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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Hey Mr Ethics, arent you the guy making statements alluding to how you were going to bring your pistol into NY illegally a few weeks ago? Sounds real ethical to me. : Like I said before, you are the only one that looks like a fool. ;D
  2. I dont understand why the guy has to explain why he is doing something that is perfectly legal to anyone. :
  3. The person you made a fool out of is yourself. You can deny it all you want, but its true.
  4. Haha....Some moderator. Not only do you get into a stupid back and forth on your forum, but you lose the back and forth as well! haha Next time, win one before you get into two. I didnt lose anything, and just because Im a moderator, it doesnt mean I cant get involved in a discussion. Maybe you should stop throwing out stupid one liners and insults and discuss like a big boy.
  5. Blur I fully agree with you, my rule is if you shoot it you eat it no exceptions. Or let it pass and just enjoy the wild life. Hunting to me means you hunt to eat not to kill something and leave it in the woods to rot that's how hunters get a bad name. Dave Predators and scavengers have to eat too. Nothing that dies in the woods goes to waste. Going out and killing game animals for no reason is one thing, but shooting vermin is another. You say you agree that coyotes, pigs and rats should be left to rot, but not woodchucks? Sounds like a bunch of contradiction to me. Let me make it perfectly clear to you I don't believe in shooting anything even coyote or pigs and rat's etc. Just to kill them for the sport of just killing something. To me that is not what hunters do, may be you are ok with this type of conduct but i am not. So this is not a contradiction to me, I thought we were to support ethical hunting? Do you think this is ethical? Yes animals do die in the woods and mother nature takes care of that in her own way she needs no help from us just killing wildlife no matter what type it is to help her along.Dave Maybe you should have made that perfectly clear before you quoted him saying "Coyotes, pigs, and rats are an exception to that rule." and then said you "fully agree". I dont have a problem with letting chucks and other vermin lie. Perfectly ethical to me. Game animals though, nope, thats illegal to do, so it is not ethical and I do have a problem with it. You are right I should have made myself clearer with my answer. I was agreeing with the premise. Of not killing something and letting them lie dead in the woods or fields. Just because it is not protected by no means does it make it ethical to kill them. I am surprised that a moderator if this site can't see that. Just giving fuel to the anti hunters to come at us. By the way I have heard that chuck is real tasty though I have never tasted one. Giving praise for someone taking head short at chucks and leaving them to rot is not praise worthy. Not a good spokesman for hunting in my opinion.Dave Dave I dont claim to be a spokes person for anyone, and my views are not the views of the forum. I am not worried about your definition of what is ethical and what is not. Do you kill mosquitoes or flies? Maybe spiders or mice? Do you eat those? When you start to ask stupid questions that's when the responses end. May be you know the difference between ethics and stupidity, may be not, I think it's not!!!!!Dave They arent stupid questions. insects, mice, rats, etc are in the same classification as woodchucks (varmints, vermin, pests), so the questions are perfectly relevant and valid. Nice way to show that you cant come back with a viable rebuttal by playing the insult card though. : That wasn't an insult I was paying you a compliment. Hunter of insects, mice and rats and other pests, you know what we were referring to and that wasn't it. Hard to seriously rebut your type of logic when you deviate from the topic. Dave "May be you know the difference between ethics and stupidity, may be not, I think it's not!!!!!" Thats not an insult (or lame attempt at one)? Again, my logic does not deviate from the topic. The question still stands.
