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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. DEC has addressed drone use for hunting. Its illegal. They added it to the same section as not using aircraft.
  2. Only if he isnt using a drawing device. I have a string with handles and hooks on it that keeps the draw balanced. If you draw a crossbow unevenly, it will shoot all over the place and possibly damage the bow. I was kind of going off the assumption that he was using a draw device.
  3. Enough with the personal insults please and thanks.
  4. Oh I agree, theres a tuning issue or something else going on there. A properly tuned crossbow is just like a properly tuned vertical bow, field points and broadheads should all hit the same if everything is setup perfect. Hopefully though, mechanicals will cover the issue up enough and get him hunting.
  5. Maybe just throw some branches into the pile.
  6. Yet another stupid law in the nanny state we live in.
  7. $100 for a knife Id be using in the field? No way. Ive lost and abused too many of them for that. I use an inexpensive knife for field dressing and around the farm/yard duties. I keep it as sharp as I can and replace it after the edge is all nicked up or I leave it in a gut pile somewhere. I have a decent skinning knife and a great filet knife that I use for butchering. BTW, if Im not planning to have a deer mounted, I split the sternum. Its alot better than hoping I dont slice my fingers open reaching up to cut the windpipe.
  8. Nope, not a chance. I dont want to take a chance on educating a deer.
  9. Spot on. Id also be calling the county Sheriff and use your cell phone to video the incidents.
  10. Its getting pretty close to the crossbow opener, not a ton of time to tune at this point. Im assuming your broadheads are the same weight as your field points. Id say give mechanicals a try and see what happens. Rage gives you a practice head with a pack, so you can use that to test it out. I tested mine with the Rage practice head this weekend, and its hitting right with the field points. I am not using the factory arrows that came with mine either, I picked up Easton Bloodlines. The factory arrows will be used to fire into a target at the end of each hunt. The thing I ran into with mine is that the BDC scope is setup for 100 grain heads and the slightly lighter factory arrows, so my heavier arrow/broadhead setup (125gr broadheads) start hitting a tad low at 40 and 50 yards. I just had to figure out how much I have to hold the little circle over at those ranges. Next year Ill be dumping the BDC scope in favor of a Mil-Dot scope, which is what Im used to using anyhow.
  11. Im thinking the same thing. I have 2 4 day weekends in a row coming up. Im just hoping the rain holds off.
  12. I agree with Moog and Culver. I have retrieval rights on a few properties where they dont want to be bothered with a call beforehand. Some of them hunt, others dont. The ones that hunt get a text before I go over there just to make sure Im not screwing them up. I would never use any property that I just have retrieval rights on, as a path to my stands, and my ATV never sees their ground unless specific permission has been given. I would talk to the guy, and let him know your concerns. I would make sure to emphasize that his permissions are only for retrieval, and explain why you dont want people tramping through the bedding areas and whatnot. I would also go to the actual landowner, and explain things to them, then let them know if the kid gives you any problems.
  13. Well my night got worse. I set my phone down after I posted and saw a buck working my way, along the same trail as the does. I checked him with the binos, it was a buck I call Tank. He’s a big 3 or 4 year old mainframe 8. He got to the tree before where the doe stopped and he stopped as well, as the combine was making another pass. I had my bow up and ready to draw. Just needed a few more steps, but he turned around and trotted off. Soon after that, the farmer parked the combine and left. Rough evening. I’ll be right back in there in the morning. Checked my camera and have pics of him there every evening and most mornings for almost a week. Hopefully I get a crack at him tomorrow.
  14. Well just had 2 big doe come in on the trail they always use. Got my bow ready, first one needs 3 more steps to be broadside in my lane at 20. Getting ready to draw....combine comes along. Does turn tail and walk back into the woods. Ugh.
  15. Well combine doesn’t matter. 3 year old buck just stepped out and made a scrape about 80 yards away.
  16. Not unless you hunt in Richmond. Funny thing is, there’s standing corn on the other side of this farm too.
  17. I’m sitting right inside the wood line from where they’d be watching from, facing into the woods. That’s kinda what I’m hoping for.
  18. I’m actually in doe or turkey mode today. Not that I wouldn’t stick one of my hit listers if he came by. The deer are used to the equipment but they don’t generally head out to feed while it’s running. Still might see some activity through this transition area.
  19. I got to my spot an hour and a half ago, hopped in the stand and 10 mins later the farmer shows up with the combine. Beans are coming out. I hope he gets finished up for the day soon and it doesn’t ruin my hunt. Oh well, guess it’s the price we pay to hunt big ag areas.
  20. sounds like the exact same thing I have seen. Ill let you know
  21. Shockwaves and SSTs are the exact same bullet lol. Traditions also markets it. I have had issues with both of them. They are both super accurate, but the bullet goes in, small hole, comes out, small hole. Not much if any blood, deer run 70 - 100 yards, then blood everywhere and dead deer within 10 to 20 yards. I have had it happen at long range (200 yards) and short range (20 yards) on bucks, and everywhere in between on does. Unless you get a head shot, its almost the same scenario every time. Shoulder shots and vitals. Typically a shoulder shot will take them off their feet, but I always have them get back up and run. I do not run a super hot load either. I need to sight my ML back in this year after replacing the scope, so Im going to go ahead and switch bullets as well. Ill be trying the Barnes and Federal bullets to see which one gives me better accuracy.
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