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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Thats what Im thinking too. Believe me, Ill be practicing ALOT at the distances I plan on shooting. Im good with it out to 200, but have yet to shoot past that. I have the room, just havent done it.
  2. Why is it hard to tell inches by "just a rack"? The rack is what you are measuring. I never saw any mention of age.
  3. I dont know, hes holding it right against his chest, not at arms length. Lots of mass and length there.
  4. Thanks for the read phade. Sounds like even with a heavier bullet, I might want to keep it 250 or less on an Elk. I might be able to stretch it a bit more on a Mulie.
  5. Yeah I was a bit surprised too, figured Id have more of a hold over than that. Im probably going to zero the gun at 150 when I go out there, which should put me at a center of the vitals dead hold out to 200 with the bigger charge on something the size of a Mulie or Elk. It will be all about testing and practice. I want to have the extra range just in case something is standing there at 275 yards lol
  6. I know Ill have to hold over. I run out to 200 yards with 70 grains of BH209 and a 250 grain SST now. Pushing the charge up should get me out there easily. Right now, its sighted at 100, and I know I need to hold 8 inches high at 200, It gets a pretty good group out there. Its going to be pretty much DIY, my cousin is "guiding" me. The money wont be all that much. I set a goal to take every species of deer on the continent with this Muzzleloader when I built it.
  7. Well, the SSTs/Shockwaves are accurate, just not much for blood trails. Doe, what kind of accuracy do you see at ranges over 100 yards with those types of bullets? Im actually wondering about accuracy out to 250 - 300 yards.
  8. Enough. End it now or both of you (shawnhu and dave) get a time out. You wanna have an internet pissing match, do it in a PM.
  9. Thats not what I wanted to hear phade lol
  10. http://www.gq.com/entertainment/television/201401/duck-dynasty-phil-robertson
  11. Rifle probably. Early ML season is not OTC, its by drawing.
  12. Anyone using these? I was eyeballing the 290gr ones to try for next year. Just would like to hear reviews on their performance and longer range accuracy. I might be heading out to Colorado for Mulies and Elk, and want to do the trip with my Muzzle Loader. I use SSTs and Shockwaves now, just not happy with the blood trails so im looking at other options.
  13. I too have had a lack of blood trail but with the SSTs and Shockwaves, which are the same bullet. The size shouldnt be the issue, ive seen smaller rifle bullets produce better blood trails. I might try something different in the off season to see if i can get similar groups but with a different bullet. Then i will see how they do next season.
  14. And people that see that what A&E did was nothing but cowtowing to the liberal extremist minority, have the right to speak their minds on it. Face it, its just more bowing down to the PC bull crap that is so prevalent now days. a&E will face the repercussions of their actions as well. Btw, did you read what the man actually said. Not really much ignorance in it. Im not religious, and dont necessarilly agree with everything he said, but none of it was ignorant. The only ignorance has been from the people saying it was some kind of hate mongering. Id be willing to bet most of them havent read the whole statement, in its full context.
  15. If you dont like it, dont read it. Plenty of hunting threads that are active.
  16. Yet another ignorant comment from you. Have you even read what he said in the interview? This is America, you flipping dope. You are allowed to speak your mind. Its called the first amendment, you might want to read up on it.By the way, watch YOUR language on here. If i have to remove more of it, youre gonna take a break from the site.
  17. BTW, is this an inappropriate picture for the interwebs? Hey Bob, if you look close, I have an extra can of brown spray paint over on the shelf for ya...
  18. Not the first time facts seem to escape the discussion.
  19. You are incorrect. First year does, in fact, are capable of breeding, and in some situations do breed.
  20. The ones that mated with the coyotes to make the Brushwolves?
  21. Again, bad apples in any group. Management or picture posters. Youll never get rid of them all. Murdering people is illegal, still happens.
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