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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Thanks for the tips guys. I have just been taking a couple of extra hours off of work and staying out until 8:30 or 9am and then heading back to get ready for work. Ill try a little later in the day. phade, this is really my first year giving it an honest try. In the past couple of years, Ive gone out here and there, maybe 2 or 3 times a season, but never had any luck. Unfortunately, I dont have a blind right now, and with a new baby, no extra funds for one. Ill see if I can borrow one from my buddy, I dont think he is using it.
  2. So I think I am at the point of hanging it up for the year with turkey hunting. Ive been out 5 or 6 times, saw 2 jakes opening morning, and since then, nothing. Ive been walking the edges calling and hooting at night and before dawn, been trying soft and loud calling, decoys, etc and just cant seem to get anything going. I know there are birds in the area, as I was seeing them and hearing them before season, but I have trouble scouting too much due to the woods being filled with water. Im so bummed with it that I had taken this morning off of work to hunt, I woke up at 4 when my alarm went off, reset my alarm for 5:30 and went back to sleep. Woke up and went to work. You know its bad when youd rather just go to work lol. Anyone have any tips to help get myself motivated again?
  3. I dont clean after every shot every time I shoot. When I break the gun in, here is what I do... -clean bore and lube bolt -5 rounds, cleaning between every shot, lube bolt after 5th shot -5 rounds, clean and lube -10 rounds, clean and lube -10 rounds, clean and lube Between shots, I let the barrel cool. When Im patterning new rounds, I clean the gun first, shoot one round, let it cool and run a couple of patches through the barrel, shoot a round, let it cool and run a couple of patches, etc etc until I get my group for that type of round. If I test a different round right after that, I clean the barrel completely before starting with the new ones, then repeat the above procedure. When I go to the range just to shoot, I clean the gun before I go and after I get home.
  4. You arent the only one Culver, I actually clean the barrel after each shot when Im breaking in a gun or trying to get a pattern on new ammo. My buddy that I usually go to the range with thinks Im nuts lol.
  5. I use calls here and there. Ive had the best luck so far with grunt calls used to bring bucks in closer for a shot. I have no real idea if any blind calling Ive done has ever worked or not, because who is to say the deer werent headed that way to begin with. The one thing I have noticed is that with bucks in my area, if its under 3 years old, a grunt will usually make it turn tail in a hurry, but if its a more mature deer, it brings them in on a string. What works for me is a short grunt to get their attention and then one or two solitary grunts about 30 seconds apart will get them headed in. Snort wheeze makes them on alert, so I dont use that. In the early bow season, before the rut starts, you can use a fawn distress bleat pretty effectively, especially on mature does, which will come to them trying to protect the fawn. Also, remember that the call will not bring them into your shooting lane every time, they will usually circle in a bit and try to wind you, especially mature bucks, so you want to try and get a shot before they get directly downwind.
  6. Remember, you dont neccesarilly have to re-adjust your scope for the different rounds. As long as you are on the paper and aiming at the same spot for every shot, you will get a group and be able to tell which group is the tightest. Thats all you need, you dont need to be shooting for bullseye with every load. Oh, and let the barrel cool down between shots.
  7. LOL, I love how you make excuses for and say youll stand by someone that intentionally breaks the law by bringing a handgun into NY illegally (the same as supporting the action) in one thread and then act like you didnt in another. : Again, just because you dont think the law is right doesnt mean you and others shouldnt follow it until it is changed.
  8. I looked at them, but decided to buy the SPS instead. They are pretty much the same gun anyway, and the SPS is alot less money. Culver is right, with the brake on the barrel that puppy is gonna be loud. Good luck with it.
  9. I saw this on the news the other day. It will be great if its not toxic to humans. They arent sure yet if it is or not.
  10. I plan on suing NY the next time I trip over a stick on state land
  11. I have repeated no lie, you have said in more ways than one that you support people breaking the NY handgun laws on the principal that you dont agree with them, and they are "stupid laws" anyway. I know that non-NY residents cant get NY pistol permits, which is why I have written letters to my reps telling them I am in support of pistol permit reciprocacy in NY. I am fully aware of the gun laws in NY, and I abide by them whether I agree with them or not. I am a law abiding gun owner that makes my feelings known to my state and national representatives, you know, the right way of going about things. If you want to call someone a rat for turning in criminals, then you are no better than Jimmy the crack dealer that trys to intimidate the neighborhood. Again, comparing someone paying the price for knowingly committing a crime and someone being sent to a concentration camp to become a slave an/or be tortured and killed is just ignorant ranting on your behalf, and is nothing but apples to oranges. You are 100% wrong on your opinion that following the law is supporting the law. And just an FYI, when I moved back to NY from Ohio, I had to get rid of the handguns that I legally owned there without any type of permit, so dont pull the "until it affects your rights" BS with me.
  12. Balloonists love to fly that low, Ive seen them doing stuff like that many times. It would probably tick me off too.
  13. they have gone back under the $4 mark around here for the most part. We will see what happens, they really should go back down to where they were before the run up, though I doubt they will.
  14. 260 is a great round, but the selection of factory ammo is slim. I have a TC Encore pistol chambered in 260, as does one of my friends. If you really want to get the best out of it, and really any other caliber, hand loading is the way to go. Btw, I get very nice groups at 200 yards with my handgun with factory loads.
  15. Are you seriously comparing the law that states you cant bring a handgun into NY without a NY pistol permit with Germany shipping the Jews to concentration camps? You are saying that people should break the law if they dont agree with it, and using BS comparisons to try and justify it. Sorry, but thats the kind of attitude that fuels the anti-gun agenda and makes other law abiding gun owners look bad. While the rest of us speak our opinions to lawmakers using the right channels, guys like you support breaking the law and set the cause to change the laws back. :
  16. Nice. Ive been seeing some big, big tracks in the fields while out turkey hunting. Im pretty sure I have found a few great spots for this coming year.
  17. If you are looking for a great long range round, take a look into the .260 Remington, very popular with many competition shooters and brass is easy, as it is a necked down .308 also the 6.5 Grendel is an awesome round.
  18. In other words, the side by side ATVs with beds on the back, like Polaris Rangers, Yamaha Rhinos, etc etc.
  19. They are saying that $3.50 gas will be "better" and "cheap" this summer. What a crock of you know what. The price of oil goes back down to where it was when gas prices were $2.50 or less, but the price of gas stays up to $3.50? Its a bunch of BS, and nothing more than a scam.
  20. Just for target practice? I wouldnt buy anything other than a 22 for that. If I wanted to shoot longer ranges, Id go with a 223. The biggest factor in each of these, ammo prices.
  21. Check the DEC website, it will have all of the rules for each parcel of state land.
  22. You took the words out of my mouth!! This measurement nonsense is completely polluting the sport. Some hunters would lob off their left you know whats to get those extra few inches of antler measurement. Total BS. You mean if I cut that off and glue it to the rack, it wont count in the book? ??? DOH!!! I heard that it depends how big your "you know what" is. You get 5 to 10 inches of antler measurement depending on the size of it. Of course the buck would then need to be listed as a non-typical. LOL But what if mine is typical looking, meaning no odd curves or shapes going on? ;D
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