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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I like my Treelimb Premium. Super quiet and easy to pop on and off. Dont get the cheapo standard one, pony up for the Premium.
  2. Sure. Ill put a thread in the reloading section with combos and results.
  3. I dunno. Any of the non hunters I know that have any opinion on Ted at all are smart enough to know he represents Ted and not all hunters or gun owners. I tend to agree with alot of what he says, but thats beside the point.
  4. You could part it out as well, might get more selling the upper, then taking the stock off of the lower and selling it in 2 separate pieces.
  5. I feel ya. Id have been back out of NY 10 years ago if it wasnt for my kids. The safe act is just the icing on the cake of BS that NY is built upon.
  6. Buy my 223 stuff and Ill get some loads worked up haha Actually im just gonna get some crap plinking ammo and get her broken in soon, then the hand loads will get worked up.
  7. So I grabbed the glass off my muzzleloader and popped it on the VTR for now. It will be fine to get a load dialed in for the gun, and I still keep waffling on exactly which one I want for permanent duty on this rifle. She sure looks nice!
  8. Fun rifles. That will probably be one of my next purchases, right after a compliant (vomit) AR15
  9. 1000 Wolf small rifle primers. $20 shipped (plus hazmat fee) r trade for large rifle primers of equal value
  10. 875 pieces of assorted 223/5.56 brass. Mostly PMC and Remington. $50 shipped or trade for .308 brass
  11. You should test that theory. Just start a thread about King Andy's boxer shorts and see what happens with it.
  12. I dont think so. Its been pushed for a long time, plus the DEC added it to their list of things they want to get done in the 5 year plan.
  13. Used against you? Please. As I said, Id use the same example even if you never mentioned you were married. edit**not gonna validate that comment with a response**
  14. Exactly, all you need is the other person to be a little vindictive at the time, and you lose.
  15. Im not saying they should, but they are scenarios that are 100% within the realm of possibility, and not far fetched at all. They are scenarios that fly right in the face of "it doesnt affect me", because your situation can change in an instant, and then the laws you dont care about come back to bite you. I said nothing remotely derogatory or negative about your wife or kids. You didnt even need to mention them and I would have still used the same example.
  16. I wonder how Meat Manager will feel when he ticks off the wife, she files for divorce and slaps a restraining order on him. Or he gos to see a counselor that prescribes him some Xanax to help calm down the stress of going through a divorce. Then the Staties come to his house and take away every firearm he owns. Or maybe his county gets a new judge, who revokes his pistol permit (if he has one) and he is required to turn in every firearm. Its pretty sad to watch people bury their heads in the sand and say "I dont care, doesnt affect me...."
  17. But thats what Im talking about here, its not an issue that originated with him, its been around for a few years now. To misconstrue the issue and support or not support it just because its in the budget again and Cuomo is using it to grandstand is bogus. Im not saying you in particular are causing that, just that the author of the articles that have been posted are, because they are not giving the whole story. Thats all Im trying to say. Could have been summed up in a couple of posts had someone (not you) not danced around and attempted to twist things into something else. I guess I should have expected that to happen, par for the course.
  18. Yes, articles such as these are little more than opinion pieces, no conspiracy about it. Its just crap journalism, and youve bought into it hook line and sinker. Next time you start questioning the validity of a report, Ill be reminding you of this one.
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