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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. The areas that we hunt are vastly different from the areas they are using the sharpshooting programs in. You are talking mostly ag land vs mostly suburban land with homes not far from each other. Cant really compare the two, but Ill entertain the question. In my area, they already use DMAPs and DDPs to help control things. Typically, the farmers allow us to use them, and we are very good at getting them filled. If our group couldnt do it, and it needed to be done, then by all means, they should be allowed to bring people in that can get it done.
  2. Yes, they use bow hunters to keep the herd in check, not to do the initial reduction.
  3. It was just a smaller scale program of what is happening on LI. Remember, we are talking about areas on LI that are much larger than Irondequoit. Im not sure what difference silencers would make, or shooting out of vehicles. Id bet they used suppressors in Irondequoit so that the residents were ticked off by the sounds of shots nearby at night.
  4. How do you make anything "illeagle" without a government or police to enforce the law?
  5. The area that I spoke of uses a test administered by the local PD to choose people for the permits.
  6. NFA, do you think the sharpshooter or bait and shoot program is new? Its not at all. LI is no "test bed" for it, its been used, with success in many areas for many years. Yes, right here in NY, and even in my general area of the state. For example, In Irondequoit, NY they ran a 9 year sharpshooting program in one specific park. They ended up taking 876 deer out of there in that span. They then enacted a special permit bow season in the areas around the park, and that has been successful to keep the numbers to a controllable level. In the first decade of that program, 449 deer were taken. Last year they didnt do the bow hunt, but this year they did. From the looks of things, without that first cull, bowhunters in that area would not have dropped the numbers to a level that they needed to to get the herd under control.
  7. You cant run a 308 upper on an AR15. Take a look at 6.8 SPC. Its a very popular medium game caliber for AR15s. If you want bigger bore, theres always the 458 SOCOM, 50 Beowolf, etc.
  8. Actually its fine to use in NY. Just make sure it has a 10 round mag and you only put 7 in it. Read the regs before you put out bad info fellas.
  9. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0047736/ It was a TV series lol
  10. Stop with the childish crapping on threads stuff. Want to start a pissing match, do it in a PM. Last warning.
  11. Take a look at the Spit-Fires, they are boat tails, which makes me think they should be a bit better at longer distances. Ill find out where they are at accuracy wise first, then if I can get them to an acceptable level, Ill see what they do shooting them into phone books out there. Should give me some good info on penetration and expansion. Its all going to boil down to testing.
  12. They dont do the tours normally any longer. They opened it up to our QDMA branch this past summer.
  13. There arent any drawbacks. I just like to pull all of mine in to clean them up, dry them out and pop some fresh batteries in. I dont think I need to swap batteries in my DLCs though, the first sets still have plenty of life left in them, even after thousands of pics, hundreds of videos and months in the field (since June).
  14. One of my buddies messed around with that pic of the swamp in photoshop and made a pretty neat looking B&W pic with highlights.
  15. Saturday I went out to the farm for a little squirrel population control, to get some work done on stands and pull my cams to clean them up and dry them out. Well, almost as soon as I got there, the rain started, so I said the heck with it, Ill just work on stands. We made the rounds to almost all of the stands on the one section of the farm. I pulled safety straps down, removed screw in steps, and loosened straps on the stands and ladder steps. We also made note of the stands we wanted to take down and maintain this year. While we were at one of the stands, I noticed a gorgeous layer of fog that had rolled in, making for a great snap shot... After checking the stands, I pulled my trail camera and headed to the truck. By the time I left, I was soaked to the bone, so I figured Id head up to the other farm to grab my other camera. I was planning to drive right down to the plots and make it quick, but when I got there, I found the whole bottom was flooded out.... I parked to check the water depth on the trail. Yeah, it almost went right over my boots. Youll notice it wasnt that deep over the road, but on either side it was over a foot deep. I wasnt gonna chance it so I left the truck on the road and walked in. I noticed that the food plot was starting to get a little stinky, like the radishes or turnips, whatever they are, were starting to get a little rotten. Pulled my cam and headed home. I still have to go through the cards to see what I have on there.
  16. I have pulled mine for now, but will be putting them back out soon, so I can get a better idea of what made it through the season. Im letting them air out as we speak.
  17. Not with a bow. Maybe with a crossbow.
  18. Never said I didnt know what it is. I just dont know the reference, as Ive never watched the show.
  19. It wasnt that it was unpalatable, but one whole side was atrophied, and there wasnt much there.
  20. Anyone applauding Charlie Sheen for making any kind of rational thought is probably smoking the same coke as he is.
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