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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Have fun with it. I am buying one for my Dad for Fathers Day this year. I havent been able to get his old Marlin 22 to feed properly, even after many cleanings, and he has been a big help to us through the birth of my son, so I figured something nice was in order this year.
  2. I wonder what all of the idiots that emptied their life savings or stopped paying their bills are thinking right now.
  3. After Saturday, he will be living in the subway, where he can see all of the stupid signs he bought.
  4. A regular 4 pin connector has a ground built in, so do the 7 pin rounds. You just have to have a good ground from the connector to the truck and another from the trailer plug to the trailer. For some crazy reason, the passenger side light housing could not get a good ground on that side of the trailer through the bracket to the frame, so just that one wouldnt work. I ended up running a ground to the drivers side housing and everything was good. Pain in the ass figuring it out.
  5. Awesome, gives me one last chance to play a horrible round of golf! ;D
  6. You can cure that blood issue a bit if you soak the cutlets in milk for a day before you bread them. It gets even better if you mix a little Franks Red Hot in the milk.
  7. Up of course! Nevermind that demand will go way down. ;D
  8. There are actually more cars out there that require the higher octane gas than youd figure. Most of the high performance cars require it, and run like crap on regular. I work with 2 guys who have cars that they have to run hi test in. Very true about the high performance cars. Most new cars the onboard electronics and fuel injection sensors can adjust to the octane level in the gas so the cars runs fine. There are some non high performance cars that require it as well. If you consider a Saab 93 or VW Golf a performance car, well, then never mind that.
  9. My suspicions have been confirmed yet again. ;D
  10. Time to change my regular gas station!!!!
  11. Fantail, I used to do it on my popup, redoing the caulk every couple of seasons was a pain, so last year I completely redid it and coated it with a rubberized coating. If you do this, DO NOT buy it from an RV dealer or source. The stuff they sell is wayyyyyyy more expensive than the same thing at the hardware store. The stuff I used is an elastomeric roof sealant called Kool Seal. Here is what I did: -clean out ALL old sealer (caulk) from the seams, etc. If you dont clean it completely, the new stuff wont last. Its a pain in the ass, but necessary -use regular painter's caulk to fill in the seams. Make sure you smooth it out and let it cure completely -after caulk is done, clean the whole roof with Simple green to get rid of any dirt or debris -coat roof with 2 or 3 coats of Kool Seal -after allowing Kool Seal to cure, paint with 2 good coats of Exterior Latex Paint The only maintenance you will have to do is to recoat with the latex paint every 2 or 3 seasons. Its a ton easier than redoing the caulk.
  12. Will do once I pick it up. Ive spent the last couple of nights putting my little utility trailer back together so I can go pick it up this weekend. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate trailer wiring? ;D
  13. I have both types. I like the bipod attached to my rifle for varmint hunting, then I have a shooting stick for my handgun. It all depends on what type of hunting I am doing.
  14. There are actually more cars out there that require the higher octane gas than youd figure. Most of the high performance cars require it, and run like crap on regular. I work with 2 guys who have cars that they have to run hi test in.
  15. My fiance has a friend that parties alot and goes to grad school. Shes gonna be in there for longer than most, thats all Ill say about that lol.
  16. Went down a whopping 2 cents here in the last day. $3.97, whoopie.
  17. All of them. Even a Kindergarten teacher has to have it. The process is you get your bachelors, then get certified, then have 5 years in which to go through grad school. If you dont, your teaching certificate is revoked.
  18. Joe, I gotta disagree with you on that. Ask my fiance how much partying she has done through college. To get the grades needed to stay accepted in a decent school, you have to work your ass off.
  19. Precisely why tenure needs to go, or be modified to allow for performance based reviews and give the right to the district to fire staff for lack of performance. Now remember guys, a good chunk of our household income comes from my fiance's coaching salary and substitute teaching. She is in grad school finishing up her masters in education. Im not just a disgruntled taxpayer lol. Good luck! Tough field these days. Yeah no kidding. Ive been telling her she should be looking in other fields for a while now.
  20. I guess the biggest thing Id be worried about is if I need to go through any brush with my gun on there and having it get scratched up, or the possibility of getting mud all over it if I have to go through any. I might just get both, the handlebar one for my bow and the hard case for my guns. Ill let someone get me the hard one for a gift though lol. Betcha I could build that lift for alot less than they are selling them for, and mine would be better.
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