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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Im with vipertech. I have a cheap Bushnell 400 or something like that. works fine for me. I dont need ARC
  2. See what you can get when youre an overpaid baseball player? LOL
  3. I dont know what you had Fantail, but I have never once had anything but great food from Dinosaur BBQ, and Ive gone there alot. We go at least once a month for lunch at work. Who cares in the Clintons eat there, are they not supposed to accept their money? Karptech, have you noticed how fat he has gotten since the first season? Hes a heart attack waiting to happen, but Ill be darned if its not fun to watch. For those of you in Rochester, theres another great BBQ joint that I highly recommend. Its called Sticky Lips. Dont confuse it with Sticky Fingers in Canandaigua. There are some things at Sticky Lips that I like better than Dinosaur. The pulled pork is good at both places, but Dino has better brisket, and Sticky Lips has better ribs IMO.
  4. I run 2Gb cards in all of mine, most of the new ones will support larger than that. On my 6mp cam, I leave it out for a week or two at a time and come nowhere near filling the card with 600+ pics. When I pick up new cards, they will be 4gb only because 2gb cards are getting tougher to find new.
  5. Doc, have you seen either Duck Commander or Buck Commander? Those two shows are different in that they dont just show the typical scenarios that you describe, they show all of the stuff that goes on in camp, etc as well. Its pretty fun to watch. Come to think of it, there did used to be a show almost exactly what you are talking about that would be great. It lasted one or two seasons before they basically ran out of stuff to talk about, or maybe not many people watched. It was called QDMA TV and it was on the Outdoor Channel. I had all of the episodes on DVR until my DVR box got switched out. Id love to find that series on DVD. Also, have you caught any episodes of Jimmy Big Time? All they do on that show is make fun of the very same things that you say you cant stand about hunting shows. Youd probably like watching the show. If you do watch it, make sure to catch the deer hunting episode from season 1. He shoots an arrow right into a tree trunk, missing the deer and starts fist pumping and carrying on, its pretty hilarious.
  6. This topic has been moved to Land Management and QDM. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=1119.0[/iurl]
  7. The problem is that they have gotten so predictable and identical to the hundreds of programs before them that they aren't really even entertaining any more. I used to be real enthused that finally there were hunting programs on TV. But it didn't take too long before I realized that I was watching the same program over and over and over and over. Just different hunters and different deer. I rarely watch any of them anymore. What's the point? Doc They must be entertaining someone or they wouldnt be on.
  8. Anyone watching or watched it? Dinosaur was making me drool. Ill be having lunch at the Rochester Dinosaur Friday. MMMMMMM BBQ......
  9. That didnt take long! Eric isnt gonna die the true death, hes the most conniving character on the show! Anywho....back to the guesses.
  10. Hector, this thread is IN the trailcam section lol
  11. Its a were-panther. Lets see who figures out that reference.
  12. The lawsuit has been going on for some time. It has to do with Scent Lok's claims of total scent control, etc. Technically, it is false advertising, or at least thats what the lawsuit says. Its not a good thing for that company and I would be surprised if they dont either get bought out or go out of business down the road because of it.
  13. For sure its illegal. Its baiting. Bait is illegal in NY whether its deer season or not.
  14. Maybe we need to stop taking them so seriously and see them for what they are. Entertainment. Nothing more, nothing less. Its like "reality tv", its anything but reality.
  15. Ill shoot you my work email, no limit on that
  16. Thanks, Ill have to go there and see. I find the same thing, but I always go there and at least price shop with Dicks. Sometimes they win out, most of the time they dont, plus Dicks will price match. Last weekend I was looking for steel shot for goose season, and Gander had Dicks beat by $3 a box. I like wandering around that place more than Dicks except when Im in the mood to look at Golf stuff lol.
  17. Cool videos. If you want, you can email me the file and Ill get it posted for you. Ill PM you with the address
  18. Or maybe he said that before he started on the study, or maybe he never said it to begin with. Oh wait, its on the internet, its got to be true. ;D
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