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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. What are you going to boycott? Gas? Yeah right, good luck with that. The "national gas days" that all of these Jr Sparticus' come up with are just a bunch of crap. Seriously think about it, the gas will get sold the day before or after the "gas out" anyway. The oil industry doesnt skip a beat with those things. Long term boycott? Not going to happen, it would take a complete change in lifestyle for everyone in the country. One of the biggest factors in the price of oil, besides the speculation game, is the dollar. Its barely worth the price of the paper its printed on. We are in for a world of hurt here pretty soon if things dont change, inflation is just starting to become a real problem for alot of people, just wait till it gets worse.
  2. Precisely why tenure needs to go, or be modified to allow for performance based reviews and give the right to the district to fire staff for lack of performance. Now remember guys, a good chunk of our household income comes from my fiance's coaching salary and substitute teaching. She is in grad school finishing up her masters in education. Im not just a disgruntled taxpayer lol.
  3. Ted did the NYC interview rounds the other day. He was on Stern, but I didnt get to hear much of the interview, just wasnt in the car at the right times. From what I did hear, he didnt talk much about guns, hunting or any of that. I did hear him say that most of his time is not spent with or promoting guns hunting or any of that stuff. You have to take the Pierce Morgan show with a grain of salt, its all pre-recorded and he will make a 2 hour interview fit into 20 mins. When shows do that, lots of things are usually taken and used out of context.
  4. Heres the deer loader... http://www.atvyardtrim.com/PowerLoader.shtml
  5. I think the built in boxes are on the newer ones Burt. Culver, are those mounts easy on the optics or shouldnt I worry about that? That rack looks great. Have you seen that thing you can mount on the front and pick a deer up onto the front rack? I saw it years ago and it looked cool. Let me see if I can find it....
  6. Still hasnt budged here. The price of oil is still down too.
  7. How about instead of bitching about teachers, we take a look at the REAL problem with the schools today. Sports. Sorry to say it, but does every school need a team in every imaginable sport there is? Do they need giant field houses and astro turf fields with big dollar multimedia systems hooked up to HD scoreboards? My fiance is a high school coach, and most of you guys wouldnt believe what the sports programs consume budget wise. Then theres the school administrators, Superintendants making $200k and up per year? All government employees (not just in schools) getting full benefits after they retire for their entire lives? Tenure for lazy POS teachers that dont do their job and you cant get rid of them? All of that crap needs to go, period. Pay the good teachers more for all I care, as long as their performance stands up, I have no problem with them earning a great salary while they are working. Pensions and benefits after retirement though? Sorry Charlie, do like the rest of us and prepare.
  8. You could get a portable target or two, a range finder and some state land.
  9. Kitty cats. Not a ML, that print isnt authentic. MLs have retractable claws and dont walk around with them extended. Gotta keep them sharp.
  10. Probably someone's pet that got dumped after it got too big to handle. With the low temps, it was probably an easy catch. They get really slow in the cool weather. When I lived in Florida, we used to get a little pie eyed and go down to the ponds that were in the complex I lived in, and try and grab the gators by the tail. Youd better know how to run if youre gonna attempt it.
  11. So if all of the stars align for me this week, I will be bringing home a 2000 Polaris Sportsman 500. It will be my first 4wd Wheeler, as I was always into sport quads and damn near killing myself on them, so it will be a change for me. I am looking forward to using it for hunting, plowing the driveway and other tasks. Of course Ill be in the market for some accessories, and figured Id ask some opinions on a few of them. First, a gear bag. What do you guys use for holding your gear, etc? Second, an open gun rack or a hard shell one? Third, a bow rack, what works for you? Ill be using my 4x8 trailer for hauling the wheeler, as well as hauling things behind it, so Im good there. Any other must haves?
  12. Only if it took place in the suburbs, shooting at deer eating someone's flower garden! ;D
  13. imagine how popular it would be if we discussed shooting spikes with a crossbow....not wearing orange....and being 12 years old 1 minute before sunrise! And three sheets to the wind. From the back of a moving truck with beer cans in the front seat and a spotlight!
  14. imagine how popular it would be if we discussed shooting spikes with a crossbow....not wearing orange....and being 12 years old Now THAT sounds like a traffic generating thread if I ever heard of one!
  15. Whats funny about it? Currently the crossbow has been stuck into gun season, so why would they add it into the archery class? It has nothing to do with your opinion of what it is or not. Once the crossbow becomes legal in archery season, they will move it to the archery class.
  16. I kept telling myself that too after my daughter was born. Right up to the day that I sold my Dart.
  17. Early in the spring I always do the inside and outside perimeter of the house with Ortho Home Defense Max. I do the outside at the bottom of the siding, on the mouldings around all windows and doors, soak door sills, around eve vents, in the basement at the top of the sill plate, inside around all of the windows and behind the stove, fridge, etc. I will also go around any pipes or things that go through the walls, basically anywhere there is a crack or crevice where bugs could get in. Knock on wood, I have never had a problem with ants or any other insects since I started doing that. 1 of the large pump spray bottles usually does the trick, and it lasts all year.
  18. Nope, it went down to 3.99 and has stayed there in my area
  19. For general use, as long as your loads arent too heavy, I would just get a used lawn tractor cart. You can pick them up on craigslist pretty cheap. If you want to do heavy loads, go with a flatbed utility trailer like Doc suggested.
  20. For Christmas this year, I was given a pair of the uninsulated Scent Shield Bone Collector Brotherhood Boots. I have mixed feelings about them. They are pretty warm, even being uninsulated, I get awesome traction with them, and they are great because of how tall they are. What I dont like though, they are heavy to me. I am used to my Rocky boots that are pretty light. The other thing is how stiff they are. Its tough to bend at the ankles, and while I like some support, these boots cause my legs to wear out alot faster due to the extra effort from not being able to flex my ankle as much. I am upin the air about them. If they dry rot, well, Ill never buy another pair of rubber boots again, come to think of it, I may never buy another pair again anyway lol.
  21. I dont think anyone is saying that. If they are I missed it lol.
  22. Goose bumps my friend. Goose bumps.
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