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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Personally I always looked at internet forums as mainly a place to get a load of opinions and "feelings" posts. When I want facts I usually try reference type sites. Anyway, I found the laws you're looking for here. http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/LAWSSEAF.cgi?+&QUERYDATA=alcohol%20AND%20hunting+&SEARCH=SEA+&BROWSER=EXPLORER+&TOKEN=20163133&TARGET=VIEW "§ 11-1201. Definitions. For the purposes of this title:... 2. "Intoxicated condition" shall mean the presence of .10 of one per centum or more by weight of alcohol in a person's blood as shown by chemical analyses of his blood, breath, urine, or saliva made pursuant to section 11-1205 of this title. An "impaired condition" shall mean a state of impairment of a person's capacity to think or act correctly, or of a loss, even in part of a person's control of his physical or mental faculties due to his consumption of alcohol or use of a drug." "§ 11-1203. Hunting while intoxicated prohibited. 1. No person shall engage in hunting while he is in an intoxicated condition. 2. No person shall engage in hunting while his ability to engage in such hunting without creating unreasonable risk of injury or death to himself or other human life is impaired by his consumption of alcohol or use of a drug." "§ 11-1205. Enforcement.... 2. Any person engaged in hunting in this state shall be deemed to have given his consent to a chemical test of his breath, blood, urine, or saliva for the purpose of determining the alcoholic or drug content of his blood, provided that such test is administered at the direction of a police officer or officer of the department of environmental conservation: (a) having reasonable grounds to believe such person to have been engaged in hunting in violation of any subdivision of section 11-1203 of this title, and within two hours after such person has been placed under arrest for any such violation, or ( within two hours after a breath test, administered pursuant to the provisions of subdivision one of this section, indicates that alchohol has been consumed by such person, and in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the law enforcement unit of which the administering officer is a member." Obviously there is more information at the link but I didn't want to copy it all and end up with a three page post, so you'll have to go there if you want to read the whole thing. I didn't notice anything specifically prohibiting possession, but it does concern consumption; which you also mentioned. Well, there you go, its basically the same as the old DWI laws before they lowered the limit to .08 years ago. It is not illegal to consume alcohol and hunt as long as you are under the legal limit.
  2. Gorgeous buck, congrats! They get nice and big around here!
  3. Call it what you want, its legal. In any case, whether you plant a food plot or dump a pile of corn, there are no sure things, just legal and illegal, lots of work and no work at all.
  4. Did you guys drop your sense of humor out of your treestands and kill it? Didnt it have a harness on?
  5. I bought a set at Gander to start out with this year, probably the same ones you have. The next step up would be the Outdoor Edge knives, they have a good rep from what Ive heard. Ive seen the set at Gander for around $70 I think.
  6. HAHAHA, get out of the stand and try some still hunting if you can.I should say, if you have the room.
  7. All archery equipment in archery season, all guns in gun season. That would be the simplest thing to do. My opinion. BTW, if having a stock was what it takes to be considered a gun, why are pistols guns? Hmmmm, maybe because they shoot bullets? Bows are archery equipment because they shoot arrows with a string, just like crossbows, compound bows, recurves, etc. Its not really that complicated or tough to understand.
  8. You sure those arent just really bad shots? The one on the neck could be where someone nicked him and the one on the rear could be where someone hit him in the rump at an angle while he was running. If it were yotes, you would see some puncture wounds from the teeth.
  9. Is what legal in NY? Foodplots? Yes, you can find the info right in the Hunting and Trapping guide or on the DEC website.
  10. I dont whats a bigger waste of time, complaining about TV shows or reading threads complaining about TV shows. ;D
  11. I have a Remington 700 SPS-V in 223, it has a 26 inch bull barrel, bipod, Leupold rings and a Vortex Crossfire 6-24x50 scope. Its a tack driver and all said and done cost under $800. It shoots right with my buddy's $1600+ RRA AR15.
  12. They just have the ability to hide. They get into the thickest stuff around, sneak through or out of it as needed and stay out of the open. If you are unable to or too lazy to go into those areas, you wont find them. They also do a good job of hiding in more open places as well. The deer I saw this mornjng would have gone undetected if I had stayed sitting in my blind all day.
  13. Ive seen deer stand in the middle of the road, calmy walj across, run, jump, etc depending on what the situation at the time is. I do not think deer are very smart at all, they are creatures of habit, but will change patterns if they precieve danger in an area, especially if that danger ocurrs with regularity, or is patterned. Could they learn to open a latch on a gate? Probably not. Like bubba said, if they were smart, they would disapear long before season starts, not once the heavy pressure already starts.
  14. Haley was cold so I decided to take a walk to the back of the property with her. The wind waas in our favor and we were walking nice and slow. As we started cresting a small hill, two nice big does popped out of the oak bottom and ran up the fence line. I tried to get my gun up but they jumpped the fence and went onto some property that I have not asked permission to hunt deer on yet. I decided it was not right to take a shot even though Haley kept wanting me to. The deer stood there, broadside at 150 yards, an easy shot for my TC, as I explained to Haley why we could not take that deer. She was bummed but understands. That was a good lesson for her.
  15. I am back in the ground blind this morning. Haley came with me for the morning but shes asleep. Sun will be up soon, wind is very light, hopefully something comes out.
  16. Had to get out of the wind so I left the state land and came to my ground blind on the farm. Nice and calm in here so this is where I will stay till it gets dark.
  17. So I am sitting here on a hillside, in between two areas of thick stuff and here come 3 guys. The one points over at me and then directs his buddies to set up in the tick stuff on either side of me. I cant see any of them, but this area is pretty narrow, between a wide creek and fields, they basically cut me off. Now I remember why I hate state land during gun season.
  18. I am back home grabbing a bite. I am going to head out again in just a few and do some still hunting hl on state land. Theres 1 truck up there, the less the better for me.
  19. Oh nice. Nah havent seen anything else, just alot of blowing snow. Im actually hunting up in Lima right now. Ill be hunting from the couch soon if this wind doesnt die down a little lol.
  20. Haha is that place any good? I havent been there yet. You from my neck o the woods?
  21. Just had the most gorgeous fox I have seen this year.walk through. He didnt present a shot though. Im hoping he wanders back through.
  22. Im not gutting anything yet. Ive seen 1 deer way too early. I have yet to hear a single shot. There are all kinda of tracks in the field, seems like they all cleared out early today. This wind sucks, ill stay a bit longer, then I am heading back to the farm to take a walk.
  23. Culver, you got your wish! I cant wait to get out there this morning!
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