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Everything posted by wmig2

  1. Nice pictures. Fishers definitely are more prevalent anymore . I have called in a few fishers while coyote hunting the last few years and have seen some while deer hunting.
  2. That is disturbing and this all transpired by a clerical error by checking the wrong box"involuntary admission" by the hospital.
  3. Wow! These are wild animals and are very unpredictable. I think the libtard kool aid is really showing its toll on common sense.
  4. I don't have any guns. I borrow them as needed from friends and family. lol
  5. Yes I do to a point. I like to start with mouth calls on some sets thou just to shake it up. I let the Foxpro take over as the predator has pinpoint accuracy in knowing the location of the sound.
  6. Coyotes rely on their nose as there most important sense. They're unpredictable and the eastern coyote tends to be very skittish and wary too. A lot of game use snowmobile trails as there travel corridors when the snow is deep. I have a Foxpro FX5 so I would set up with the caller upwind of where I'm gonna actually sit about 50-100 yds. depending on how thick the cover is.
  7. I'm an avid coyote hunter this snow has put a damper on calling. I'm thinking about calling by snowmobile trails early am prior to riders.
  8. I have had a few encounters with cougars. They're aggressive and tend to tear your clothes off.
  9. Awesome accomplishment. That is definitely something to brag about.
  10. Sounds good I just cooked a wild turkey breast the other day with a recipe off the internet.
  11. I have a bore snake for every caliber except a Ruger 44 mag. carbine. I love these things. I use a regular old school wire brush head on a rod first to free up copper. I put some cleaning solution on the bore snake behind the wire brush head on the bore snake. I clean the bore snake with soap and water and ring it out good and let it dry.
  12. That is some terrifying stuff for sure. The world is the most unstable its been since World War II. Its terrible to see that video of that policeman whose unarmed and injured executed by one of the terrorists.
  13. You did her a favor. You need to get after those coyotes now.
  14. LOL I wanna market what you're on. I would hope the Ex would be sinking and you would be sailing away.
  15. It can't be soon enough that his libtard son will follow.
  16. He's an idiot for sure. There are issues that need to be addressed vs this non sense.
  17. Those racks are odd for sure.
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