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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. : I didnt say his statement was libelous, I was referring to the insinuation that a forum should be made for posting pictures of "trespassers". The proper way to handle such an issue is to take the photos to the authorities.
  2. I took a good shot opportunity, unfortunately its not a perfect world and I hit low. The deer survived. Im sure you have never made a bad shot right? You have hit every deer with every shot you have ever took at one? If you say yes, I say you are a flat out liar. We all know what you are anyway. Your deer didn't survive, it died a slow painfull unethical death, and was probably ravaged by coyotte's while it was still alive. Me, I never shot a deer. But we know what you are. Your a poor shot, who never recovered an animal. Then you type away how ethical you are. He was out walking in the field last week. You dont read very well, do you? Im done with you. Please, if you have never shot a deer, keep it that way, we dont need you in this sport. So your proud to say your injured deer is walking the field? You should NOT be in this sport. you should be at the range practicing, and practicing so YOU don't give hunters a bad name by injuring animals, and not harvesting them ethically. I am proud to say the animal lived. You dont know me or my practice habits, you obviously are leaving out the part that I searched for 2 days for that deer and did EVERYTHING that I should and could have done to follow up on a shot that didnt drop that deer in its tracks. You want to talk ethics when you are supporting a couple of jackoffs making head shot videos? Please, you are nothing but a disrespectful little troll with no class that talks alot behind his keyboard. Go play in traffic.
  3. I took a good shot opportunity, unfortunately its not a perfect world and I hit low. The deer survived. Im sure you have never made a bad shot right? You have hit every deer with every shot you have ever took at one? If you say yes, I say you are a flat out liar. We all know what you are anyway. Your deer didn't survive, it died a slow painfull unethical death, and was probably ravaged by coyotte's while it was still alive. Me, I never shot a deer. But we know what you are. Your a poor shot, who never recovered an animal. Then you type away how ethical you are. He was out walking in the field last week. You dont read very well, do you? Im done with you. Please, if you have never shot a deer, keep it that way, we dont need you in this sport.
  4. Not yet. Its been out there for just over a week, they just havent found it yet. Those foxes live real close to it, so Im not surprised they found it fast. I still have our Thanksgiving turkey carcass frozen, Im gonna put that out there too, it should get stinky faster than the deer.
  5. I usually feed them, but I havent been this year.
  6. Ill have to take a look next time I go down there, Im not sure how far that would be. The deer carcass is about 15 feet away, and the fox is about 12 feet away in the first couple. Im not 100% that they are the same fox, I think its 2 different ones and the one is pretty big. I got 49 of the foxes and about 850 more of crows. I also got some of a hawk, but accidentally deleted them when getting rid of the crow pics. The foxes are there every night around the same time, Im hoping to get some yotes in there soon.
  7. The ammo prices were almost downright funny at some of the tables. I was looking for a taller bipod for my varmint rifle, the only one I saw was $60, and it wasnt a swiveling one. I went to Gander later and got a swiveling bipod brand new for $50. : Some of those guys think everything they have is made of gold lol.
  8. Wow, the comments sound like they came from a bunch of waterheads. They dont even know when muzzleloaders are legal, and what you can or cant use, yet they are throwing accusations all over the place.
  9. I took a good shot opportunity, unfortunately its not a perfect world and I hit low. The deer survived. Im sure you have never made a bad shot right? You have hit every deer with every shot you have ever took at one? If you say yes, I say you are a flat out liar. We all know what you are anyway.
  10. Heres a few pics from the first week of my trail cam setup on a deer carcass. The date is off, but the time is right.
  11. It was OK for the small show, not a ton of great deals, but there were a few to be had. I got better prices on what I was looking for after the show at Gander Mountain though lol. The big show is at the end of March.
  12. While its sad , it doesnt really surprise me too much. With the way things are and have been going politically in this country, Im actually more surprised it hasnt happened before or more often.
  13. Thanks guys, she doing great, just a little sore. It was great to be home last night as well. Truck shopping started yesterday.
  14. Ill be there this morning, I havent talked to anyone thats been yet.
  15. She doesnt remember, but thats the only way I could figure she got out.
  16. Gotta love old houses. My last place, you couldnt find a straight edge or square corner anywhere. Looks like a bunch of work ahead of you.
  17. Thanks guys, they just let her eat some breakfast, so shes happier now. She hadnt eaten since yesterday morning. We just cant wait to get out of here lol.
  18. Yeah they are tough little trucks, its too bad, this one was just getting broken in with 180k on it.
  19. Thanks guys. Yeah he should be a roller coaster fanatic Bubba!
  20. Ive been watching a bunch of videos on their youtube channel, all great stuff.
  21. Noone is faulting the guys for following up and finding the deer. : Like I said, you dont get it, and probably never will. Did you ever find your lost deer ? : Yep, saw him walking in the field a week ago. Whats your point?
  22. Noone is faulting the guys for following up and finding the deer. : Like I said, you dont get it, and probably never will. I never said anything you are accusing me of. Maybe you should go back and read my comments, I said the guys should grow up and have some class, not worship the deer. I dont jump around like a retard and film myself making head shots on deer thinking Im cool, then posting it on the internet. Thats the difference, and for you to act like you know how I hunt or say that I do the same things as these idiots is pretty showing on yourself. Like I said, you dont and will probably never wrap your mind around the concept most of us are talking about here.
  23. Listen to the first few lines of what the guy with the camera says when he starts recording. Thats EXACTLY what their goal was when they hit the record button.
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