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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I cook the breast on the grill, wrapped in bacon and stuffed with cheese. It stays nice and juicy. Still havent tried doing anything with the thighs yet.
  2. I would hinge cut on the edges of the plot. Lay the trees down in a feathering pattern and use that to direct the deer to enter and exit the plot where you want them to. Kinda like a fence.
  3. I still havent even started yet. I have a bunch of trees that I need to drop to make a trail to get my tractor into the areas where Im putting the new plots in at my new place. Ive been stuck in Tennessee for about the last week, so that isnt helping me any. Hopefully whenever I finally get home, Ill be able to get started.
  4. So your saying you want us to be Nazi babysitters and shut down every thread that goes off topic? Ban people for having a bad day? Moderators arent allowed to do anything but moderate? Weve heard all of those suggestions before. Not happening.
  5. People's stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
  6. Im digging this rail setup for it.
  7. I saw these in a magazine and thought they were a cool idea. Im thinking I may have to pick one up as well, even though my defense shotgun stable is pretty full. Cant have too many I guess.
  8. Congrats on the turkey grow
  9. Well hello there stranger! Any disagreements aside, you e been missed around here. Hope all is well.
  10. Exactly. Im not perfect, I’ve broken plenty of laws through the years, some were by mistake, others weren’t. I drive Over the speed limit, I’ve taken pics of out of season fish before, I have Probably shot deer a few mins after legal light expired because I donT have an alarm that tells me the very second it ends. But I dont Act high and mighty about things when I see Someone doing something wrong. I’ll say something, but I do T act like my crap doesn’t stink.
  11. How exactly am I being Ridiculous. I donT watch every post you make, I have better things to do. Also this has nothing to do with disagreeing with me, I could Care less if someone does. Life would be pretty boring if we all agreed. What I had An issue with was how you came across about your disagreement with people that had a different opinion than yours. The high and mighty attitude that I keep Talking about. None of this has anything to do with me being a moderator, and you were the one that painted a target on your back with your attitude, not me Btw, I admiitted I was Wrong about the dec definition in this very thread. Read.
  12. Same here. Actually my son will need all new hockey equipment this fall. I was Planning to buy from Dicks as they have a good deal on packages for kids from Bauer and CCM. I’ll buy the same stuff elsewhere now. Even if it costs me more.
  13. That’s a different definition of catch and release than what I found When I searched It the other day, but ok. If that’s what’s in the refs at this point, then what I referred To was incorrect.
  14. See, this is where you are 110% wrong. I did Not call you out, I asked Where you caught the fish, and you were the one to make it into me accusing you of something. I wasnt. Your comprehension is lacking. As far as the stalking comments go, as soon as you started your high and mighty attitude in this thread, you put a target on your back. I’m not stalking you at all, I posted Something and you posted something in the same thread, which I noticed And it raised my eyebrow. I have This thing called a memory, that’s all.
  15. Google it. It was passed in 2015.
  16. I saw This on facebook this morning. I love it and think that other manufacturers will most likely follow suit. Whether Dicks reacts or responds, this is not good publicity and it does have an effect on their business. Even if firearms sales are a small portion of their overall business, it does drive other things. Field & Stream particularly depends on the support of the hunting and shooting community. If this trend continues, they will die a death from a thousand cuts. I’ll be laughing as it happens.
  17. Id tell the guy to go pound sand, and I wouldnt budge an inch. He cant legally do a damn thing about it.
  18. They were prescription drugs that he was illegally using. If you read the original outing article published in the New Yorker, it lays everything out on the table in pretty good detail. They guy is nothing but a power hungry, drunken scumbag. I feel horrible for the women he abused, but I am loving watching this train wreck unfold. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/four-women-accuse-new-yorks-attorney-general-of-physical-abuse
  19. I wasnt wrong about anything I said on here, and it has nothing to do with my manhood. I guess you are missing my point though, so let me get my crayon out and explain. Bass is open for catch and release, I know that, but you need to look up what catch and release means by DEC definition. Catch and release means you can only handle the fish to take it off the hook, not take pictures, not lay it on the deck of the boat, etc. It is a ticketable offense even though most DEC officers are not going to bother with it. My point is, you are on here acting all high and mighty, like your shit dont stink, and then in another thread you are breaking the law. Youre a friggin hypocrite, plus your reading comprehension sucks, and you cant admit when you are wrong.
  20. Which means releasing immediately by DEC definition. They even go so far as to recommend removing the hook with the fish still in the water. You cant keep or posses them. Thats how it was explained to me when they implemented the law a few years back.
  21. It is worded funny, but their point is that you arent allowed to use species specific tactics, etc outside of season, but if you do happen to catch one, it is to be released immediately and not handled for any other purpose (including pictures). Now I also do realize that most DEC officers are not going to actually ticket someone for taking pictures and posting them (unless they use it to tack extra charges on a poaching case or something like that), but it is illegal none the less.
  22. Ive seen what they do to dogs that arent trained to hunt. Theres a couple that live next to one of the farms I hunt, theyve spent thousands of dollars in vet bills a few times to patch up their yellow lab, which has been attacked in their back yard a few times. You also have to remember, yotes in Texas are pretty small compared to the ones we have up here. Ill see if I can dig up some trail cam pics from my bait piles.
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