  6. Blur I fully agree with you, my rule is if you shoot it you eat it no exceptions. Or let it pass and just enjoy the wild life. Hunting to me means you hunt to eat not to kill something and leave it in the woods to rot that's how hunters get a bad name. Dave Predators and scavengers have to eat too. Nothing that dies in the woods goes to waste. Going out and killing game animals for no reason is one thing, but shooting vermin is another. You say you agree that coyotes, pigs and rats should be left to rot, but not woodchucks? Sounds like a bunch of contradiction to me. Let me make it perfectly clear to you I don't believe in shooting anything even coyote or pigs and rat's etc. Just to kill them for the sport of just killing something. To me that is not what hunters do, may be you are ok with this type of conduct but i am not. So this is not a contradiction to me, I thought we were to support ethical hunting? Do you think this is ethical? Yes animals do die in the woods and mother nature takes care of that in her own way she needs no help from us just killing wildlife no matter what type it is to help her along.Dave Maybe you should have made that perfectly clear before you quoted him saying "Coyotes, pigs, and rats are an exception to that rule." and then said you "fully agree". I dont have a problem with letting chucks and other vermin lie. Perfectly ethical to me. Game animals though, nope, thats illegal to do, so it is not ethical and I do have a problem with it. You are right I should have made myself clearer with my answer. I was agreeing with the premise. Of not killing something and letting them lie dead in the woods or fields. Just because it is not protected by no means does it make it ethical to kill them. I am surprised that a moderator if this site can't see that. Just giving fuel to the anti hunters to come at us. By the way I have heard that chuck is real tasty though I have never tasted one. Giving praise for someone taking head short at chucks and leaving them to rot is not praise worthy. Not a good spokesman for hunting in my opinion.Dave Dave I dont claim to be a spokes person for anyone, and my views are not the views of the forum. I am not worried about your definition of what is ethical and what is not. Do you kill mosquitoes or flies? Maybe spiders or mice? Do you eat those? When you start to ask stupid questions that's when the responses end. May be you know the difference between ethics and stupidity, may be not, I think it's not!!!!!Dave They arent stupid questions. insects, mice, rats, etc are in the same classification as woodchucks (varmints, vermin, pests), so the questions are perfectly relevant and valid. Nice way to show that you cant come back with a viable rebuttal by playing the insult card though. :
  7. haha....You're 45 years old guy! Your youtube page contains the creepiest videos ever made. I am waiting for the one where you are hiding behind one of those big post office mailboxes on the street corner, peering around it at a bunch of children getting off the schoolbus (full Ultimate Warrior makeup, of course). Then a slow-mo from the rear of you walking up to a little boy that fell behind the rest of the group to tie his shoe. Your arm reaching out, then a fade to black. Or do you already have this video made and just not posted...........Hmm, I wonder....... Wouldnt the truly creepy one be the guy that thought that scenario up in the first place? :
  8. Blur I fully agree with you, my rule is if you shoot it you eat it no exceptions. Or let it pass and just enjoy the wild life. Hunting to me means you hunt to eat not to kill something and leave it in the woods to rot that's how hunters get a bad name. Dave Predators and scavengers have to eat too. Nothing that dies in the woods goes to waste. Going out and killing game animals for no reason is one thing, but shooting vermin is another. You say you agree that coyotes, pigs and rats should be left to rot, but not woodchucks? Sounds like a bunch of contradiction to me. Let me make it perfectly clear to you I don't believe in shooting anything even coyote or pigs and rat's etc. Just to kill them for the sport of just killing something. To me that is not what hunters do, may be you are ok with this type of conduct but i am not. So this is not a contradiction to me, I thought we were to support ethical hunting? Do you think this is ethical? Yes animals do die in the woods and mother nature takes care of that in her own way she needs no help from us just killing wildlife no matter what type it is to help her along.Dave Maybe you should have made that perfectly clear before you quoted him saying "Coyotes, pigs, and rats are an exception to that rule." and then said you "fully agree". I dont have a problem with letting chucks and other vermin lie. Perfectly ethical to me. Game animals though, nope, thats illegal to do, so it is not ethical and I do have a problem with it. You are right I should have made myself clearer with my answer. I was agreeing with the premise. Of not killing something and letting them lie dead in the woods or fields. Just because it is not protected by no means does it make it ethical to kill them. I am surprised that a moderator if this site can't see that. Just giving fuel to the anti hunters to come at us. By the way I have heard that chuck is real tasty though I have never tasted one. Giving praise for someone taking head short at chucks and leaving them to rot is not praise worthy. Not a good spokesman for hunting in my opinion.Dave Dave I dont claim to be a spokes person for anyone, and my views are not the views of the forum. I am not worried about your definition of what is ethical and what is not. Do you kill mosquitoes or flies? Maybe spiders or mice? Do you eat those?
  9. Of course I was putting it down! Was also putting it down in my sarcastic reply, which you obviously didn't pick up on. No back-peddle here. No doubt I was putting it down! Why did you hijack this post anyway? It was supposed to be about a guy who made a lame video of himself and expected tons of praise and accolades. I didnt hijack anything, you were the one that decided to start the negative BS and insults in the thread. Dont get your panties in a bunch when you get called out for it.
  10. Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Sorry for insulting your girlfriend there. You thought the face paint was clever and intimidating? Hey, just asking about the baiting. Did I say anything negative about it? I realize that there are plenty of "hunters" out there that like the deer to walk in 30 minutes, on the dot, after they get into their stand so they can pick one out and shoot it. I also realize that they don't know how to actually find the deer, which of course, isn't their fault. Did I put it down? I woke up perfectly fine there pal. FYI, I dont give a rats patoot about the video, but you shouldnt be trying to dictate what can and cant be posted on the forum. There are plenty of people here that didnt have an issue about it. Your tone on the baiting was a put down, dont try to back-peddle.
