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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. The ignorance and stupidity that runs rampant in society is frightening, isnt it?
  2. I like the article, and admire him for what he is doing, but to call Zuckerberg a genius is pushing it. The guy created a social website that was a new way to get laid in college and it caught on. No mystery or genius to it lol.
  3. I sent an email in to the DEC, so we will see what they say on the subject. One way to get around the tire thing though, would be to simply use some removable legs on the bottom, and remove the tires once it is in place.
  4. Sounds like you are getting it done, keep it up and keep busy with things to keep your mind off of it.
  5. You sure it wasnt still hooked to the wheeler, or the person didnt have a gun loaded while moving it? Lots of guys hunt off of parked farm trailers, wagons, equipment, etc. with no issues. I also know guys that have small, old campers that they use.
  6. Yeah the ones I have been seeing have all been smaller does
  7. So Ive been reading up a bit on this as you got my mind to turning about it. The general consensus I have come to is that most of the deer getting hit this time of year are last year's fawns that have been chased away by their mothers. The older does chase them away so that they can give birth to the new fawns and form a bond with them. Those yearlings arent exactly brilliant, and they run around like crazy and some end up hit by a car. Makes perfect sense seeing as the last few weeks has been when the fawns are dropping.
  8. Go for it, its totally legal. I have thought a few times about building a portable shooting house like that. If you were to make it that tall, a utility trailer isnt going to be a large enough footprint to be stable, make some removable braces that would go to the ground around the trailer to help stabilize it. If you built it right, you could even park your wheeler on the trailer under the stand. One thing about using it on state land, you arent supposed to be driving any motor vehicles off the road, so it wouldnt be very useful for that.
  9. They dont pick the deer up much at all around here anymore. I know quite a few deer were left to rot completely on the roadsides and there are skeletons in those spots now. Regardless, I know which deer have been laying on my regular routes, and most have been hit in the last week or two.
  10. Thermacell is doing a June giveaway this year. http://www.thermacell.com/mosquito-repellent/backyard/promotions My code is M4Ete
  11. Ive seen a ton of dead deer lately. 4 or 5 fresh ones in the last week between here and work.
  12. The ONLY reason I am here is because of my daughter. Once she is done with high school, chances are, Im done with NY state. We have already been talking about Kentucky or Tennessee, and what areas we would be interested in. Honestly, if my daughter hadnt come along, I was getting things ready to move back to Florida. I was less than a month away from leaving when her mother told me she was pregnant.
  13. Its so freakin easy if you dont act like a baby about it, geeze, man up and grow a set! ;D Seriously, its just plain not easy, but if you are really ready to quit, youll find it inside yourself to get past the cravings. I quit almost 2 years ago and got it done with the patch for a month, then just stopped wearing those. I was ready to stop though, it was probably my 8th time trying to quit. Just hang in there, you are in the worst part of it right now. Just keep telling yourself it gets better, it really will.
  14. That sucks Doe, I was sitting in the garage Friday evening commenting on how I am glad that we got rid of the camper so far this year.
  15. No problem, the offer is open and standing.
  16. Wooly, before the storm hit, I was seeing flashes of light south and west of us, which I started out thinking was fireworks that someone was setting off. When it continued for close to an hour I began wondering what the heck it was. Not long after that is when it hit. I havent seen a lightning show like that since I lived in Florida. With the exception of the water in the basement and scaring the crap out of us, it was a pretty cool storm to watch.
  17. Burt, we got hit with the same storm last night. Ended up with an inch of water driven into the basement below the storm door. When it hit, I rushed myself, my fiance and the baby into the basement until it was over. It sounded like a freight train when it came through, and I wasnt taking chances. I also have video of the lightning after it passed.
  18. Today I was out riding the 4 wheeler and stopped over to where I have my trailers parked and the farmer next door pulled up. We shot the breeze for a few and he told me he had my ground blind in his barn. He had found it tangled up in a barbed wire fence a couple of months ago. I stopped by his place and got it from him. Its a little worse for wear, as the barbed wire tore it up a little, but its in one piece and just needs some patching up and it will be completely usable again. That saves me a bunch of money.
  19. Hey Doc if you want a hand with it, let me know, I might have some time. I dont live all that far from you and will have a winch on my wheeler in the next couple of weeks as well.
  20. I also fly a flag all year. Its not one of those POS, China made jobs you buy at the big box stores either. I wont buy a flag unless its a Betsy Ross or Annin. I take great care of it, its lighted at night and I replace them when they get faded or if they tear. This weekend my fiance has to work, so we are staying home. Having a cookout with a bunch of friends at my place on Saturday though, and another with her family Sunday. Probably gonna do a small one again Monday lol. Have a great weekend guys!
  21. I have a Redcat MPX50 for my daughter. Its a Chinese one, but its tough now days to get one that isnt. Honestly, I woulndt buy a new one for a kid, there are tons of them for sale on Craigslist every day. I would also not buy one online, if you look around locally, you will probably find a bunch of dealers for them. Alot of the side car lots sell them now. My daughter already has her next one picked out, a Polaris Sportsman 90. I wonder why ;D
  22. Nope, the SSTs are 2 3/4, heres the data on them http://www.hornady.com/store/12-ga-Slug-300-gr-FTX/
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