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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. How many members do they have? It may be worth it if the hunting is good.
  2. Remington has .243 ammo, with a picture on an Elk on the box. A new fangled plastic tip or something.
  3. Go on you tube. .243 kills Elk just fine.
  4. the blur

    FL bears

    Very interesting: We were talking to a guide at a FL zoo. Some black bears in Florida actually hibernate for the winter. It's not the cold, but the change in temperatures that cause them to hibernate. Some bears are active all year long.
  5. I've seen Elk done on a little Polaris Ranger 4WD, with a winch, and ply wood.
  6. If I want a wanton, I go to the Chinese take out. I also want a moose, but not a Chinese one. I want a Canadian moose. The real problem, I'm 1/2 deaf from shooting, so I can't hear the TV without blasting it.
  7. If Alaska, if you take an illegal MOOSE, it's a $10,000 fine, and jail time. Anything under 56" spread is illegal. I just watched it on TV . They call it "want & waste".
  8. I'm not familiar with R6, but there must be some serious red necks up there to shoot a moose in NYS !!. And not even have a valid deer license. $1200 fine !!. So he'll do it again next year. They should confiscate all his firearms, as per the safe act, and maybe that will teach him a lesson.
  9. I received Region 6 & 9 for some reason. Never requested it. I'd really like to see region 3.
  10. DEC Region 9 Environmental Conservation Police 2014 Hunting Season Report Since the start of the regular deer season through the end of the late special muzzleloading season (Nov. 15 through Dec 16, 2014), Environmental Conservation Officers (ECOs) in Region 9 report a total of 294 hunting-related enforcement actions, in addition to responding to approximately 430 calls for service. "Enforcing hunting and trapping laws helps to ensure suitable populations of deer, bear and other wildlife in the region and throughout the state," said Regional Environmental Conservation Police Captain Frank Lauricella. "It also ensures that the large majority of law-abiding hunters are provided with fair opportunity to pursue game that these poachers are taking. We appreciate the thousands of hunters who consistently adhere to hunting regulations and guidelines, and who pass on the traditions of safety, responsibility and conservation to the next generation." Of the 294 charges issued, 89 were classified as misdemeanors and included the illegal taking of deer, discharging firearms within 500 feet of dwellings, shooting across roadways, possessing loaded firearms in vehicles, using spotlights at night to hunt deer, hunting after closed hours and others. These charges carry potential fines of up to $2,000 and up to one year in jail. Officers also issued tickets for 205 violations including trespassing, hunting over bait, improper tagging, hunting without a license, transport of untagged deer, hunting in the wrong Wildlife Management Unit or in a closed area, and others. Officers investigated one hunting-related shooting incident (HRSI) involving property damage within Region 9 during this year's big game season; consistent with last year, zero incidents occurred involving personal injury. In addition to responding to a high volume of calls for service throughout the hunting season, ECOs in Region 9 also served a significant role in emergency response efforts during the severe November snowstorm. Anyone with information about potential illegal hunting practices or other environmental crimes is encouraged to contact DEC's 24-hour dispatch hotline at 1-844-DEC-ECOS (1-844-332-3267). Region 9 covers Erie, Niagara, Wyoming, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties.
  11. Did you get the DEC reports of arrested hunters !!!! I can't believe all the morons out there. 1 guy shot a Moose !!! 100's arrested for poaching. Loaded gun in vehicle very common. Road shooting, trespassing, and a load of other shiiit I could never imagine doing. And if you read the fines, they are a complete joke. The guy that took the moose got a slap on the wrist. The system is pathetic. If the fines were real, and jail time was serious, a lot of this would not happen.
  12. If you feel you were laid off because of your grey hair, contact the EEOC. They are a liberal blood sucking organization that will pounce all over your old employer. You will get money, no matter how fraudulent the case may or may not be.
  13. Basic math, if you have 1000 yotes, and shoot 1, you now have 999. If you happen to shot a female, That 999 is not going back up to 1000. I just don't see their logic.
  14. For those that visit LIF, I was blasted with a virus. Spent the better part of a day scanning, and using various tools to remove the nasty ware. And I hear I'm not the only one. I wouldn't even attempt to go back on there for a while. The site is definitely hacked.
  15. I'm buying 1000 gm or 1200 gm boots for next season. Maybe even a Cabala's PAC boot.
  16. I'm convinced the spike I got last season was dumb. He was just prancing around, not paying attention. I was seated on a big rock, clear as day. If he took 2 seconds to look my direction, he would have ran, rather than pranced into my shooting lane. I certainly believe his mother may have been shot the year before, and he grew up on his own. Not that I mind, I ate the last of him tonight. The deer in those articles seem very smart, and may have learned from older generations.
  17. Are the bear huggers protesting like they do in NJ?
  18. I've seen someone take an Elk with that .308 rifle.
  19. That's because there are no antlered deer now
  20. No pictures of little fawn fetuses'?? Me personally, I would not be gutting does in January.
  21. This season, I started off with my usual 400gm boots. My feet froze in short order. I moved up to 800gm boots, and while much better, I was feeling it by the end of the day. Not too bad, but I was feeling it. Any one hunt with 1200 gm boots ? I do a lot of walking up hill, and it took me a few times to get used to the 800 gr weight. I am really considering moving up to 1200 grams. Anyone have boots that heavy ?
  22. How much is a rifle bear hunt, with lodging ?
  23. Any shotgun deer ? or just ticks ??
  24. I hate when they build the ladders perfectly vertical. Any angle of the ladder makes it so much safer.
  25. I just ground up my stew meat from last year. Made a nice burger & meat balls out of it.
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