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Water Rat

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. Kaepernick sits during the National anthem because it's not mandatory to stand. St.Louis Rams show support for Ferguson with the bogus " Hands Up...Don't Shoot" gesture during pregame introductions. The NFL decides not to discipline them. The NFL denied the Dallas Cowboys request for permission to include an "Arm In Arm" decal on their helmets in support of the 5 Dallas Cops who were killed in July's sniper ambush attack. And I thought all the bad calls were made on the field.
  2. Wilder : Look at my hand Little : Steady as a rock Wilder : Yeah , but I shoot with this hand
  3. And to think I wanted him on America's team. I still believe in his talent even though he's a knucklehead. Rumor has it the Cowboys might be looking at Mark Sanchez ( who has twice as many playoff wins than Romo ).
  4. Please retire so that maybe Dak Prescott can lead us into the playoffs.
  5. I picked one yesterday along with a Glock 43. Hope to hit the range today.
  6. Being a football fan from the 70's , I'm embarrassed to admit I've never been in a Fantasy Football League. Who is responsible for keeping score from week to week ? I'm assuming it's done automatically ? I'd like to join but I don't know if I have the time to commit to it. I'm guessing all 12 people log on at 7pm on 10/7/16 and take turns picking their roster ? Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Over 300 million people in this country and these 2 are our choices ? WTF !
  8. I can't imagine the pain.......God Bless.
  9. Bees and mice wouldn't bother me....can't say the same for scorpions.
  10. The first game of the season is Thursday , Sept.8th. It's a Super Bowl rematch......Panthers at Broncos
  11. I bought a cheap deer chart from The Sportsman's Guide years ago and it works great. Just use some bungee chords or rope to secure the deer off the ground onto the cart. Remember to drape some orange over the deer when you wheel it out of the woods so hopefully you don't get shot. I recall that happened recently.
  12. Yeah....I'm sure he will get hurt again and the season will be over at that point. Wish we could get Kaepernick.
  13. Except for Tom Brady. Go Cowboys !
  14. I hope you get that bobcat and post photos. It looks like it has a ton of spots.
  15. The article stated the fish was released due to Iceland's strict catch and release policy's.
  16. Eric Clapton's 28 pound salmon caught fly fishing on the Vatnsdalsa River in Iceland. The fish measured 42.5 "
  17. I would suggest any 1 3/4 double coil spring trap would do the trick in catching foxes, coyotes, bobcats, coons and fishers. There are a lot of brands to choose from , with Duke brand being the least expensive. I've always had success with the Oneida Victor brand traps. When it comes to Fishers , my favorite set is the leaning pole set with 220 conibear traps. The best made conibear traps imo are the Belisle body grip traps. They will last a long time and are built like a tank. Get yourself some stabilizers , bait , call lure and your good to go.
  18. My wife likes to feed the crows in the front yard every morning with left over bread. It seems foxes and deer enjoy it too. The fox is priming up nicely. Lol
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