no longer imminent.
  7. In 48 years of hunting, I've bow hunted 42 years. I've owned 15 recurves and 5 compounds of all different makes. My first recurve was given to me by my cousin when he deployed to Vietnam in the late 60's. I learned with it for years before I was old enough to get a hunting license. I hunted firearm only for 6 seasons before I got my first bow license. Since then many deer have fallen to my arrows. Currently I have 3 recurve bows that I use and only the Oneida Phantom compound, which isn't a typical compound. I recently broke a limb on my old Browning compound, which was just a backup bow anyway. It usually take me 1 or 2 seasons to get a bow tuned perfectly, so once it's tuned i will hunt with it until it starts to fade. That's usually 5 or 6 more seasons. I will use multiple bows in a season too. I'm always striving to simplify things though. Having only the 4 bows I have now is the simplest I've ever achieved.
  8. But you have expressed contempt for the conservative side. I don't see that contempt for the leftist side. Just an observation.
  9. You're not listening to the message coming from deep inside the facade. Or perhaps you are, and support it. Your posts seem to show allegiance to leftist ideology. Just like the "coffee boy" did. Just an observation.
  10. No, she's the lefty version of Joe Stalin. They just polish her up a little to hide the real maniacal communist inside.
  11. Next thing you know, they will be demanding criminals be let out of their cells. Oh, wait......
  12. Leading Conservative? Not by a long shot. Only Leftists think he is. Now who's a leading Progressive? Hillary? Pelosi? Schumer? Warren? Even if you pick Obama, they're all as crazy as any leftist progressive goal they push.
  13. The media manipulates the masses with their propaganda. Obama did many things that were detrimental to America, but the media never reported any of it, so his supporters never knew of any of it. Trump does many positive things for America, and the media never reports it, so his haters never know of any of it. But the media constantly tries to report on insignificant happenings, and is always trying to infer everything Trump does is bad, so his haters are fed a constant diet of lies. This is how propaganda is used to incite the left. This is why they're ignorant and dangerous.
  14. http://www.theoutdoorwire.com/releases/63cefd36-8ddd-4c83-af1c-39bf1346ae2e
  15. Another idiot ex-Morgan Stanley money changer with billions to show for it. The last NJ Gov. to ban bear hunting was John Corzine and he was cut from the same cloth. Both of these clowns are leftist, tax and spend, corrupt Democrats, that pandered to every leftist voter in the state. NJ's own DEP and Fish & Wildlife people have told this fool the cost of bear control will rise by millions a year if the population is allowed to get out of hand again, not to mention bears may kill some people because many will have trouble finding enough food where there are too many of them already. Wildlife management based on emotion should never be condoned by any chief executive, because going against the wishes of expert professionals is always a stupid thing to do. But pandering for votes, at the expense of constituents not likely to vote for you, is the Democrat way.
  16. From the Patriot Post: In politics, diversity is employed by the left as a tool for division. First, to be of value to the political Left, you're given an identifier: woman, black, Hispanic, disabled, gender fluid, victim of white privilege, atheist, whatever. Then, according to that identifier, your status is the priority, not your individual rights or Liberty as an American. One's status is the preeminent driver of the issues discussed and, therefore, your value to the political Left is to be a victim in need of an intervening agency, such as the government, to be your protector, your provider, your equalizer, your defender, your insert-function-here. Thus, Democrats love "diversity" for the purpose of having a variety of needy subjects. And, yes, "subjects" is the right term. Some leftists advocate no more citizens of sovereign nations, shouting, "No borders, no wall, no USA at all." To eradicate borders is to abandon the need for citizenship. To abandon citizenship means that the government rules over wards (or subjects) of the state. While the true purpose of diversity is to ensure that talent, skill, human ingenuity, opinion, and experience should add value to an organization or group, Democrats carry the banner of diversity to appear morally superior while using it to bludgeon both majority whites and America as a whole. Though he made a lame attempt to walk back his comments, that's what Democrat New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo meant when he said American "was never that great." The diversity club has been used against Trump, too. In recent months, the open-borders crowd has become "woke" to a policy that was used by George W. Bush and strengthened in Barack Obama's last term due to human trafficking — the separation of children from their law-breaking parent/adult/trafficker. As with other adults who break the law in every other aspect of law enforcement, children are removed to safety until legal proceedings provide a remedy. Trump's