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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You can bet on it. Last year one of my buddy's and I got permission to hunt a chunk that supposedly no one had permission to hunt in over a decade. We started scouting and found about 15 treestands on the property lines and a few on the property. The property owner had no clue they were there. We cleared the ones that were on the property and tried hunting it. The stands on the edges were being used every time we went there. We even witnessed guys shooting from them onto the property. The landowner didn't want issues with the neighbors so I gave up on it. I'm not sure if my buddy bothered anymore either.
  2. Knock off Nockturnals! I may have to give them a try at that price. I'll even take a brand new one and see how long it lights up for with how cheap they are.
  3. The Burt Coyote ones were the first type I tried quite some time ago. They were junk. I built my own for a few years using thill bobber lights. They were way better than the lumenocks but they were a tad on the heavy side. I tried a few other brands and the Nockturnals turned out to be the best. I know the Firenocks are great, I just don't want to pay the cost of them. My arrows and broadheads are expensive enough to lose.
  4. No special tool. Just a nail, knife tip, field tip or something like that is all you need to turn them off. I buy them from whoever has them for the lowest price.
  5. No. I'm too cheap to do that. Maybe next time I break one I'll try it.
  6. Those are my practice ones. I have a set that I use for hunting that only get turned on when I check them before I go hunting. It's easy to swap them out. Anytime I break one or lose one and need to buy a new pack, the older ones get rotated to practice use and the new ones are for hunting. This reminds me, I haven't had to buy new ones in 2 years. I should pick some up.
  7. I e been using them for 3 or 4 years now. Never had a bad one. Like anything else, you might have gotten some that slipped by QC. Some of mine are on their 4th year and the batteries still work fine.
  8. They are easy. There's a hole in the side, just use the tip of a knife and push the switch button back up. I use them as well. Love them. Better than any of the other ones I've tried.
  9. Oh snap! It's skully! That's why he keeps saying don't bother and move on!
  10. They are good stands, I just prefer hang ons. This is the last one I have laying around.
  11. I wear very light gloves for bow hunting. Gun hunting I usually don't wear any at all or just the same thin ones.
  12. Do they come running when you pull in the driveway? Looking for a special treat?
  13. I always try to stop them. Never had them immediately take off when I made a sound. They always stop and look. Sometimes during gun season they are far enough away that they don't hear it, but I always try. It's not just a TV thing, I did it long before I saw it on TV, as some of the older guys I hunted with when I first started taught me to do it. I don't always use the bleat noise, sometimes it's a little lip squeak or a clicking sound depending on how close they are.
  14. Usually it's Pygmy that says something that makes me cringe a little, but this time it was you.
  15. They are all pretty much hard horned around my area now. I have a couple of trailcam pics from a couple of weeks ago with them after shedding. I expect when I pull the cards this weekend, that they will all be hard horned.
  16. I would hunt it and see how it goes. Act courteous to the guy and especially the land owners. A nice thank you gift delivered to the land owners would be a great thing. I wouldn't start bothering them with asking to lease it or mentioning the other guys demeanor. They have enough to worry about right now and you're liable to lose permission simply because they don't want any headaches. Put cable locks on your stands with notes attached stating that it's your equipment. Maybe leave Trail cameras out of the picture for now. Don't forget to offer up some tasty venison to the land owners whether you kill a deer on their property or not. Good luck!
  17. I have a basic 15 foot ladder stand that was used for a practice stand that I'm looking to get rid of. $30
  18. Not killing does with fawns or yearling deer has absolutely nothing to do with managing for the future.
  19. No way I'd be traveling down that way right now. It's not worth it.
  20. Happy Birthday Eddie! Hope you have a great one!
  21. I haven't even started on stands yet. This coming weekend will be for hanging stands and trimming lanes. Have to get all of the posted signs up as well. After that I'm about done.
  22. I would overseed with winter rye. Still time for that. Next season I'd do a soul test and add fert, etc as needed. If they are hammering your brassicas that hard this early, you'll probably want to plant a larger area of them next year.
  23. I have no issue killing first year does. Button bucks, nah, but a nice young doe, absolutely. I actually try to take one a year. The meat is extremely tender, and on one of our farms, the emphasis is number reduction. I could really care less what others think of me killing doe fawns, it's fine by me and that's all that really counts. I'm picky with my bucks, not my does.
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