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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Maybe they all migrated to the AR zones in the catskills
  2. I have one that I did with a 20' boat line. The bottom of it is tied to the ladder stick about chest high. The bottom doesnt need to support anything, just hold in place so the wind, etc doesnt make a mess. So far, the least expensive way to get ropes is to buy 20' 3/8 double braided boat lines from the web, you can get them around $8 each, then just buy a roll of smaller diameter line (8mm) to make your prussiks. I thought I got a good deal on the ropes I bought this year until I started searching more. I know where Ill be getting the next round of them.
  3. I dont know what delusions you guys are having, but there arent anything but does and fork horns in WNY, all the big boys are on LI.
  4. Guys, please stop with the questions, comments, etc in this thread. Pictures with accompanying stories only. Thanks.
  5. Theres one pinned to the top of the deer hunting forum
  6. Gross. Ill skin mine and get it quartered up and in the fridge the day I get it home if possible. Most of the time its in vacuum bags and in the freezer that day or the next. If its cold in the garage (40 or below), then I slow down and will take my time, but its in the freezer within a few days. I never ever ever have any issues with tough meat. Ever.
  7. Are you leaving yours up all season? Im not worried about if I were to fall and the line has tension on it, I dont want it falling down the tree when Im not there. Granted, it would catch on the stand or whatever, but I dont want it to move.
  8. Not all of my sets allow me to put the loop above my head while in the stand. I always put the loop right above a large sized fork, I dont put it on a straight trunk.
  9. Depends on the set, some allow me to stay attached to the rope, so I just do that. Others I switch once Im on the stand.
  10. I used to have a Summit Viper, the smaller version of the Goliath. Comfortable, fast to climb with, light weight and solid as a rock. That being said, it sucked for bow hunting, the top rail got in the way and I didnt like all of the movement required to lean out far enough to get the bow past it. I shoot a longer A2A bow though. I have had API stands in the past, and would not buy another one. Heavy, yet kind of chinsy feeling. They might be different now though.
  11. Ive been adding them to all of my hang on sets. You can buy the ropes online and make them for alot less than the commercially made ones.
  12. I dont even bother with cable TV anymore. I stream everything. It takes some getting used to, but I pay less than $25 a month for everything I view on my TV. Cable as you know it now will be practically dead in the next 5 years. FIOS is Verizon's fiber based Cable, Internet, Phone service
  13. The vest style ones have the same harness in them, they just add the vest to keep it from getting tangled up, and give you nicer buckles. I used to use the one that came with my first stand, and got so I could put it on in about 30 seconds, in the dark. I have been using a Gorilla Exo tech G30 for a few years now, and love it. Unfortunately, Gorilla is gone, so my next one will be the TreeSpider Speed harness. Im not a fan of the vest style harnesses, and I dont like the Muddy that doesnt have a waist belt. For my daughter, I got her the HSS Lil Treestalker. Works good enough for her, but I wouldnt get the HSS vest style for myself.
  14. Congrats! Great job on following through and finding you deer!
  15. My buddy has one, its what we usually use. Works great.
  16. Look at some other states, NY's nonresident licenses arent that pricey really.
  17. Its current news, thats really the only reason I guess. I didnt think moving a thread to a different forum where it fit in would cause any controversy lol.
  18. I get my license online, they dont send you a guide with it.
  19. This is a thread for posting your finds, not asking advice. Kinda like the various harvest threads. If you post your own thread asking the question, chances are, it will get more attention from people that may answer your question.
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