zero-tolerance approach to this policy's enforcement was due to the massive influx of illegal immigrants seeking safe harbor in sanctuary cities, coupled with the true obstinance of both Democrats and some Republicans to allocate funding for a wall and enforcement of America's southern border. Additionally, there was Trump's travel ban. Trump took the list of nations associated with terrorism itemized during Obama's tenure and paused travel into the U.S. from these nations until adequate vetting and documentation could occur. But that wasn't "diverse" enough. In his April lecture to the Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar, California State University professor Edward Erler asserted, "If [the travel ban had been] signed by any president other than Trump, there would therefore be no constitutional objections." That's not based on any material changes of the proposal, but because of the assumed racist intent assigned to Donald Trump by the biased media and rabid Left. Following the arguments presented by Democrats, Americans must accept all who come to the United States for the supreme attainment of diversity as a defining moral trait that supersedes the value of citizenship or national security. Instead of the greatness of America and any exceptionalism, as Dr. Erler posited, the political Left wants universal persons to live in a homogenous world-state with global interests prevailing. It's ironic that, using the ideal of diversity, America would be embracing sameness in a borderless society absent the foundations of freedom, right? In November 2016, Americans supported the candidate who loudly rejected the Left's attempt to define our American culture as some universal slog of sameness with no exceptionalism based on some manufactured morality of diversity as constructed by Democrats. A constitutional government serves those with a shared desire for independence, self-reliance, and rights that exist not from the State but from one's being a responsible, decent part of humanity. A constitutional form of government empowers its citizenry that is naturally diverse in its geographic divisions and cultural mix. America needs and must welcome immigrants. Our nation is great with its diverse culture that varies "from sea to shining sea." Yet the idea that a constitutional government can truly exist without assimilation to a shared culture is not just foolhardy but impossible. Those highly functioning teams that lead in health care, sports, the military, business, and every area of life possess individuals of various talents, skills, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. Yet without a shared commitment to the stated mission of each team, they fail. Diversity is good when valued as part of a culture devoted to common goals. Diversity for the sake of itself and the advancement of politically correct indoctrination is the uniform destruction of America.
  17. It's obvious leftist professors would hate America's oldest civil rights organization, that defends individual rights and the Constitution. They are against both of those things, favoring collectivism and totalitarian control. This just proves NRA membership is most effective against leftist tyranny. Why else would they find it to be so much of a demon?
  18. Hunting muzzle loader for deer on the ground in the snow and -20 degrees. Dressed for it well and had good boots and gloves. Sat still for 6 hours and never got a shot. No wind helped me tolerate the cold. Kept wondering if the rifle would fire if a deer presented itself. At days end, it went off fine when I fired it to unload.
  19. I have a few spots picked out for the bow opener that have current deer activity. But I've learned over the years, where deer are in August is no indication of where they will be in November. I do my scouting for rifle deer in October while Grouse or Turkey hunting.
  20. When you deal as much as Trump does, you are going to have a few losers. Your meme neglects to mention all the winners he's had. You don't get to be a billionaire without success. Here's a good read for those who don't understand what Trump is doing with tariffs here. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/08/why_is_trump_fighting_the_trade_war.html
  21. The issue isn't the kneeling, it's the core statement being made. They do this to "shine a light on police brutality and other forms of social injustice." OK, let's make them prove their opinion. Let's look at the numbers and debate the facts and see if they have a case. I've already looked into the facts and they do NOT have a case. Maybe if it is proven they are perpetuating a myth, they will shut up. Kaepernick started this crap to divert attention from his lousy playing, for which he was about to be fired. He should've been ignored and relegated to the trash heap of historical insignificance from the start. I've already decided to boycott the NFL for life because it allowed this divisiveness to continue, to the detriment of the nation, without ever once holding it's employees accountable for their misguided foolishness.
  22. Squirrel on 9/1/18. Love the warm weather and hunting with the Kimber .22. Those squirrel are real tasty too. Gets the craving for wild game going again.
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