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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I didnt even know they still did that. Ill have to find out if any of the farmers near my new place do it.
  2. Add to that deer biology, DIY out of state hunt tips, hunting in the Northeast (not just in the midwest, south, Saskatchewan), gear reviews
  3. This topic has been moved to Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=1204.0[/iurl]
  4. I hear ya Steve, Im just hoping I can keep my daughter interested in it for another 8 years. Im probably going to have to take her for a couple of trips to other states so she can get a taste before her attention turns elsewhere for good. Im really hoping to at least get a deer this year while shes with me.
  5. Something is there. Keep your eyes peeled for trespassers.
  6. It works out fine in other states. I do not agree with NY's age limits, but its the law regardless of what I think.
  7. Sure sounded like you were. You even made the insinuation of an underage hunter being responsible by shooting a deer while not old enough to legally do so. That would be a completely irresponsible action on the part of any parties involved.
  8. Advocating breaking the law is not the best advice to be handing out, dont you think?
  9. Well, not totally, you can still take him along, he just cant do the shooting. I take my 6 year old daughter several times per season.
  10. I was joking, notice the "lol" at the end of the sentence. Yeah, I know you were, but we all know that there are a good many hunters out there who actually think they can kill at unbelievable distances just because their rifles can shoot a long ways. Most can't shoot too well at 100 yards, never mind 500 or more! Youre right. I wouldnt take a shot at a deer with any gun that I havent practiced at that distance with, and with the right conditions. Thats another thing that people dont take into consideration. Wind and other weather conditions have an effect on shots, especially at long range.
  11. I was joking, notice the "lol" at the end of the sentence.
  12. Or he uses it for getting that elusive buck from 1/2 mile away lol
  13. I havent done anything with it lately. The frame is sitting there, ready, but we are in the process of moving right now, so I dont have time. I have the design pretty much figured out though. Ill most likely start on it after deer season is over.
  14. Hes a little 8. He was a spike with brows last year. Im planning on letting him go this year unless he catches me in the right mood during bow season as I still dont have a buck under my belt with the bow.
  15. I havent seen the sportsmen channel, is that on Dish or Direct TV or something? Ive seen a few shows lately that they made bad shots on deer and admitted to it. One where they even took and made a follow up shot due to a shot to far back.
  16. Gotta be. It looks like that doe is doing more than just sniffing the ground. The ONLY time Ive seen them dig like that is when someone has put out minerals or salt or something like C'mere Deer.
  17. Heres the first pic I have of a buck not in velvet
  18. Sounds good to me. I especially like the gear and reviews section idea.
  19. Can you set the cam to video mode? It would be great to see just what they are doing.
  20. That was one of the threads that disappeared a while back.
  21. Given perfect conditions, sure, then you can walk around through the dark and track the deer with flashlights, attracting attention, etc. It would be alot easier to use a 22 shot to their head and drop them where they are standing. Not much noise, can get out alot further than a crossbow with more consistency. You could shoot your bow out to 50 yards at night as well. While we are in speculation mode as to how this crime was pulled off, heres mine, maybe it was an NYB member trying to provide proof of their organization's claims.
  22. Seeing as they have never been illegal, whats your point. BTW, I know youre joking, so am I.
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