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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I wouldnt Bother scraping the grass, I would plow and disc or just disc the snot out of it. The thatch from the grass will help hold moisture. You’ll need weight on the disc depending on its size.
  2. "Is that a giant swiss army knife in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?"
  3. I just saw that yesterday. Hilarious.
  4. I still have one that I got with Marlboro Miles back in the 90s. Comes in handy quite often.
  5. I always Plant mine heavy, usually half again as much as they recommend. I dont Count on 100% germination, plus I like To stunt the bulbs a bit and keep them down to baseball size. I’ll hit them with urea at the end of this month.
  6. I’d rather ground hunt than buy a stand from Dicks
  7. I’m not looking for a climber, but thanks. I have a Lone Wolf hang on setup for a portable. Just looking for hang ons for more permanent setups.
  8. 1/4” of rain today so far and we’re getting another soaker. Perfect!
  9. I run a Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40 on mine. Does the job.
  10. Im looking for a bunch of hang on tree stands for the new place. I need 8-10 in total, but let me know what you have. I could probably use a few more sets of ladder sticks as well.
  11. No, you only have to do it once unless you lose it.
  12. When we bought our new place this past winter, the previous owner left one of those outdoor fireplace things up by the pond. My girlfriend loves it, but I think Im going to accidentally run it over with the tractor. Its like the one pictured, but round. I want to replace it with an actual stone fire pit. We have tons of great rocks on the property to use to build stuff like that, I just havent gotten to it, as Ive been busy this summer.
  13. We have a cage on top of the chimney to keep birds out. Like this...
  14. Our blackberry bushes have been cleaned out for weeks. We did have a ton of black berries, raspberries and currants though.
  15. The bigger plot has Rape, Purple Top Turnips, Daikon Radish and a mix of red and white clovers. The smaller plot has Ladino clover in it for now, Ill over seed with Winter Rye in a couple of weeks. We got about 1/10th of an inch of rain last night, and it was looking like some more was coming in when I left for work this morning. Heres our 10 day forecast, looks like I timed my plots perfectly this year.
  16. Bow (compound), Crossbow, Shotguns (12, 20 ga), Handgun (Encore in .260 Rem, .40 cal), MLs (.50 cal), Rifle (.308), Cars (too many to list lol)
  17. I got My plots done today. Supposed to have rain tomorrow and the next couple of days after that. The ground was pretty wet down there, disc clogged up a bunch of times.
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