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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. What I find funny is that people think deer dont swap saliva or feed directly over other deer and animal's feces and urine on a normal, daily basis without supplemental feeding (bait pile or food plot). I have seen a deer eat half of an apple, drop the other half (covered in saliva) and watched a separate deer eat the other half. I see them sniff, lick and dig around in each others urine and feces at scrapes licking branches, etc. I also see them with their noses in each others' rears and cleaning each other. Also, down in Texas and other places down south, you dont hear of CWD or other diseases occurring while baiting and supplemental feeding goes on constantly. I wonder why....hmmmmm. Just some food for thought.
  2. I can see states putting a law for harnesses through. Remember, we are headed towards a national health care system.
  3. Im pretty sure that car would be legal here. As long as the lights work, wipers, signals, brakes, e-brake, tires are DOT approved and within specs, all the windows are glass, etc it would be ok here. I know quite a few guys that drive cars like that on the street. They arent as fast as that one, but setup very similar.
  4. I like seeing the flames hitting the track out of the wastegates and the exhaust at the rear bumper at the same time! The sound in the 3rd (I think) video of the turbos spooling up makes me smile.
  5. I have a small plot near my stand. Never shot a deer off of it though. It sits right along with 4 40 year old apple trees, which draw the deer alot more than the food plot. Why do I have the plot? To play around with different seed mixes and light and shade conditions so that when I have the room to put in a large plot, I will hopefully spend less money making mistakes with it. I dont really care what anyone's opinion of my little play plot is, its legal and not effecting you. I beg to differ, its not a DEC contrived scapegoat, its a fact, food plots are legal and there are no limits to their size. If someone wants to hunt over a small plot or put in lots of small plots instead of one or two large ones, its well within their right to do so. Im not going to argue this, just state my opinion as Ive done already. Back to the original topic though, I dont care either way on baiting. I dont do it and probably wouldnt if it was legal.
  6. Thanks Steve, Ill probably end up buying it. I dont mind a little extra weight, and I just figure why not get the setup for the frame I already have.
  7. Nope, its a thread to keep a general count on how many deer board members have taken through the entire NY season.
  8. Fantail, you should throw the pic and story up on the 2010 Kills thread to get it started! http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,1595.0.html
  9. One of my buddies sent this to me. This car is just plain sick. Check out the videos... http://www.autoblog.com/2010/09/22/videos-worlds-fastest-street-car-drives-1-200-miles-whips-off/#continued
  10. In your case, I might have made the effort to go talk to the guys. They are probably all under the assumption that you are someone that would not allow them recovery rights etc even if they asked. Some of them are probably going to be upset that they lost a hunting spot, but maybe talking to them can make it a little less of a hostile situation or cut down on any animosity. You have to look at both sides of the coin. It sucks that the timber company didnt tell you about that ahead of time.
  11. I understand the issues with trespassers. The point I am trying to make is that no matter how many times you have delt with issues from other people in the past, if someone new buys land next to you, and the first thing you do is start treating them like they have done something wrong already, then there is little hope of ever getting along with them. Maybe a better approach would be to do everything you can to be friendly with them, maybe try to exchange recovery rights with one another and mix your expectations of one another into friendly conversation rather than be confrontational right off the bat. You never know, you might end up with a good neighbor instead of someone that cant stand you because you treat them like an a-hole. When the guy bought land next door to my father's property, I made it a point to go over and talk to him as soon as I had the chance. It worked out good for me, I have recovery and hunting rights along the line of the property. He is planning on putting in a horse pasture down the road, and at that point I wont be able to hunt right by the fence or anything, but Ill still have recovery rights and hopefully the fence will work to my advantage. A little friendliness can go a long way with people.
  12. Unfortunately, what you speak of is a foregone conclusion. The opportunity to kill a book deer has become a drug to some who are willing to pay for the such an opportunity. Problem is, deer cant be put in the books if they were killed in a high fence place.
  13. Nice deer and great shot on it! Congrats!
  14. Being friendly (dont get that confused with friends) with the neighbors goes a long way toward making life and hunting enjoyable.
  15. Great work John. Youve got some talent for tile work. When we build or remodel our next house, Im calling you to do the tile lol.
  16. The thread is there... http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/board,3.0.html
  17. This thread is for posting pictures of your 2010 deer harvests. Lets see how many the forum members can take this year! BTW, this in not just for gun hunters or just for bow hunters, its for everyone, regardless of what you take the deer with.
  18. We could put a thread at the top of the Deer Hunting section for 2010 kills (harvest is what you do with crops ).
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