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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. These https://discountsnowstakes.com/index.php/4-ft-snow-stakes-driveway-markers-132.html#.VgKcbZddPSg They are actually only $1 to $1.50 each
  2. They are less than free? lol
  3. I already have the epoxy and driveway markers. Wont cost me a thing. I can get driveway markers for like $3 each at Tractor Supply.
  4. He would be rolling them up in carpets instead of tarps if he was
  5. I think that might be the deer my kids made in Minecraft
  6. Mine has a few busted poles as well. One of my projects this week is to drill the fiberglass rods out of the ends that attach to the hubs and epoxy some fiberglass driveway plow markers in their place. Should do the trick!
  7. Ive done that walk a few times, back tracking my drag to find where that darn deer heart went to.
  8. I setup a new stand in an area this year, which has had very little human activity in it compared to other years. 4 of us were in there for a few hours, including my kids running around smashing dead trees, picking up hickory nuts, I took a wizz or two, we did a bunch of heavy cutting of lanes, etc. It was 90+ out and we were all sweating. I have a trail cam 30 yards from the stand, and have night and daytime pictures of lots of deer, including a couple of mature bucks feeding, walking, hanging out (one 4 year old buck walked around just in front of the camera during the evening for 1/2 hour eating hickory nuts) from that same evening going forward. I wouldnt worry about it.
  9. No gloves for me. Of course, I dont have a carpet in the bed of my truck either.....
  10. Simple really. Talk to the landowner and see if they have permission to be there. If not, let them deal with it unless they ask you to.
  11. Post up pics of your 2015 muzzleloader season deer here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  12. Post up pics of your 2015 gun season deer here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  13. Post up pics of your 2015 Crossbow deer here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  14. Post up pics of your 2015 archery season deer here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  15. Range finder, backup release, knife, zip ties, sharpie, grunt tube, flashlight, cheap orange vest, extra haul rope, baby wipes, hand warmers, snacks, drink.
  16. I paid to have mine done. Its a job I dont want to mess with lol.
  17. Awesome buck Eddie. These kinds of pics are why Ive moved mostly to video. Theres no wondering about if the deer react to the cam, and how they react. If my cam is in a spot where its always getting picked off, I move it, either higher on the tree or to a different area.
  18. I was hoping noone would say the one I use to shoot through bushes lol
  19. I believe that was explained a few years ago when the management plan came out and they started really floating the idea. It will be in place only when and where needed. Ill see if I can find that.
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