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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You can get a shot or two out of a plastic one before it melts. Its not going to be accurate, but would be good enough for one up close and personal shot. Regardless, the crap about them being "undetectable" that the media idiots keep thumping is 100% BS.
  2. There are ways around leaving a trail on the internet. I work in IT security, its not as hard as most people think.
  3. You are incorrect in many ways with that comment.
  4. The guns arent undetectable. To make them work, you need metal, primarily for the firing pin. Ammo is also metal, and theres no way around it. People need to stop drinking the media koolaid.
  5. Actually 3D printers are relatively cheap and easy to use. Just takes a little time to learn the software. When my buddy bought his, it took him about 3 days to figure it out. The internet is full of files that you simply download and import into the printing software, then hit the print button and there you go. Those are the "documents" that they are making a big deal about. All you have to know is CAD and you can design your own parts and print them out. If you get to know CAD and can take accurate measurements, you can replicate pretty much whatever parts and pieces you want.
  6. You know how many tetanus shots I needed because of rusty erector set parts?
  7. Just wait till they discover Transfomium, then we are really screwed
  8. I havent been paying much attention to any of it. My buddy has a 3D printer and showed me the 3D printed gun thing a few years ago. Im not worried about it in the least.
  9. You guys do realize that these are not complete guns right? Most of what you are hearing on the news is nothing but scare tactics and nonsense. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a22604405/3d-printed-guns/
  10. Yeah I dont post em till they are dead, but my plot pics will continue!
  11. Theres a link to the following page right at the bottom https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/47743.html
  12. It explains it right at the bottom of the page, keep scolling down
  13. I captured a trail cam pic of what looks to be bullwinkle on the edge of the large plot. It was a long distance shot from my Spypoint cell cam, and with the relatively low resolution on it, its impossible to see exactly what he is. Looked like lots of mass and out past the ears though. The bucks in this area typically get lots of mass and good height, just not alot of width. My gf's ex hunts a couple of properties over, heres his buck from last year on opening day of gun. The one he took the year before that was a 130s 8 point IIRC.
  14. Ill wait a while, like Larry said, I dont want to lose them. Theres no shortage of DMPs in my areas, so I dont worry about it.
  15. Im not sure what we will have at our place this year. Ive been looking at our oaks, and I havent found any acorns growing on them yet. Same with our beech trees. We have a couple of apple trees up by the house that are loaded to the point the branches are sagging, but they dont help out where Ill be hunting lol.
  16. Yeah most of mine are in the 15 to 18 foot range. Thats where these will be as well. I may have 1 or 2 that need to be taller due to the terrain, but we will see.
  17. They really are gorgeous settings. We have alot of silver birch around them, which makes for nice scenery. I cant wait to spend some days in the stand back there.
  18. I cant hang them too high lol. Haley needs to be comfortable in them.
  19. Oh I still have all of my sets at the farms, I honestly dont remember how many we have over there.
  20. Yep. Those two are going into a big pine on the North side of the plot. I’m trying to get mine in a bit early so I can give the property a rest after I get plots done, stands hung and then I hit the brassica plot with urea. I’ll go in every two weeks to swap cam cards and that’s it. I won a cell camera and tested it back there, but cell signal is too weak here for it. I wish it worked, then I wouldnt have to go back there at all.
  21. I was up by our pond this afternoon. It’s down about 4 or 5 inches. With it being our first year here I’m not sure if that’s normal or not. The food plots are nice and damp, should be perfect to till this weekend and get them to germinate. The forecast is showing rain Friday and then next Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully that holds up.
  22. Went through the stands I have at home and got them loaded up in the side by side to start hanging this week. I have a ladder and 2 hang ons for a double set. I’m going to go grab a few stands off of one of the farms that I domy hunt much anymore as well. I’d like to have 5 or 6 sets in this year to start. I’ll adjust and add others after the season depending on what patterns I see while I hunt this season.
  23. Just got back from Nashville. Plots are looking ready to till.
  24. Have fun at the get together today guys. I wish I could have made it, but Nashville has been a blast so far. Spent the night bar hopping between Dierks Bently's bar, Florida Georgia Line's bar, Luke Bryan's bar and Tootsies. Im surprised I made it into work this morning lol. Those Jack & Cokes were going down way too smooth.
  25. Nice that its free floated, but thats too bad on the weight. Way too heavy for my deer rifle, it would suck to carry still hunting.
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