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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Hopefully they will just shut up lol. You are probably right.
  2. Yup......big deal. Whats your point arrow? Let me guess, you have none. You are smarter than that. The point is..... who cares about the crossbow's ability to deliver a second shot if a bowhunter seldom (if ever) fires a second shot? I was giving an example of an advantage that a vertical bow has over a crossbow.
  3. Yup......big deal. Whats your point arrow? Let me guess, you have none. You can never back your opinions up with any facts on this subject. Give it a rest bub.
  4. BTW, nice cherry picking arrow. No response to the rest of the statement?
  5. I still feel that anyone who supports crossbows is too lazy to learn to learn how to bowhunt. You still have to learn the basics of bowhunting, like getting close, playing the wind, waiting for the right shot, etc etc. You still have to deal with very limited range, proper shooting lanes, etc etc. Just because you dont have to draw and hold the bow right before the shot isnt that big of a deal. Having no possible ability to take a second shot is a disadvantage. Bottom line is they are both pretty equal when you consider the upsides vs the downsides of each. You guys just refuse to look at all sides of it. How many times have you taken a second shot? LMAO Once. I shot at a doe, had the arrow nick a tiny branch and deflect a few feet over her back. She jumped ahead a few feet, then slowly fed back into the lane. I was able to take a second shot at her. I have heard many times of guys that have done it before also, some of them are members here.
  6. If he doesnt have the huntsmanship, he wont last very long and will have a nice used crossbow for sale in a couple of years.
  7. I still feel that anyone who supports crossbows is too lazy to learn to learn how to bowhunt. You still have to learn the basics of bowhunting, like getting close, playing the wind, waiting for the right shot, etc etc. You still have to deal with very limited range, proper shooting lanes, etc etc. Just because you dont have to draw and hold the bow right before the shot isnt that big of a deal. Having no possible ability to take a second shot is a disadvantage. Bottom line is they are both pretty equal when you consider the upsides vs the downsides of each. You guys just refuse to look at all sides of it.
  8. "elitist?" That is name calling. Someone should report you to a moderator. > Wait......never mind. Awwwww, you can dish it out but cant take it? BTW, I said elitist views, not youre an elitist. Keep it in context my friend, keep it in context.
  9. I can hear the music now... da de da de de da de da de da de de de de de deeeee ;D
  10. Its funny steve should mention proctology. Maybe you scared him away Eddie.
  11. Whats that annoying noise I hear? Oh yeah, its the sound of an NYB member trying hopelessly to spread their elitist views to yet another sportsmen that is interested in archery hunting with the bow of their choice! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  12. Yup, it will be changed in 2012. It will be just like Pennsylvania. I am buying my first crossbow this spring. Going on a hunt in PA for Deer early November, back to NY for shotgun season, then give the crossbow a try again in NY for the late ML/Bow season. By 2012, the crossbow will be allowed throughout all of early bow just like in Pennsylvania. I think the exception might still be Westchester County, and Long Island. I hope they dont exclude any part of NY, as long as the area already has an archery season, they should be included. It is just another type of bow after all.
  13. Hes probably been busy. I know he has been lurking around.
  14. Since they represent ALL NY bowhunters....you are probably right. ;D They represent themselves and their members. Thats about it.
  15. I have gotten pulled over with my gun in the car and have never had to show the officer my permit, or even been asked for it except for a couple of times when I have used it to put down a car struck deer. The officer asked if I had a permit, I showed it to them, they told me to go ahead and I went on my way. Simple answer, you dont announce it unless asked if you have one or if there is a weapon in the car.
  16. I just started subscribing to it. Its a great paper to read.
  17. Anyone see the newest issue of NY Outdoor News? Gordon Batcheller, the DEC's cief biologist made a pretty interesting comment about the crossbow issue and how DEC feels about it. When talking about what seasons crossbows will be allowed in and that they will not be allowed in regular archery season, this is what he said... "Thats the way the legislation was written, We (DEC) have a different view (of what seasons where crossbows should be allowed), but thats the law. We were hoping for a broader opportunity for using crossbows." Sounds like DEC will be pushing for full inclusion come 2012 when they rewrite the legislation.
  18. Not all of them. There are still places you can go that dont molest you on the Non-Resident tags.
  19. As long as it stays in this section of the forum, and doesnt get too crazy or obscene, its fine. Thats what this section was created for.
  20. Ive tried different brands and made my own. The Carbon Express Lazer Eyes are the ones that I have found to be the best bang for the buck. The type with the replaceable batteries are just too pricey to be worth it to me. Ive had the same Lazer Eye that I bought to test out on my arrow for 2 seasons already, and it still works great. All of the rest of them that I had died after the 1st season. This past season I put the Lazer Eyes on all of my arrows. I havent tried the Nockturnals yet though
  21. Seeing as NYB already lost the fight to keep crossbows out of NY, arent they already the losers?
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