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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Ill look it up, its in a couple of graphs if I remember correctly
  2. Not true, there are still a ton of new hunters being brought into the sport by people that are passing along virtues of the sport other than big racks.
  3. They do, its in the harvest report they release each year.
  4. Another morning of hearing and seeing zip. I can start to feel my interest in turkey hunting waning again this year. It gets old getting up at 4 am and getting skunked over and over again.
  5. Theres a big difference for not knowing a hen from a jake and not knowing a person from a turkey. Youre comparing apples and oranges.
  6. Sigh...Theres always "That Guy" in these threads. Hey, congrats on your LEGAL bird! Ive been trying to knock one down for a few years and still havent done it. Great job!
  7. I love all of my Vortex scopes. They are awesome, from their lower priced ones to their high end. Cant beat them for features for the price, especially with the quality and warranty that go along with them.
  8. I use the ones I find the best deal on. I have some from Guide Gear sets Gander, lots of Comfort Zone ones from Dicks/Field & Stream/Sportsmans Guide, some Ameristep ones. They will flex a bit, but if you have a tree that is pretty crooked, Id buy the ones that come in individual sections. I dont remember which brand I have of those ones, but most of them would work just fine. Either way, youre going to use one ratchet strap per section, and it can add up to alot of straps for a tall tree. Generally I will put the top of the sticks just above the platform of the stand and then add 2 or 3 screw in steps above the sticks to use as hand holds.
  9. Just before dawn we heard an ATV and saw lights in the field to the North of us. It's at the bottom of the hill and a ways away. I had to take a leak so I wandered over to where I could look over the field. They parked their ATV right at the edge of the woods where the birds normally roost, on the other side from us. Wonder if that would have disturbed them. Haven't seen or heard anything at all.
  10. Heard 2 shots in different directions so far. Haven't heard any birds yet though.
  11. Haley and I are sitting in a spot recommended by my buddy that has been hunting turkey on this farm for years with good success. Nice and dry in our blind.
  12. For Christmas I bought my daughter her first deer gun. A CVA Optima 50 cal. I figured she should get a few years of learning just how to use it before she will hit the woods with it (shes 12). A couple of weeks ago I had a great deal on some Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40 scopes pop up on eBay, so I grabbed 2 of them. One for her and one to put on my Encore. I had been using an old Bushnell on my Encore for the last year or so and I hated that piece of crap. The other day I popped the scopes on the two guns. I think I got the rings on the CVA backwards, so I have to change those around. I cant wait to take her out and get her started with it after turkey season is over.
  13. Like I said before, shoot a PM to us or report the posts so we are sure to see them. We dont read every thread all the time.
  14. Theres a big difference between constructive criticism, and saying something "sucks", etc. Thats what I am trying to get at.
  15. Do any of you know how many cars out there now are drive by wire? The backbones for all of this are already in most of the cars out there, you just dont realize it. As far as "big brother watching you" goes. Your already driving around with GPS enabled devices in your pockets. If they want to track you, they are already doing it. Self driving cars arent a step in any government control direction. Ive said it before and Ill say it again, the fight against technological progress is a losing battle. I wouldnt mind the things as long as they give you the option to drive yourself if you wish.
  16. Yes it did. It was a great time, as it is every year.
  17. Haley and I got out for a few hours Sunday morning. We had a couple of gobblers going early, they were both pretty far away. Saw a bunch of deer, but that was about it. It was fun just to get in the woods with her. Everytime the turkeys gobbled back at us, or she heard any sound out of the ordinary, her eyes just lit up. I dont think its gonna take much to get her completely hooked. Shes pumped to get back out there this Sunday too. This week Im gonna be doing a little more scouting to see if I cant hone in on where these birds are roosting so we can try to get closer to them.
  18. If this site sucks so bad, why do you use it? Im getting a little tired of people slamming the site over and over. If you don't like it, don't visit. If you guys continue to slam it, I can show you the door.
  19. Ahh. Bummer you won't be there this year. You're missing out on some awesome games and prizes this year. Redneck blind, more guns than we've ever had, etc etc. You have to put the kids first though, enjoy!
  20. Thanks moog. Are you gonna be at the banquet tomorrow?
  21. Stopped into Dicks last night on the way home and picked an Ameristep Doghouse blind, so we are now all ready to go. Just have to get my backpack loaded up so we can head out Sunday morning!
  22. You could always send your older 835 out to get dipped. It lasts a lot longer than paint.
  23. This isn't a HuntingNY member survey or just something put out there by an individual. The NYCC has been one of the primary reasons why crossbows became legal in NY.
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