  11. Blur I fully agree with you, my rule is if you shoot it you eat it no exceptions. Or let it pass and just enjoy the wild life. Hunting to me means you hunt to eat not to kill something and leave it in the woods to rot that's how hunters get a bad name. Dave Predators and scavengers have to eat too. Nothing that dies in the woods goes to waste. Going out and killing game animals for no reason is one thing, but shooting vermin is another. You say you agree that coyotes, pigs and rats should be left to rot, but not woodchucks? Sounds like a bunch of contradiction to me. Let me make it perfectly clear to you I don't believe in shooting anything even coyote or pigs and rat's etc. Just to kill them for the sport of just killing something. To me that is not what hunters do, may be you are ok with this type of conduct but i am not. So this is not a contradiction to me, I thought we were to support ethical hunting? Do you think this is ethical? Yes animals do die in the woods and mother nature takes care of that in her own way she needs no help from us just killing wildlife no matter what type it is to help her along.Dave Maybe you should have made that perfectly clear before you quoted him saying "Coyotes, pigs, and rats are an exception to that rule." and then said you "fully agree". I dont have a problem with letting chucks and other vermin lie. Perfectly ethical to me. Game animals though, nope, thats illegal to do, so it is not ethical and I do have a problem with it.
  12. Sounds good. I just put a 1 7/8 ball on mine for now to tow the trailer.
  13. How about you speak for yourself and not the entire forum. Also, do you use trail cams, scents, food plots or calls to harvest your deer? Some would say you are not hunting fair if you do. If its legal, theres no reason to give the guy crap for it. If he was baiting illegally, then he would be poaching, but he wasnt.
  14. Blur I fully agree with you, my rule is if you shoot it you eat it no exceptions. Or let it pass and just enjoy the wild life. Hunting to me means you hunt to eat not to kill something and leave it in the woods to rot that's how hunters get a bad name. Dave Predators and scavengers have to eat too. Nothing that dies in the woods goes to waste. Going out and killing game animals for no reason is one thing, but shooting vermin is another. You say you agree that coyotes, pigs and rats should be left to rot, but not woodchucks? Sounds like a bunch of contradiction to me.
  15. Sign up on their website to receive ads and coupons, they send out really good ones from time to time. Beware the temptation to walk out with half the store though lol
  16. You do realize that woodchucks are not a game species, they are vermin, like a red squirrel. See how you feel about them after they tear up your yard, or cause damage to a barn, shed or your house. Chucks make great practice, I shoot them whenever possible. They are great for fine tuning your long range skills with a rifle as well.
  17. Thanks for the tips Culver, Ill remember to do that. Has anyone tried the Harbor Freight winches? They seem to have the same features for the most part and are a bit less money (I have some 20% off coupons too).
  18. I fish quite a bit during the summer. Ill fish just about anything, from creeks to ponds to lakes and rivers. Used to go offshore alot when I lived in Florida.
  19. Wow, those are great prices. I was thinking of one of the 3000lb winches that Harbor Freight carries. It runs @ $150, but the Viper 3500lb comes with all the accessories and is only a few bucks more with free shipping. How has the winch worked for you so far John?
  20. I am looking to add a winch to my Polaris, and have the bracket that fits on order. It will fit several winch bolt patterns, and it looks like they are pretty standard. The big question to me is, how much pulling power do I need. I see all kinds of weights out there, but Im not sure what I really need to get. Ill be using the winch to work a plow, get my quad unstuck if need be, or pull a buddy out of the mud. What are your opinions on what I should be looking for?
  21. Yeah its in very good shape. The first owner was an older man that had it from 2000 till last year, and put 3700 miles on it, but was meticulous with the upkeep. I have all of the records from him. The second owner that I bought it from, only put 7 miles on it, and let it sit in his garage. It was an impulse buy for him and he needed the money, so put it up for sale. It has always been garage kept, and will continue to be. I am going to go through and do all of the maintenance in the next couple of weeks, just so I know for sure when it was done last. I have looked at wheelers lately that are half the age with more miles on them. I think it was a good buy.
  22. After the deal getting sketchy on the Sportsman 500 I thought I was picking up, I decided not to go with that one. Today I came across a deal I couldnt turn down, so I went with it. Its a 99 Polaris Sportsman 335. Its the same wheeler as the 500, feature wise, frame wise and everything, it just has the smaller engine. It will be a good wheeler for now, and eventually it will be going to my fiance and I will get a bigger one for myself. Here she is, time to start accessorizing! ;D
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