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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Leupold has one or two I think and there are a few others as well, but those three seem to give you the best bang for the buck. I wish Vortex had something.
  2. I dont think I have ever spent $300 to get a $10 voucher, I always get bonus point cards that give me an additional 50, 75, 100 or 200 bonus points on a purchase. I could buy a $10 bottle of scent killer and end up getting 210 points. My fiance buys things she needs at Dicks and uses my score card too, which builds up more points. Between golf and hunting, I end up with lots of points lol. I do shop around for things, and only buy at Dicks if their price is the lowest. Some things at Gander are cheaper.
  3. My mistake. I thought the point of the legislation was to keep injured or disabled people involved with hunting. That's hardly doing away with bow season or jumping off any cliffs. I'm simply saying that if we are truly serious about helping the disabled continue to enjoy hunting, then do something meaningful like allowing them to use a weapon that really does assist them in a truly practical fashion. Perhaps the type of weapon would have to be determined based on the category of disability, and I am sure that if properly defined and regulated, the small number of hunters that would actually be added afield would hardly be noticed over the existing small game hunters out there with guns already. I wouldn't be expecting a big change in deer take either. This idea of handing them a crossbow just to feel like you have done something wonderful is really only a token gesture and is pretty much the same as ignoring the disabled altogether. Your first sentence is what I said. The second has to do with your tendency to take anything to do with crossbows to the extreme, usually resulting in the suggestion that we scrap archery season and let guns in. The cliff thing wasnt to be taken literally. Doc, disabled people can already hunt with guns in gun season, but its very very difficult for them to hunt archery season. With this legislation, they will be able to do that with a crossbow. Im sure many disabled or injured hunters would like the opportunity to hunt during archery season with archery equipment rather than being allowed something like a gun just because they are disabled.
  4. Heres my lab, Maggie from a couple of years ago. Shes a bit fatter now. Ill have to dig a pic up of the other one.
  5. Using the same line of reasoning you could say "Why does gun season stop with just firearms? There is bound to be many disabilities that connot be compensated for by a firearm. Why are there no provisions in a bill for people in that more severe bracket of handicap to use traps to snare the deer and hold it still so they can shoot it during gun season." The reason why is because traps are not firearms, just like guns are not archery equipment. Crossbows are archery equipment. Its not rocket science. You know, you're right. At some point we just have to simply admit that we can no longer bowhunt, and there may actually be some ways to provide realistic, practical assistance. Of course that solution all depends on whether we are really concerned about disabled hunters or more interested in trying to cram crossbows into bow season in any way we can. If we are truly concerned about disabled hunters then give them the use of a weapon that actually does help them out in a real way. And that's not rocket science either. The point of the legislation is to give disabled hunters archery equipment they can use for archery season. Simple as that.No reason to jump off a cliff or go to any other extreme like do away with archery season.
  6. Im assuming its handgun you are looking for. None of the Redfields have the long eye relief you need with a handgun. I have been doing research for my Encore and came up with a few choices. http://www.nikonhunting.com/products/riflescopes/encore/2.5-8x28_EER_BDC_RETICLE/8481 http://www.simmonsoptics.com/riflescopes/prohunter.cfm http://www.bushnell.com/products/scopes/riflescopes/trophy-xlt/product/?CFID=491903&CFTOKEN=bda9a8f1b74990-A716C3F1-0BF8-169A-B7F9BBA751694040&n=3
  7. Im only losing like 26 points this year. I just got a $20 certificate in the mail. Would have been nice to have when I bought those slugs. Maybe Ill just go back and get more.
  8. complete package! http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1395211
  9. Oh look.... http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1395249 ;D
  10. Personally, I wouldnt buy a new bow, I would figure out which model I wanted and buy it used off of the classifieds on Archerytalk. Bet you could find a used Z7 on there.
  11. Using the same line of reasoning you could say "Why does gun season stop with just firearms? There is bound to be many disabilities that connot be compensated for by a firearm. Why are there no provisions in a bill for people in that more severe bracket of handicap to use traps to snare the deer and hold it still so they can shoot it during gun season." The reason why is because traps are not firearms, just like guns are not archery equipment. Crossbows are archery equipment. Its not rocket science.
  12. The dealer said that there is an extra form or entry on the form (cant remember which) that has to be filled out on every Encore sold because it can be converted. Just going off of what a registered dealer told me, if its not correct, Id like to see the regulation that covers it.
  13. HAHAHA, yeah but maybe Ill get an even better deal now.
  14. We have used plastic kids sleds for years down at the camp I used to go to. It works great. Never tried one of the roll up ones, but I can imagine it would be just as good. I picked up a deer cart on sale a couple of years ago for when Im hunting alone. Havent had to use it yet though.
  15. LOL Culver, you know that stock set was for a ML, and the bonus is, Chris knows the guy. I have to get ahold of him to see if he still has it.
  16. I looked into the pads and I seem to remember that the chemical used to make them is not readily available. Ill see if I can dig that info up as well.
  17. Im with ya. Remember that short list I told you about Sunday? Ive added a couple of names to it lol
  18. If your didn't they probably should have tried it...what they did obviously didn't work Gotta love these internet tough guys, eh Culver? They should at least work on their insults a little.
  19. My son loves that woodchuck one, he laughs at it every time its on. Hey you dang woodchucks! ;D Love it
  20. Here is the process for making them refillable... http://www.predatormastersforums.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1329854
  21. When you buy an Encore barrel, you need to have a pistol permit to buy a pistol barrel. The serial for the Encore is put on your permit multiple times, listed with each caliber barrel you have for it. If you buy it as say a ML, when you buy that pistol barrel, he said you take the frame in and have it registered with the barrel.
  22. Theres nothing touchy about it, check with a dealer, they will tell you.
  23. Buy one get one half off on all slugs at Henrietta Dicks. I bought 6 boxes of SSTs yesterday.
  24. At the gun show this weekend, Culver and I were talking about TC Encores and the legality of changing a pistol into a ML, rifle or shotgun or vice versa, so I figured Id just ask a dealer there, they would know for sure, as they sell them. I was told in the past that if it was a pistol originally, you could turn it into anything, but you could not go the other way. Since I thought the person that told me that was pretty reliable, and I couldnt find anything that said any different, I took it to be truth and passed my "knowledge" on, at least one time on this site. I have to say, I was wrong. You can interchange an Encore frame into anything, you just need a pistol permit to buy the pistol barrels. Makes more sense than what I was told before. Just thought Id pass on what I learned.
  25. Im pretty sure the issues with a certain false antler reporting individual discrediting the site had more to do with its downfall than any heated debates. If heated debates caused hunting related sites to close, Archerytalk.com would never have gone anywhere. I have been a member and moderator on more than one hunting related site and other sites that had nothing to do with hunting, and the one thing in common with the sites that curtail anything controversial and do alot of thread removal, etc is lack of traffic and activity. You can only talk about so many things without having people disagree. I think this site has been great and agree with John on how things have been handled so far.
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