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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Lmao. If the fromunda cheese slice is placed on the bread in the exact same place as some swiss cheese, does it mean the swiss is more accurate?
  2. If they are 1 1/2, then they arent mature doe. Just sayin.
  3. Look, if you cant understand that 3 bullets from gun A hitting the exact same point and 3 Bullets from gun B hitting the same exact point, at the same distance, adds up to the same accuracy, you are either a complete moron, or you smoke crack.
  4. Diameter? Yes, that will be different, but the center point is the same. Holy christ! Its freaking mind boggling! Im done
  5. Im feeling the same way Bubba. Im not going to argue this anymore, its obviously pointless.
  6. Not the question or issue he posed. Keep dancing....And you are comparing apples to oranges. Compare bolt shotguns to bolt rifles or semi auto to semi auto.
  7. Btw, if my shotgun shoots the same hole at 100 and your 6BR shoots a cloverleaf at 100, then my shotgun is MORE accurate than your 6BR.
  8. One hole is one hole. Compare them and they are still one hole. Culver never said anything about most shotguns or most rifles. Again, you are talking around the issue being discussed.
  9. No, you just cant seem to admit you are wrong. If weapon a shoots the same hole at 100 yards and weapon b shoots the same hole at 100 yards, they are both accurate at 100 yards. What type of weapon they are is insignificant.
  10. Look, you have a point about most this and most that. You do sound a little silly though, as you are not answering the questions he is asking. You are talking around them.
  11. Its fine, i just wanted to clear the air.
  12. Instead of getting defensive, maybe you should go back and read what I wrote. I never told anyone they were doing things wrong, I explained how we had a good season. I specifically said that what I saw was in my area. I never projected any of it to anyone else's areas. Thanks for putting words in my mouth though....
  13. This past weekend was a pretty good one for me. I ended up at a poker game until 3am on Friday night, so when Saturday morning rolled around, I said the heck with it and stayed home. I got all of my venison ground up, packaged and then put a nice package of 30ish lbs of meat together for the manager of the farms I hunt. Sunday morning, a friend of mine was meeting me at my place so I could take her down to the farm and see if we couldnt knock down another deer or two. She got there around 5:30 and we loaded up and took off. For the morning, we went to a double hang on set that has produced alot of venison this year, albeit all of the kills had been in the evening. We heard some deer moving through the thick bedding area just 50 yards away, but didnt see anything once it got light out. We heard a shot come from the farm and I got a text that one of the other guys had dropped a buck over on the other side of the farm. I decided around 9:30 to get out of the stand and take a slow walk around the perimeter of the cow pasture to see if we couldnt find some feeding or bedded deer. We ended up kicking up 3 does, but that was about it. We wandered over to meet up with the other guys, and see what was on the ground. It was a small 6, and was the guy's first buck. After congrats, and shooting the breeze for a bit, we headed down to check a trail cam and go back to the truck. We headed down to the local diner and had a bite to eat, then stopped by my buddy's place to put a plan together for the afternoon. I thought the guys might be wanting to do some drives on other properties, but everyone seems to be about deer'ed out for the year. I decided we would head down to the swamp, and sit on the last standing corn for the afternoon. We got down there and got set up, and what rolls out in to the corn, but the combine! Sweet! We were setup perfectly to intercept deer heading from the field to the woods. After the farmer hit the edges of the field and emptied the combine, he started on his long rows. On his second pass in our direction, 2 big does and a doe fawn blasted out of the corn just ahead of the combine. I watched as they ran out into the neighboring hay field and headed right toward the corner where I was posted. All three ended up 40 to 45 yards from my stand, and when all was said and done, my Mossberg 500 20 ga put one of them on the ground. I climbed down to make sure she was dead, and then headed for the truck to put my shotgun away and grab the muzzle loader. I moved my friend to the stand I had been sitting in, as its one of the better stands, and I figured it had the best chance of more deer going by it in the afternoon. I hopped up in another stand and we sat out the rest of the afternoon. No more deer for the day. We got my doe taken care of, loaded up and headed home for a backstrap dinner. It was a great end to the gun season. I will probably get 1, maybe 2 hunts in next weekend for muzzle loader season, but thats about it. At this point my score is 6 deer. I gave one away to the farm manager, and have 5 left in my freezer. I wont be shooting any more does next weekend. I will be out for one deer in particular, to finish up my 3 year chess match with him. Hayrake. Hopefully the rest of the corn is gone by then, as it gives him less places to feed under cover. Hopefully I can finally put him down. It sure would be some great icing to one hell of a deer season!
  14. Maybe I dont know it because I get out too much lol
  15. That trickle rut theory did not even come close in my area. The rut went off at the same basic time as it does every year, based on sightings, sign and camera activity. We have had a banner year for mature buck sightings, trail cam pics, harvests of quality bucks, and lots of full freezers. How did we do it? We didnt do the same darn thing every day. We got aggressive in some cases and made sure to use our knowledge of the property to our advantage, and were just in the right place at the right time in others. We didnt listen to the theories, we acted based on what we were seeing on the cams, and in the field.
  16. No, looks like it was butchered like most others would do it. Thats about what our scrap piles look like. I wouldnt have dumped it in the parking lot. Btw, the blur, the tag stays with the meat you take, not the rest of the carcass, so you wouldnt know whether it was tagged or not from just finding a carcass somewhere.
  17. I have never had a fake tree. Not sure if i ever would.
  18. Must be too old of a reference for me lol
  19. Well, then i will take your word for it guys. Turnips are yummy. Lol. Btw grow, i was in the plot today, it doesnt stink
  20. Cwd? It was hit by a car. Anyway, the gimp lost his limp three days ago when the farm manager spotted him on the edge of the orchard and made him her first buck, and first deer, ever. Im waiting on the jaw bone. She was not able to get much meat off of him.
  21. Its been a bang up year for our farm as a whole. 5 great bucks off of the farm so far, a couple of smaller ones, and a pile of doe. Ive been the most successful, but thats probably because i have put the most seat time in. You arent that far from me, so it doesnt surprise me to hear things are like that over by you. Good luck getting after that big 8!
  22. I still have 2 dmps and my ML either sex tag. 2 does went on DMAPs
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