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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Ha. I thought the pistol grip stocks were a no-no as well. Sure enough, just thumbhole, folding or adjustable stocks. I just had an idea for my next gun purchase....
  2. Im working on it now. If it happens, it will be posted up soon.
  3. Bolt guns, break action, pump guns can have pistol grip stocks on them if you want. Only applies to semi auto rifles with a detachable mag. In the case of shotguns, you dont even have to have a detachable mag, just semi auto with a pistol grip or thumbhole stock and its illegal.
  4. No wonder its cold outside, belo and I are starting to understand each other's sarcasm lol
  5. So here are a couple of pics that I have that shows how the Treelimb Premium attaches to my bow, which is similar to the yours Flinger. I keep forgetting t snap pics at home after work lol. You can see the mount bracket toward the top. This pic shows the quiver on the bow.
  6. Dont use junk vanes and youll be ok
  7. You lack a sense of humor apparently. Hows the search for real Mountain Lion evidence in NY coming along btw? Slowly I presume....
  8. Ive been seeing tons of them while Im driving around the area lately
  9. I also forgot, get a good vacuum sealer. Its a little more money than freezer paper, but the meat wont get freezer burn. I still have some backstrap sections from 2012 in the freezer, and they are just fine.
  10. I do mine. Alot of the time some of the guys I hunt with have a few to do and they get cut up all at once. It can take a few hours to do, but its worth it. If you plan to do your own, youll be one step up by investing in a grinder. I have a small grinder from Gander Mountain thats a little on the slow side, but it gets the job done.
  11. I had one stalk in on my daughter and I last spring while i was calling. It got to within 15 feet of us.
  12. I have the Sig P238. Worth every penny. Ive shot the LCP and wasnt impressed. Ive never handled the S&W. I carry my P238 most days, nice comfortable gun to carry and with the newer self defense loads, it will do you just fine. I use Federal 90 gr Hydrashoks.
  13. Sure there is, you leave it at ARCHERY (aka killing with a string propelled arrow with a broadhead on the end of it) season, not free for all season lol. Even with a crossbow (as Ive said many times before) you still are challenged by the range of the weapon. You have to get in close to use one, just like a vertical bow. Do you agree that we see and hear about too many instances of deer shot by bows with arrows in their heads, necks, backs, etc? Also hunters telling stories about making bad shots, wounding deer, etc etc? It probably wouldnt take long to find 10 of those types of threads on here. Id be willing to put money down that many of those stories begin with someone out in the bow woods that hasnt put the necessary practice time in before hand, but they are out there anyway. Would you rather them: A) Keep taking bad shots and wounding deer, with the possible effect of putting bow hunters in a bad light B ) Quit bow hunting all together and have less numbers amongst our ranks C) Put a piece of archery equipment in their hands that gives them a better chance at a clean kill with their limited (for whatever reason) practice regimond
  14. Didnt you hear him Culver, its irrelevant
  15. This guy did a great job writing this. Lots of facts and great points used.... http://www.rbj.net/article.asp?aID=206641
  16. Congrats on the CCW Geno. Yep, you can carry anywhere but NYC. I would do some reading of the law though, there are certain places you cant take it as well. Schools, some government buildings, etc.
  17. Now you are taking something and making it into something completely out of the realm of what was intended. At no point have I ever suggested allowing guns into archery season (dont include the youth season, different conversation completely). Ive actually made statements about keeping archery and gun seasons separate, while others have insinuated to just make it into a whatever weapon you choose free for all. Weve had this very same discussion previously. Your leap from archery equipment to guns is just as much of a silly argument now as its ever been.
  18. I was just saying that the information has been provided, no reason to assume or guess at anything. Please though, blow my statement out of proportion and turn it into a 13 page argument lol. We can always use more hits on the site.
  19. I posted a link to the IBO rule book. It tells you how they can shoot them right in there. No guessing to it really.
  20. But others will. Just look up a few posts, and youll see what I meant.
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