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Everything posted by Moho81

  1. Just gotta get it processed. He got quartered up last night and into the fridge. I do the filet's, steaks and roasts first then the ground gets done last. And remember folks lettuce is bad for you!
  2. I went to make meatloaf of Monday after seeing Bionics post. No ground meat in the house anywhere. I almost cried.
  3. Something tells me he could flip that around and make Moog the uncomfortable one.
  4. Something tells me he could flip that around and make Moog the uncomfortable one.
  5. Didn’t Phade say he had to go swimming as well? Never heard anything more on that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Good shooting. That’s a great first harvest and well deserved. Talk about patience! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I’m in the same boat except 2 young kids. But we both work 40+ hours a week and my wife works every other Saturday so getting out is tough. I get out when I can and enjoy it. My oldest daughter usually tags along a few times but this year she hasn’t been into it. Enjoy the young family while you can because things will continue to change and eventually you will be back to hunting as much as you want. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Moho81


    Do I have to immediately run out to purchase this or is it only so so and it can wait? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I carry a few of the kids unused water balloons in my bag just in case.
  10. Sounds like you played out the situation in your head felt uncomfortable with the shot and took a pass. That's the choice of a true hunter in my book. Well done and I hope you get a better crack at him again.
  11. I guess you can say Reeltime is a realtime type of guy!!! sorry for the bad pun. its all i had
  12. I'm pretty sure i know exactly where it is going to go. I just have to take a few measurements of that area before heading over to the taxidermist.
  13. Welcome! And sense no one has said it yet - what were you guys thinking moving up here? LOL
  14. First come first serve on that day not first one there 37 years ago. Public land ain't a golf course you can't call for a tee time.
  15. Ok so now I'm really curious. First I was with you and thinking why not put the left glove on, you know so your outfit matches. you dont want to look silly while out deer hunting. But here you are saying you carry an extra glove out to the tree stand with zero intentions on using it except to drop it from the stand to provide the members here with a few moments of entertainment. I'm so confused!
  16. I process it myself. I think it would be difficult to have have the Taxi cape it then bring the body back home to process. If who I select even will do that as a part as their service.
  17. I posted this in the live from the woods thread but wanted to put it in its proper place here. Let me start off by saying in my 21ish years of hunting I’ve never seen a buck this big alive in the woods. My biggest buck to date is a small racked 7 pointer. I was already having a pretty decent opening day. Saw a doe early then a spike around 12 and another small 4 pointer around 12:30-12:45. Things went quiet around 1pm. Around 2:30 I decided to have a pee then get out my lucky skittles and settle in for the last 2 hours of the day. Right around 3 I hear a few shots go off 200 or so yards away followed by very heavy crashing. I figured what ever the deer was is going down in some thick nasty stuff and I’d be helping drag out a deer after sunset. Just in case though I grabbed the gun stood up and waited. That’s when the surprise kicked in. This buck with a big rack comes smashing through the thicket with a broken rear leg. At this point a completely forget about the rack and settle the gun on the vitals and follow him waiting for him to hit my shooting lane. Now he’s not moving very fast because of the broken leg. He gets through my first shooting lane as I still follow him cross hairs on the vitals. He gets into my second lane and I squeeze the trigger. He folds up in 20 yards head facing away from me. That’s when I remembered Holy Crap! This dude had a rack on him and a big one! When I finally got down to check him out I was in complete shock! In fact I think I still am!
  18. I'm with you on the score Rob. I personally don't care about the score but I will take a tape to mine just to get an idea of what it is. I want to do this for 2 reasons. 1 is pure curiosity on what the score will be because maybe I will understand the scoring system better and will be more knowledgeable when people bring it up. the second reason being I know people will ask me what it scored when I show them the picture or when they see the mount. I've already had my hunting buddies guessing anywhere from high 120's to low 130's. No matter the score it's a record buck!
  19. Man I have been stressing over this way to much. If I knew it was going to cause me this much stress I would have never shot him!!!!! Kidding of course. Luckily for me Treeguy is stopping over tonight and he's going to walk me through the process. I will feel so much better once the cape is off and it's back to being just a deer for me to process. Next step is to decide on a Taxidermist. I have never needed one and of course everyone has their guy that they recommend. I'm pretty sure I know who i'm going with but man is this hard work. Oh god I also have to decide on a pose for him as well. Lol.
  20. This is the exact type of shenanigans I like to get myself involved in! I need pics to satisfy my craving.
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