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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Thats what I always do, or did, but not after every mowing. Usually I would spray it out with a good blast of water every 3 or 4 mowings and scrape it once a year.
  2. Nope, thats about it for me, Ill be happy about it too! Heres a link to a full thread on it plus more details... http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,4930.0.html
  3. Nice fish! From the pics, I know right about where you were in each. Honeoye has some great fishing, especially early in the season before the weeds get real bad. BTW, I fixed the pics for you.
  4. I saw that, and no doubt, my area will be included, which is why I took note. I agree, not the end of the world, but if we were talking perfect season structure (In my opinion), I wouldnt want it. If it goes through, Ill be taking advantage.
  5. Ditto, Except I wouldn't mind an early ML season. The mandatory reporting is key in my view. If you want another license you have to produce your used and unsed tags from last year. I have to believe with the bar codes it would be a pretty easy programming feat to input the data. Yeah the reporting thing is odd, it would be pretty easy for them to do. As far as the early ML thing goes, I dont particularly agree with it, but ask me if I will hunt it or not. If it passes, Ill be getting that new ML this summer. ;D
  6. That sounds like the best plan lol. Seriously though, that isnt considered baiting as far as I know. Like has been said, if you gathered it into a pile, you are baiting, if you just brush hog it and leave it where it lays, you arent.
  7. My question is, where and to whom did they do this survey? I never received anything or remember filling one out.
  8. Looks like it didnt take long before it was hit by a car. This is exactly what I would think would happen to 99% of the escaped or released cats, they wouldnt last long outside of captivity. This instance reinforces my belief that if there really is a ML out there, the hard evidence is pretty easy to confirm.
  9. As long as it didnt get warm, you should be fine. I had the same thing happen 5 or 6 years ago, and like you, caught it in time before anything got above refrigerator temps. I refroze everything and it was fine. Those smaller chest freezers are pretty spotty with their quality. Some last a long time, and others die quick. They dont make them like they used to, thats for sure.
  10. Most of it sounds fine to me. I am not worried about the AR stuff, because I dont hunt anywhere near the area, and I dont really have much of an opinion about it to begin with. I like the Oct 1 bow opener in the SZ, the reduced distance for firing a bow/crossbow, and the early youth weekend, but I do not agree with the early ML proposal. I also like that they put the DEC's feelings about crossbows in black and white, and that they plainly say it is considered a form of "bowhunting equipment", putting that silly argument to bed once and for all. A couple of things Id like to see would be the mandatory tag report (filled or unfilled) and a short survey at the time of purchasing a license for everyone.
  11. Burt, you do know that Zumbo was practically horsewhipped for expressing that opinion? He was fired from Outdoor Life and Remington, and a slew of other companies and people didn't want anything to do with him. Who then steps in, none other than Ted Nugent who took him to his ranch to shoot some of these AR-15 type rifles and to "educate" him on them. I happen to agree with Zumbo and admired his guts to say what he felt. The shooting world unfortunately is not kind to those who don't march lock step with them and some of their extremist views. This forum is another example of this also, although not nearly as bad as many others which is a good thing. Personally I think Zumbo deserved what he got. The phrase "assault weapon" is nothing but anti-gun propaganda in the first place, then the guy goes so far to call them "terrorist guns"? It was just plain ignorant.
  12. LOL, it has a Facebook account, it must be true. ;D
  13. LOL, the two best quotes in the article.... "So far, there's only a blurry photograph of the feline taken by a local resident." "After fielding calls this week about supposed eagles that really were pigeons and bears that really were cats, Simon said she thinks the mountain lion mania may be misplaced." Sounds like almost every reported sighting you hear about.
  14. Nice, free is always good. If you find that it is a bit too tippy, you can make a new axle and spacers to make it wider pretty easily.
  15. I forgot all about this thread. Did you ever figure out what was going on at that spot? Did the activity level stay that high there or did it drop off after some time? I found a scrape near my father's property after last season that is literally dug out 5 or 6 inches deep. I dont know if it is only a scrape, but it is right below the classic licking branch. I plan on getting a camera in there this year to see if I cant get pics of the buck(s) that use it. I am positive the big one I saw and missed last year is one of them, and I havent gotten him on cam yet.
  16. Looks like Michigan got rid of its baiting ban after the CWD scare was found to be isolated to a deer farm, and no other cases popped up. Interesting. http://www.wzzm13.com/news/article/168360/14/Commission-votes-to-lift-Michigan-deer-baiting-ban-
  17. Right, and shoot as many as possible before you choose which one.
  18. For less than what youd spend on the Rampage, you can pick up a used Maxxis or Alphamax. The Maxxis is the way I would go for a good hunting bow. Hoyt is a great choice, and they stand behind their product. The only other brands I would consider would be Mathews and Elite. Elite is great because of the lifetime warranty, and they are local to NY (Henrietta to be exact).
  19. Here is a good rundown of the NY concealed carry handgun laws http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/newyork.pdf
  20. No problem Eddie! I think Ill make a new post with that pdf in it and sticky it so its easy to find.
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