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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Plots are looking good at our farm. Corn has ears, beans are gone for the most part. Winter Rye and clover is looking really nice, and the Purple Top Turnips and Daikon Radish are really starting to come up.
  2. Rem 700 VTR in 308 with a Vortex Viper HS 2.5-10x44 and Federal Fusion 140gr. If I get a buck opening day, then the TC Encore .50 with a Vortex Crossfire 2 3-9x40 running 250gr Hornady SST fired by Blackhorn 209 comes out. I'm dying to get back to the Muzzleloader but I want the get my first rifle buck first.
  3. The buck I shot last year has a messed up left side. From the looks of it, he partially broke it at some point when he was in velvet, and it continued to grow. There were no other injuries or signs of old injuries on him besides the hole my Rage left. I'm guessing he ran into a tree or something like that. I'd say pedicle damage of some sort on that one.
  4. Doesn't matter. The law doesn't say you can bait or feed on land you don't hunt, it says any land inhabited by deer.
  5. Assuming you are in NY, what you are doing is illegal.
  6. Thanks. I have no idea how that would have happened.
  7. Stopped down to check the plots I planted last week. Things are germinating nicely. I can see turnips, radishes, rye and clover all coming up. The soil in the plots is still wet for the most part. If we get some rain Wednesday or Thursday like they are predicting, plus the heavy dew in the mornings we have been getting, they should all be green next weekend. The acorns and beech nuts are starting to fall here and there. Trees are loaded. I scouted out a couple of spots where I'm going to hang steps and brackets for my Millenium stand. I might go hang them tomorrow morning.
  8. I'm showing chances of rain next week in my neck of the woods. Im looking forward to stopping down to the farm this weekend to see what's going on with the plots I planted last weekend.
  9. My ex's brother owns a very prominent custom car buisiness in Houston. I know he's prepping, getting vehicles transported out of the area and securing things at home. I'm not sure if he's gonna stay or leave. I'm hoping he heads out. Sounds like it could be a bad deal for them down there.
  10. Dude, you never store your urine with your weed. When you have good shiz, you dont want it to taste like pizz!
  11. I wonder if the mineral block attracted it
  12. We actually have been seeing alot of daytime yote activity. Seems to be more than usual for this time of the year.
  13. I've been noticing the same thing over at our farm. Lots of yotes this year. I have pic sequences of them running does and fawns, and one area in particular has a ton of yote activity at night and the only deer activity is during the day.
  14. Florida isn't that bad. I lived in Florida. It's not teeming with deadly creatures. The worst things that happened to me down there were being stung by a jellyfish and being bitten by fire ants. I spent a ton of time on and in the water, and lots of time hiking, etc in the woods and other non maintained places. Ive been through tropical storms, and they aren't pleasant, but they don't really strike all that often in most areas of the state. As for the heat, your body acclimatizes to it. I left all of my winter jackets behind when I moved there and ended up buying new ones when anything below 50 started making me shiver. Ive been in NY for most of my life, but once my kids are out of high school, I'm gone. There are lots of nice things in this area, but the same can be said for just about anywhere else. 5 to 6 months of winter is too much, so I'll be heading south. Most likely TN or KY. Still get the full range of seasons there with a very short winter. Beautiful country down there, taxes aren't bad and they are both (so far at least) free states that aren't under the liberal thumb.
  15. This past weekend I planted all of our fall plots. Turners did not have any rape seed, so I just went a bit heavier on the PTTs and GHRs in those plots. So in total we have a bit over 5 acres planted this year. Most of out older plots that have been brassicas for a few years are in winter rye and landino clover now, with some in corn as well. Two big newer plots are in PTTs and GHRs and another small newer plot is in all GHR. I'll post pics when they start to germinate, which I'm hoping is soon with the expected rain this week.
  16. Yes. That part of our history, no matter how dark, needs to be remembered so that we have far less of a chance of ever repeating it.
  17. I have one of the M100u stands. This will be my first year with it, so I can't speak about hunting with it yet, but it's very comfy and pretty darn light to carry. I've been putting up a few of the chain on brackets so I can hunt multiple spots with it. I just leave the steps on the different trees along with the bracket.
  18. For winter rye you don't need fertilizer. That stuff grows anywhere. For turnips and brassicas, you'll want to use it.
  19. Are you going to use fertilizer? If so, and if you have enough sun, I'd say rape, turnips and radish. If you won't be fertilizing, I'd say winter rye, not rye grass, but the rye grain.
  20. Beans and cow peas always get wiped out on our place. We had some laying around so decided to give it another try this year. This is the first year we have had any luck growing corn. Now that we have the planter I'd like to start using strips of it for screening more than anything.
  21. Lol could have been. It was around 4 when I called him.
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