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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I will finish getting my stuff ready tonight, have to get my clothes out, pack up my backpack and install the choke in my gun. Ill get my Thermacell out too just in case its buggy at all. I cant wait to get out there tomorrow!
  2. I saw 2 fanned out and strutting for the ladies last evening on 5&20 near Canandaigua.
  3. The only reason I prefer a 32mm scope is that its a bit less bulky than a 50mm, and with good glass you dont really need the extra objective size to get lots of light transmission. I have a 50mm on my predator rig only because I use it at night. The variable power, I agree with you on. Just my opinion though, it all boils down to personal preference.
  4. Sorry to hear that Eddie, my condolences to you and yours.
  5. If you are using the gun for deer and/or bear, I would go with a good quality 32mm variable scope. You dont need an illuminated reticule, but they are nice to have. You also dont need to go as pricey as Leupold to get high quality glass, lifetime warranty and made in the USA, take a look at Vortex optics. They make very high quality stuff for a mid-range scope price. I have always seen the best prices on them at swfa.com they are great to deal with too. Just my .02
  6. Kinda neat, I dont know if I like the idea of the scope pulling away from your eye like that though. Seems like it would be harder to keep the target in the cross hairs than with a conventional pump gun.
  7. Yeah no kidding Ranger Thanks guys
  8. We had some pretty good ones roll through yesterday, but its been going on every day for a while now. The ground is so saturated at this point that everywhere turns into standing or running water within minutes of the rain starting. I hope it stops soon.
  9. Here is the exact wording from the DEC "No person shall possess breakable targets, including but not limited to clay pigeons, on State lands and no person shall target shoot at breakable targets, including but not limited to clay pigeons and glass containers, on State lands. Unless legally engaged in the act of hunting, no person shall discharge firearms on State lands posted or designated as closed to target shooting." 190.8 bb
  10. Thanks bushnell, nothing to be sorry about lol
  11. Just picked up a set of decoys today. Thanks for the tips guys, these things are lookin pretty ugly right now, but Im sure I will get them into shape!
  12. Most state land has no rangers office, they usually have a posting board with a roof over it in one or more parking lots that list out the rules for the land. Some allow target shooting, others dont. Even if they do, people shouldnt be slobs and leave their hulls or shot up targets behind. Its not much different even at the gun club I go to, the rules say you are supposed to pick up your hulls and throw them in the cans near every station. Many guys dont, they are just lazy slobs with no respect for anything or anyone. The bad apples ruin things for the rest of us.
  13. I had a quick glimmer of hope when Buffalo scored after they brought out Enroth, but then Philly came right back with one, so I turned it off too. Oh well, time for Turkey hunting....
  14. I stopped at a couple of places on the way in to work this morning, just to listen and watch from a distance. I ended up seeing 2 jakes and a hen and heard 2 gobbles in the woods. I know just where Ill be Sunday morning!
  15. Wow, interesting story. Thanks for posting that.
  16. I think Id rather have snow than all this mud and flood. At least I can still get out and do things with snow on the ground as long as it isnt too deep.
  17. I havent even had a chance to get out to scout with all of the rain lately. Im hoping to get out a few times this week to look around.
  18. Wrong & wrong ......... A Ford Tempo and a Hyundai Ford Tempo, Mercury Topaz, same thing. I could have sworn that was a Chevette. I guess I never realized the old Excels looked so similar.
  19. If I got a blow up doll, Id be single for the reason of being pathetic lol
  20. That is not what I said. I said that if someone were to break the gun law, I wanted them to get caught and pay the price for breaking it. Nice try. Problem is, once you break the gun law, you are no longer an ordinary gun owner. I didnt say any of those things either, I said the law needs to be followed, whether you agree with it or not. Im done discussing this with you, if you dont understand what I am saying, you never will. If you honestly believe you should stick up for those who break the law, then thats on you.
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